(Release) Station Dock Control OXP

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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Damocles Edge wrote: Sun Jul 29, 2018 1:33 am
I think I've found an oxp compatibility issue between station dock control oxp and equipment by ship class.
It's a small thing but since using equipment by ship class, I have never been able to get any ship destination information from "Corolis Station Traffic Control" (I was getting a ship list - just no destination or option to launch before / after.
I've just published an update to SDC which (fingers-crossed) should fix the issue with Equipment By Ship Class. I wasn't able to reproduce the error, but your log file did show up a number of issues which I hope this update will correct. Let me know what you find.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Version 1.1.20 is now available, which should fix the issue with docks sometimes being empty, and SDC sometimes not being able to allocation ships to docks.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Version 1.1.21 has just been released. In this version:
  • Added flag (accessible via Library Config) to turn of RandomShipName's ship names in the Docking list MFD.
  • Ensured stations in interstellar space do not get dock lists.
  • Turned off some debug messages.
  • Bug fixes.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Milo »

Code: Select all

Warning (strict mode): reference to undefined property this.$repopulatorFrequencyIncoming.thargoidStrike
    Active script: oolite-populator 1.89
    stationdockcontrol_populator.js, line 213:
    	if (Math.random() < this.$repopulatorFrequencyIncoming.thargoidStrike) {

> worldScripts["oolite-populator"].$repopulatorFrequencyIncoming.thargoidStrikes  // note the s at the end, missing from the line above

Warning (strict mode): reference to undefined property this._systemDockingData[i]
    Active script: StationDockControl 1.1.23
    stationdockcontrol.js, line 5503:
    				var dta = JSON.stringify(this._systemDockingData[i]); // I think this can be fixed by adding && this._systemDockingData[i] to the preceding if condition
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Nice catch. Particularly because this looks like a bug that exists in the core code as well (as SDC's repopulator function is largely a copy of that).
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Fixed in 1.1.24, PR added to fix core code.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Milo »

Saved game file here: https://easyupload.io/t85161

There's a Python named Freebooter of Orrere docked at the main station, crewed by a Galcop's Most Wanted fugitive, which appears twice on the traffic control list, with identical information except for docking bay and departure time.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

Issues (in addition to the above)

1) Clash with In-System Trader AI (In System Trader OXP 1.53)

2) Too many ships at Rock Hermits which have no beacons? Certainly too many foreign out of system ships. There is usually no traffic visible at the out-of-the way hermits which seems to contradict what the SDC tells me on docking. Or maybe just change the time frame to allow for longer stays? Or transmogrify them all to miners?

3) On unlocking my inherited Hermitage and docking, I found zillions of ships had already beaten me to it! Or maybe they'd all been locked up there since my uncle died a week ago?

4) The list of ships coming and going on my MFD sometimes bears little relationship with what actually happens. I'm sure that this a consequence of my .oxp cocktail mix (displayed at the link above). This seems too haphazard for an .oxp "bipolar divide & search" to sort out. Is there another approach? Another hidden logcontrol.plist setting, for example? I'll see if I can find something more intelligent to say about this - at the moment I'm just raising the flag!

Question: is this truly compatible with Escort Formations, Convoys & Freighter Convoys?
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:06 am
Clash with In-System Trader AI (In System Trader OXP 1.53)
That OXP is purely player-focused and has no custom AI in it at all. Looks like the clash is actually with [EliteWiki] In-System Traders OXP (v0.3), which is NPC-focused. I've put a fix in for this issue for the next release.
Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:06 am
Too many ships at Rock Hermits which have no beacons?
Noted, but if you have time, it would be useful to test the following: Uninstall SDC, and in a normal system, sit outside a standard Rock Hermit and make a note of the number of ships that launch over time. That sort of data will help in rebalancing SDC's population routine to better match the core game.
Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:06 am
On unlocking my inherited Hermitage and docking, I found zillions of ships had already beaten me to it! Or maybe they'd all been locked up there since my uncle died a week ago?
Probably the latter. Actually, I only have very minimal interfaces between Hermitage and SDC, as I'm focusing more on the gameplay loops in Hermitage at the moment, rather than OXP interactions. Just ignore the dock list from SDC on a Hermitage for now.
Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 21, 2022 11:06 am
The list of ships coming and going on my MFD sometimes bears little relationship with what actually happens.
Installed OXP's shouldn't have much bearing on this, as it should just be reporting what ships are requesting to dock at the station. In essence, it's displaying (or trying to) information that is already in the core game. When it comes to fixing it, it would be useful to know what exact issue you noticed. Were there ships in the list that you couldn't see? Or perhaps the ship at the top of the list was not the ship you saw docking? A bit of detail here might help track down the issues.

That said, ILS is probably the most likely candidate for interactions with the dock list in SDC. When I get some time I'll have a look into what it might be doing.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

So, I was waiting to dock at Biarge. There were 7 in front of me. The number eventually came down to 2 (despite several others queue-jumping). Then! Up to 21!

Latest Log (pared of irrelevant verbiage - 99.9% of log verbiage - almost all to do with Chupucabra HUD gaining and losing green & yellow speeds - 40 of each - with occasional gains and loses of shields or compass mountings for light relief!)

Code: Select all

Opening log for Oolite version 1.90 (x86-64) under Mac OS X Version 10.15.3 (Build 19D2064) at 2022-07-03 12:18:21 +0000.
Machine type: MacBookAir9,1, 8192 MiB memory, 2 (4 logical) x x86 (family 0x38435547) @ 1100 MHz.
Build options: OpenAL, new planets.

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

13:18:22.389 [plist.parse.failed] OOPropertyListFromData (OOPListParsing.m:72): Failed to parse /Users/accountname/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Cholmondeley.Carver's_Anarchy-Ships_Library.oxp/manifest.plist as a property list.
Unexpected character { at line 1
13:18:22.530 [oxp.requirementMissing] +[ResourceManager manifest:HasUnmetDependency:logErrors:] (ResourceManager.m:914): OXP oolite.oxp.stranger.InSystemCargoDelivery.oxz had unmet requirements and was removed from the loading list
13:18:22.553 [dataCache.rebuild.pathsChanged] +[ResourceManager checkCacheUpToDateForPaths:] (ResourceManager.m:1156): Cache is stale (search paths have changed). Rebuilding from scratch.
13:18:23.120 [joystick.error.init] -[OOMacJoystickManager init] (OOMacJoystickManager.m:80): Cannot open HID manager; joystick support will not function.
13:18:23.120 [rendering.opengl.version] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:221): OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.0 ("2.1 INTEL-14.4.26"). Vendor: "Intel Inc.". Renderer: "Intel(R) Iris(TM) Plus Graphics OpenGL Engine (1x6x8 (fused) LP".
13:18:23.120 [rendering.opengl.extensions] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:222): OpenGL extensions (128):
GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_EXT_debug_label, GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_APPLE_specular_vector, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_texture_array, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer, GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_APPLE_fence, GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422, GL_EXT_timer_query, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_ARB_depth_clamp, GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod, GL_ARB_texture_float, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_NV_texture_barrier, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_APPLE_object_purgeable, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_APPLE_rgb_422, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_APPLE_element_array, GL_ATI_texture_float, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_ARB_sync, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, GL_APPLE_texture_range, GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_ARB_texture_compression, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_ARB_vertex_blend, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_packed_float, GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil, GL_APPLE_row_bytes, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, GL_APPLE_client_storage, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_APPLE_flush_render, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators, GL_APPLE_transform_hint, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range, GL_EXT_texture_integer, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_NV_fog_distance, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map, GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, GL_APPLE_packed_pixels, GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode, GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_APPLE_float_pixels, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, GL_ARB_draw_instanced
13:18:23.537 [rendering.opengl.shader.support] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:256): Shaders are supported.
13:18:23.853 [oxp.requirementMissing] +[ResourceManager manifest:HasUnmetDependency:logErrors:] (ResourceManager.m:914): OXP oolite.oxp.stranger.InSystemCargoDelivery.oxz had unmet requirements and was removed from the loading list
13:18:23.854 [dataCache.rebuild.pathsChanged] +[ResourceManager checkCacheUpToDateForPaths:] (ResourceManager.m:1156): Cache is stale (search paths have changed). Rebuilding from scratch.
13:18:23.891 [searchPaths.dumpAll] +[ResourceManager logPaths] (ResourceManager.m:2240): Resource paths: 
    ~/Desktop/Oolite/  Oolite 1.90.app/Contents/Resources
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.CaptMurphy.BreakableHUDIFFScanner.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/asteroid_tweaks_1.4.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.CaptMurphy.BreakableTorusDrive.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.spara.spicy_hermits.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.TrafficLights.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Layne.DockingFees.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Svengali.Library.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.TionislaOrbitalGraveyard.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.CompressedF7Layout.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Commander_McLane.Interstellar_Help.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.EquipmentStorage.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.captain_beatnik.coluber_hud_ch01.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.MineralStoreReset.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.dertien.Z_GrOovY_SmallSystemStations.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.cim.extracts-tre-clan.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.EnergyRebalance.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Thargoid.Pods.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.HereBeDragons.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.CommsLogMFD.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.BulletinBoardSystem.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.CaptMurphy.BreakableWitchDrive.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.ByronArn.AutoRefuel.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.InternalFuelTank.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetE.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetG.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/Oolite.oxp.KillerWolf.IsisHUD.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.cim.combat-simulator.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ramirez.FuelTank.oxz
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/DigebitiSubject.0.91.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.CaptKev.Galcop_trade_outpost.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.wpb.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.zirael.UsefulMFDs.0.6.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/ChupacabraHUD.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.Diso.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/GalacticAlmanac0.7.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Pagroove.Superhub.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/Altimeter 1.0.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.popsch.piratetraps.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Killer Wolf.hathor_station.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Gnievmir.VimanaHUD.tweaked.VimanaHUD.oxp
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ngalo.NPC_Equipment_Damage.12.21.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol3_b1_1024.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Draco_Caeles.Transhab.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol2_b3_1024.oxp
13:18:24.443 [shipData.load.begin] +[OOShipRegistry(Singleton) allocWithZone:] (OOShipRegistry.m:1689): Loading ship data.
13:18:31.412 [startup.complete] -[GameController applicationDidFinishLaunching:] (GameController.m:269): ========== Loading complete in 8.52 seconds. ==========

13:18:48.327 [shipData.load.begin] +[OOShipRegistry(Singleton) allocWithZone:] (OOShipRegistry.m:1689): Loading ship data.
13:18:52.865 [script.load.world.listAll] +[ResourceManager loadScripts] (ResourceManager.m:2132): Loaded 381 world scripts:
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    Here be Dragons 1.0
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    Hermitage_CargoStorage 0.8.10
    Hermitage_DamageControl 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Data 0.8.10
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    Hermitage_LifeSupport 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Main 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Management 0.8.10
    Hermitage_PirateBase 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Refinery 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Security 0.8.10
    Hermitage_SimpleBeacon 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Story 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Transports 0.8.10
    Hermitage_Upgrades 0.8.10
    Hints_GNN.js 0.9.4
    Hints_Station_Bar.js 0.0.941
    HomeSystem 0.12
    hoopy_blackjack 1.3.5
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    ils 1.13
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    In_System_Trader 1.5.2
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    Rescue Autopilot 1.5.4
    Rescue News 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 1 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 1a 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 1b 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 2 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 2a 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 2b 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 3 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 3a 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 4 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 4a 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 4b 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 5 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 5a 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 6 1.5.4
    Rescue Scenario 6a 1.5.4
    Rescue Stations 1.5.4
    RexebeCitizen 1.0
    RingRacer 1.20
    RiskyBusiness_Control 0.1
    RoutePlanner 0.2
    RoutePlanner_Interface 0.2
    RoutePlanner_InterfaceLib 0.2
    RRSBlackBoxHC 0.1
    safetycatch 1.3
    Satellite 1.10
    SE-main-script 2.7
    Ship_Storage_Helper.js 0.38
    Ships Library 0.8
    Smugglers_BlackMarket 1.5.8
    Smugglers_Contracts 1.5.8
    Smugglers_CoreFunctions 1.5.8
    Smugglers_DockMaster 1.5.8
    Smugglers_Equipment 1.5.8
    Smugglers_Illegal 1.5.8
    Smugglers_MoveCargo 1.5.8
    Smugglers_Oolite_Contracts_Fix 1.5.8
    sniperlock 1.0
    sniperlock_fix 1.0
    SolarActivity 2.5
    SolarFlares 1.1
    SolarSystemData 4.4
    SolarWind 2.5
    sothis_tc 1.0.3
    sothis_tc_new_cargoes 1.0
    Spawn-Icetest 1.0.1
    Spawn-sothis 1.0.1
    Spawn_Stations 2.6
    SpawnMoons 1.1
    spicy_hermits_abandoned 1.0.3
    spicy_hermits_relocator 1.0.3
    spicy_hermits_star-jellies 1.0.3
    station_options 1.1
    StationDockControl 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_EscortLaunch 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_HackChip 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_Interface 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_MFD 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_Populator 1.1.25
    StationDockControl_ShuttleLaunch 1.1.25
    StationLibrary 2.7
    Sunskimmers 0.2
    SunSpectralAnalyzer 3.9
    System Features: Rings 2.10.3
    System Features: Sunspots 1.5
    taranis_one 1.4
    Target Filtering System 2.075
    TargetSystemPlugins_FilterSort 0.81
    TargetSystemPlugins_SharedHandlers 0.81
    TargetSystemPlugins_ShortRangeSnapshot 0.81
    TargetSystemPlugins_TargetMemoryInterface 0.81
    taxi_galactica_main 2.0
    TeaMakerScript.js 1.2
    tech_ref_lib 1.0.1
    telescope 2.0
    telescope_debug 1.0
    telescope_fps_monitor 1.2
    telescopeeq 2.0
    Tionisla Chronicle Array OXP 1.04
    togy_Cabal_Common_PhraseGen 0.98.2
    togy_Cabal_Common_PhraseGenWords 0.98
    TOGY_Main 2.4
    towbar 0.103
    towbarmissions 0.103
    Tracker 1.05
    Traffic Lights 1.1
    TrafficControl 2.02
    trails 1.11
    trophy_col 2.3.0
    Undocumented Launch 1.0
    useful_MFDs 0.5
    VimanaAlerts 1.00
    VimanaHUD 2.075
    wanted_market_observer 1.0.1
    wanted_station_ads 1.0.1
    wanted_yah 1.0.1
    WarpDrive 2.8
    WEBS System 1.1
    Welcome Information Script 1.13
    Xenon UI Resource Pack H (16:10) 2.0
    XenonUI 3.5
    XenonUI_Compatibility 3.5
    XenonUI_CoreMissionFixes 3.5
    yah_ad_service 4.5.1
    YAH_mobile_populator 1.0
    yah_more_ads 1.2
    yah_set_a 4.5
    yah_set_b 4.5
    yah_set_c 4.5
    yah_set_d 4.5
    yah_set_e 4.5
    yah_set_f 4.5
    yah_set_g 4.5

14:02:29.190 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : We have inbound traffic, commander. Please stand by. You are number 7 in the queue.

14:02:30.355 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x60000570a000>{nextTime: 2483.62, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:02:30.356 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x6000057e52c0>{nextTime: 2483.12, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!

14:02:32.740 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): lost lock on Dodecahedron Station 10285
14:02:32.742 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy

14:02:38.760 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Sidewinder Scout Ship 14695 who has 240 energy
14:02:39.526 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:02:39.527 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Cobra Mark I 2350 who has 150 energy

14:02:40.015 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Navigation Buoy 24799 who has 250 energy

14:02:47.525 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.

14:02:53.473 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Government - Multi-Government.
14:02:53.474 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Tech level - 12.
14:02:53.474 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Economy - Extreme Industrial.
14:02:53.475 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Beware, significant pirate activity has been reported in this system!

14:02:55.535 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.

14:02:55.786 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 11
14:02:56.613 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 0

14:02:57.108 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 1

14:02:57.808 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 2
14:02:58.487 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 3

14:02:59.158 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : Please be patient – you are being held in a docking queue.

14:02:59.613 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 4

14:03:00.378 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 5

14:03:00.953 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 6
14:03:01.496 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): selected mfd 7

14:03:01.938 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to EQ_ADVANCED_SYSTEM_DATA_MFD
14:03:02.727 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to useful_MFD_market

14:03:03.342 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to nm_primeable-mfd
14:03:03.548 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.

14:03:03.929 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to BroadcastCommsMFD

14:03:05.072 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to inquirer_mfd
14:03:05.642 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to tsplugins_srs

14:03:06.357 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mfd 7 changed to LaunchQueueMFD

14:03:07.305 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Boa 21170 : Still on schedule…

14:03:10.562 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x60000581c140>{nextTime: 2522.4, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!

14:03:11.545 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.

14:03:19.529 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.

14:03:23.489 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Government - Multi-Government.
14:03:23.490 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Tech level - 12.
14:03:23.490 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Economy - Extreme Industrial.
14:03:23.491 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Beware, significant pirate activity has been reported in this system!

14:03:25.288 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Telescope marker 2584 who has -1 energy

14:03:27.563 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please hold position and wait for clearance.

14:03:29.566 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x600005722740>{nextTime: 2542.66, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:03:30.662 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : Traffic is heavy, please continue to hold until we can clear an approach for you.
14:03:36.531 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Asteroid 32657 who has 100 energy
14:03:36.767 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:03:38.772 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Cobra Mark I 2350 who has 150 energy

14:03:51.518 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please hold position and wait for clearance.
14:03:52.761 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Orbital Shuttle 30375 who has 120 energy
14:03:59.512 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please hold position and wait for clearance.
14:04:05.186 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_CHUPACABRA_GREEN_1_SPEED
14:04:07.342 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Boa 8100 : Keep the formation tight.
14:04:07.502 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:15.532 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:23.506 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:28.105 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
14:04:28.119 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
14:04:28.166 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:04:31.516 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:39.525 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:42.399 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MARKET to GUI_SCREEN_MAIN
14:04:42.402 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): VIEW_FORWARD
14:04:42.403 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship got EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:04:42.510 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Cobra Mark I 2350 who has 150 energy
14:04:46.176 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : We cannot clear you for docking due to prioritized incoming traffic. Your queue position is 4.
14:04:47.500 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:04:48.015 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:04:48.905 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : We have ships on approach to station. Please hold for clearance.
14:04:50.528 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Boa Leader 4043 who has 450 energy
14:04:55.520 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:00.530 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:05:01.514 [In-System Traders] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Boa Leader: The Enchanter's Piccolo docked at Dodecahedron Station: Shadow Witch
14:05:01.529 [StationDockControl] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): !!ERROR: Unrecognised Auto AI Script: In-System Trader AI
14:05:01.538 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : Please wait until all ships have completed their approach. Your queue position is 2.
14:05:01.750 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x600005737200>{nextTime: 2635.63, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:05:03.525 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:11.524 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:17.262 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BARREL_ROLL
14:05:17.397 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ADV_NAV_COMP
14:05:17.578 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BROADCASTCOMMSMFD
14:05:17.717 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_MARKET_INQUIRER_MFD
14:05:17.867 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ALMANAC_UNIT_MFD
14:05:18.062 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_LMSS_ACTIVATOR
14:05:18.233 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TELESCOPE
14:05:18.378 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_SHIPS_LIBRARY
14:05:18.520 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TECH_REF_LIB_BASE
14:05:18.683 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
14:05:18.828 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:05:18.953 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed 
14:05:19.107 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR
14:05:19.257 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BARREL_ROLL
14:05:19.282 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Gecko 1126 who has 250 energy
14:05:19.427 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ADV_NAV_COMP
14:05:19.519 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:19.592 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BROADCASTCOMMSMFD
14:05:19.745 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_MARKET_INQUIRER_MFD
14:05:20.519 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ALMANAC_UNIT_MFD
14:05:20.653 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_LMSS_ACTIVATOR
14:05:20.817 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TELESCOPE
14:05:21.087 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_SHIPS_LIBRARY
14:05:21.519 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TECH_REF_LIB_BASE
14:05:21.832 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
14:05:22.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:05:22.543 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed 
14:05:22.887 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR
14:05:23.218 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BARREL_ROLL
14:05:23.537 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ADV_NAV_COMP
14:05:23.918 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BROADCASTCOMMSMFD
14:05:24.279 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_MARKET_INQUIRER_MFD
14:05:24.587 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ALMANAC_UNIT_MFD
14:05:24.767 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:05:24.947 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_LMSS_ACTIVATOR
14:05:25.352 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TELESCOPE
14:05:25.636 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : We cannot clear you for docking due to prioritized incoming traffic. Your queue position is 2.
14:05:26.250 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_SHIPS_LIBRARY
14:05:26.775 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x600005790a80>{nextTime: 2659.86, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:05:27.037 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TECH_REF_LIB_BASE
14:05:27.523 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:29.152 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
14:05:29.843 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:05:30.538 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed 
14:05:31.268 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR
14:05:31.918 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BARREL_ROLL
14:05:32.402 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ADV_NAV_COMP
14:05:32.677 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_BROADCASTCOMMSMFD
14:05:32.952 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_MARKET_INQUIRER_MFD
14:05:33.172 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_ALMANAC_UNIT_MFD
14:05:33.388 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_LMSS_ACTIVATOR
14:05:33.557 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TELESCOPE
14:05:34.912 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_SHIPS_LIBRARY
14:05:35.177 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TECH_REF_LIB_BASE
14:05:35.292 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
14:05:35.524 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:36.689 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed EQ_CHUPACABRA_MISSILE_IDENTIFICATION
14:05:37.046 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): primed 
14:05:43.553 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:50.118 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Mamba Escort 14269 who has 240 energy
14:05:51.522 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:05:55.027 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:05:55.773 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : Please wait until all ships have completed their approach. Your queue position is 2.
14:05:59.512 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:06:01.449 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x60000575f280>{nextTime: 2694.61, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:06:03.016 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Adder 32505 who has 85 energy
14:06:07.016 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Dodecahedron Station 10285 who has 25000 energy
14:06:07.517 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from lost target : Biarge Traffic Control: Please fly to the station-facing side of the buoy and wait for clearance.
14:06:08.151 [script.javaScript.unrootedTimer] TimerFinalize (OOJSTimer.m:347): ----- WARNING: Timer <OOJSTimer 0x60000575ae80>{nextTime: 2702.11, one-shot, running, function: anonymous} is being garbage-collected while still running. You must keep a reference to all running timers, or they will stop unpredictably!
14:06:08.239 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Dodecahedron Station 10285 : We cannot clear you for docking due to prioritized outbound traffic. Your queue position is 21.
14:06:11.736 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): paused the game
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Nite Owl
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Nite Owl »

Have had that happen to me as well on rare occasions. Time spent waiting for my queue position to drop to a lower number and then, without warning, being pushed back to a much higher number. As noted in your log the situation was due to "prioritized outbound traffic". The usual suspects for this are a large number of Galcop Vipers that suddenly decide it is time to launch as a group and go on patrol. The station will then proceed to spit them out like melon seeds while you sit there watching each individual trundle on by as they proceed to their gathering point. Not a lot that can be done about it as they do have a launch priority over a lowly trader's desire to dock. Do not believe it to be a bug but just the unfortunate circumstance of an untimely arrival.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Wed Jun 27, 2018 11:51 am
That is curious!
Phkb, I'm sure that this has been dealt with in the 14 pages of the thread above, but is there really no way to get more than the 3 screens worth of ships?

I'm using this oxp to get the list of docked ships, and am missing the 7th / 8th pages in the middle between the first 3 and last 3 screens.

And if I load some ship oxp's and end up with more than the 7/8 pages.... I'll have even less of an idea as to what's what.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:30 am
but is there really no way to get more than the 3 screens worth of ships?
I limited the initial maximum number of pages to 3, to try to reduce the rather overwhelming list of ships that you have if you show everything. If you want to see the other pages, you just select the "...Show all docked ships..." item (which will be the last entry on page 3) and press enter, and you should see everything. But given your next comment, I suspect you already know this...
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:30 am
I'm using this oxp to get the list of docked ships, and am missing the 7th / 8th pages in the middle between the first 3 and last 3 screens.
This one has me stumped, and partly because I can't quite visualise the issue. Are you saying you see "Page 1 of 9", then "Page 2 of 9", then "Page 3 of 9", and then going to the next page skips you to "Page 6 of 9"? I certainly can't reproduce this error at the moment, so if there's something funky going on in the code, it will likely be caused by a select series of conditions (system type, location, station type, etc). But even then, the paging logic is pretty uniform: compile a list of items, and then selectively show different pages of it. So I'm a bit stuck on this one.
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:30 am
And if I load some ship oxp's and end up with more than the 7/8 pages.... I'll have even less of an idea as to what's what.
Loading more ship OXP's will have no impact on the number of pages of docked ships. All it will do is give you more variety in the types of ships you see docked. The number of ships in dock is controlled by the system type, how many close interstellar neighbours there are, and the type of station you are at. And our old friend, RNG.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by limbo »

i dont use this. but regarding the sudden pushing down the queue and the station suddenly spitting out a galcop patrol...
i never considered it a bug... that sort of thing happens in real life... we pull ovet and wait for emergency vehicles to go past.
what does annoy me is when i have docking permission and craft are still leaving.. beating up me shields and destroying my cargo. but even that can be put down to unscheduled launches that a 'bribe' has covered.
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Re: (Release) Station Dock Control OXP

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 5:33 am
Cholmondely wrote: Wed Nov 30, 2022 9:30 am
but is there really no way to get more than the 3 screens worth of ships?
I limited the initial maximum number of pages to 3, to try to reduce the rather overwhelming list of ships that you have if you show everything. If you want to see the other pages, you just select the "...Show all docked ships..." item (which will be the last entry on page 3) and press enter, and you should see everything. But given your next comment, I suspect you already know this...
Nope. I'd totally missed that. Hence the rest of that post.

Might a change to "...Show remaining docked ships..." make the point more obvious for the dumber pilots such as myself? It can probably wait until your next update - its important to me because I'd eventually like to bamboozle poor old Massively Locked into linking in the pilots/crews with LitF assuming that he is able and willing (it would be nice to bump into them in the bars). But LitF is nowhere near that yet (LitFv.2.0? v.3.0?), and there would seem to be no other reason to need to list all 7-odd pages.

ML mentioned that he can access other oxp's from "inside LitF" but not get control back for LitF once he had done so - I presume that this means that one can see the screen of docked ships in the bar, for example, but that one then "exits" the screen back to the F4 screen rather than the LitF bar description. If I am correct in my understanding, is there an easy fix for this?
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