(WIP) Hermitage

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Impressively Grand Sub-Admiral
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 5:40 am
The Supreme Archimandrite of the WitchSpace Lobster is prognosticating an imminent 0.8.6 for the non-decapodal heretics
And here it is: Hermitage.0.8.6.zip

No change here other than the inclusion of some extra log file messages to hopefully help me track down where this new error is coming from.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

0.8.6 seems to work...

Well done, sir!

Issues with moving Platinum into storage (but storage was full, so if you are being very strict about volumes/amounts...).

Will faff about over the next few days and hope to see what happens when I replace 1TC of cargo with a diverse collection of Pt, Au, gems, etc.
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Impressively Grand Sub-Admiral
Impressively Grand Sub-Admiral
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 6:37 am
0.8.6 seems to work...
But…but… I didn’t change anything…

Very strange.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

Have now started with my full bevy of OXP's loaded and am looking forwards. Again, everything seems to work just fine.

You were obviously thinking good thoughts, and the Witchspace Lobster decided to smile down on you (...do lobsters smile?).

Ruminations for future updates (assuming that this issue is now bedded down):

1) the space taken up in storage by smaller volume commodities (gems, Au, Pt, medicine, SW's luxuries tweak, etc)
2) a button allowing all RH market prices to be immediately synchronised with the main orbital station.
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

Alas, have arrived at Samfair's Opportunity, and the RH market/storage has seized up again.


Code: Select all

Opening log for Oolite version 1.90 (x86-64) under Mac OS X Version 10.15.3 (Build 19D2064) at 2022-06-02 14:36:18 +0000.
Machine type: MacBookAir9,1, 8192 MiB memory, 2 (4 logical) x x86 (family 0x38435547) @ 1100 MHz.
Build options: OpenAL, new planets.

Note that the contents of the log file can be adjusted by editing logcontrol.plist.

15:36:19.248 [plist.parse.failed] OOPropertyListFromData (OOPListParsing.m:72): Failed to parse /Users/accountname/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Cholmondeley.Carver's_Anarchy-Ships_Library.oxp/manifest.plist as a property list.
Unexpected character { at line 1
15:36:20.023 [joystick.error.init] -[OOMacJoystickManager init] (OOMacJoystickManager.m:80): Cannot open HID manager; joystick support will not function.
15:36:20.024 [rendering.opengl.version] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:221): OpenGL renderer version: 2.1.0 ("2.1 INTEL-14.4.26"). Vendor: "Intel Inc.". Renderer: "Intel(R) Iris(TM) Plus Graphics OpenGL Engine (1x6x8 (fused) LP".
15:36:20.024 [rendering.opengl.extensions] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:222): OpenGL extensions (128):
GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1, GL_EXT_rescale_normal, GL_EXT_transform_feedback, GL_EXT_blend_func_separate, GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_ATI_texture_env_combine3, GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex, GL_EXT_debug_label, GL_EXT_geometry_shader4, GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_separate_specular_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_NV_texgen_reflection, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar, GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit, GL_ATI_separate_stencil, GL_APPLE_vertex_point_size, GL_EXT_texture_rectangle, GL_APPLE_specular_vector, GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil, GL_EXT_blend_color, GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow, GL_EXT_texture_env_add, GL_EXT_provoking_vertex, GL_EXT_texture_array, GL_ARB_texture_env_combine, GL_ARB_point_sprite, GL_ARB_multisample, GL_EXT_framebuffer_object, GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB, GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias, GL_APPLE_pixel_buffer, GL_ARB_vertex_program, GL_EXT_bgra, GL_APPLE_fence, GL_APPLE_ycbcr_422, GL_EXT_timer_query, GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra, GL_ARB_depth_clamp, GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip, GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object, GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled, GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod, GL_ARB_texture_float, GL_ARB_texture_rectangle, GL_ARB_vertex_shader, GL_NV_texture_barrier, GL_ARB_provoking_vertex, GL_ARB_texture_env_add, GL_APPLE_object_purgeable, GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3, GL_APPLE_rgb_422, GL_NV_depth_clamp, GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat, GL_ARB_texture_cube_map, GL_APPLE_element_array, GL_ATI_texture_float, GL_ARB_window_pos, GL_ARB_sync, GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object, GL_APPLE_texture_range, GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_ARB_texture_compression, GL_ARB_instanced_arrays, GL_EXT_blend_minmax, GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp, GL_EXT_draw_buffers2, GL_ARB_shading_language_100, GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate, GL_ARB_vertex_blend, GL_EXT_blend_subtract, GL_EXT_packed_float, GL_APPLE_aux_depth_stencil, GL_APPLE_row_bytes, GL_NV_light_max_exponent, GL_EXT_abgr, GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra, GL_ARB_draw_buffers, GL_ARB_transpose_matrix, GL_ARB_color_buffer_float, GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters, GL_APPLE_client_storage, GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two, GL_ARB_multitexture, GL_EXT_gpu_shader4, GL_APPLE_flush_render, GL_ARB_framebuffer_object, GL_APPLE_vertex_program_evaluators, GL_APPLE_transform_hint, GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc, GL_APPLE_flush_buffer_range, GL_EXT_texture_integer, GL_SGIS_texture_edge_clamp, GL_NV_fog_distance, GL_ARB_occlusion_query, GL_ARB_fragment_shader, GL_ARB_texture_rg, GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map, GL_ARB_shader_objects, GL_EXT_draw_range_elements, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_object, GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB, GL_ARB_half_float_vertex, GL_APPLE_vertex_array_range, GL_ARB_shadow, GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays, GL_ARB_half_float_pixel, GL_APPLE_packed_pixels, GL_ARB_point_parameters, GL_EXT_debug_marker, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode, GL_EXT_clip_volume_hint, GL_SGIS_texture_lod, GL_EXT_fog_coord, GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent, GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once, GL_APPLE_float_pixels, GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample, GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float, GL_ARB_draw_instanced
15:36:20.244 [rendering.opengl.shader.support] -[OOOpenGLExtensionManager reset] (OOOpenGLExtensionManager.m:256): Shaders are supported.
15:36:20.640 [plist.parse.failed] OOPropertyListFromData (OOPListParsing.m:72): Failed to parse /Users/accountname/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Cholmondeley.Carver's_Anarchy-Ships_Library.oxp/manifest.plist as a property list.
Unexpected character { at line 1
15:36:20.701 [searchPaths.dumpAll] +[ResourceManager logPaths] (ResourceManager.m:2240): Resource paths: 
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    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/Norby.cag.Telescope.2.11.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.zzz.Montana05.griff.hognose.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.StationDockControl.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.dybal.BarrelRoll.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ramirez.BlOombergMarkets.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Norby.Trails.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.SMax.PlanetFallMarketSaver.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Thargoid.TrafficControl.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Staer9.Icesteroids.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetD.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.ByronArn.AutoRefuel.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.InternalFuelTank.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Svengali.BGS.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.HabitableMainPlanets.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.LinersMarkets.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Svengali.GNN.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.ramirez.Feudal_States.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Thargoid.PlanetaryCompass.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Rorschachhamster.Satellites.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Draco_Caeles.GenerationShips.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Griff.Station_Bundle.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/Oolite.oxp.Montana05.resource_pack_01.OXZ
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetE.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetG.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/Oolite.oxp.KillerWolf.IsisHUD.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.cim.combat-simulator.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ramirez.FuelTank.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.Svengali.Pagroove.BGSSoundset.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.stranger.OrbitalStations.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.FuelTweaks.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.CmdCheyd.DH_AdvancedNavigationComputer.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/Coluber_HUD_Custom.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/Managed AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil.YAH-SetF.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.cholmondely.Hints.0.0941.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol4_b1_1024.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Norby.HDBG-B.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.EricWalch.DeepSpaceDredger.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.DrNil_phkb.sunskimmers.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.cim.ships-library free:old.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Mandoman.MandotechIndStationV1.4.tweaked.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ovvldc.Halsis2BGS.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/MilitaryTargettingSystemv1.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Killer Wolf.nuit_station.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssLave_b1_1024.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/Oolite.oxp.redspear.weapon_laws(1.4) tweaked.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Cholmondeley.Carver's_Anarchy-Ships_Library.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.phkb.XenonUI.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Arquebus.ContextualJukebox.0.1a.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Pagroove.FamousPlanets.tweaked.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.CommonSenseOTB.SniperLock.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/InterstellarRescue.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/DarkSoul_Nebulae.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol1_V.1.0.1_1024_replace.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/SolarHarvest_alpha_0.1.oxz
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/Povray_Planets_Galaxy1_Textures_v1.1.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/WEBS System 1.1.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/Hermitage.0.8.6.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Okti.LongRangeScanner v0.3.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Killer Wolf.nephthys_station.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Littlebear.GalacticAlmanacBeta1.5.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.CaptKev.Galcop_trade_outpost.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.wpb.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.zirael.UsefulMFDs.0.6.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Pagroove.Superhub.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.popsch.piratetraps.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Killer Wolf.hathor_station.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Gnievmir.VimanaHUD.tweaked.VimanaHUD.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Ngalo.NPC_Equipment_Damage.12.21.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol3_b1_1024.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Draco_Caeles.Transhab.oxp
    ~/Library/Application Support/Oolite/AddOns/oolite.oxp.Murgh.IronAssVol2_b3_1024.oxp
15:36:20.849 [shipData.load.begin] +[OOShipRegistry(Singleton) allocWithZone:] (OOShipRegistry.m:1689): Loading ship data.
15:36:22.758 [startup.complete] -[GameController applicationDidFinishLaunching:] (GameController.m:269): ========== Loading complete in 2.99 seconds. ==========

... from arrival at Samfair's Opportunity ...

15:46:29.725 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): will dock to Rock Hermit 15000
15:46:29.988 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Docking: solar wind scooping stops
15:46:29.988 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): stopping fuelCollectWatchTimer...
15:46:30.163 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): alert condition changed from 2 to 1
15:46:30.164 [VimanaHUD] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Setting player's crosshairs to green_crosshair_off.plist
15:46:32.946 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): docked to Rock Hermit 15000
15:46:32.976 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
15:46:32.977 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Servicelevel when docking = 100
15:46:32.977 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Station TL = 2
15:46:32.977 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:32.978 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:33.383 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_REPORT
15:46:34.022 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): alert condition changed from 1 to 0
15:46:34.023 [VimanaHUD] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Setting player's crosshairs to crosshair_off.plist
15:46:35.743 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:35.745 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:35.799 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): report screen ended
15:46:35.803 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
15:46:35.837 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:46:36.776 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER on Wolf Mark II: Gerege Maru III
15:46:38.953 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:38.954 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:38.954 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
15:46:38.970 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
15:46:38.970 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:46:41.310 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:41.311 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
15:46:41.311 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
15:46:41.324 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
15:46:43.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
15:46:43.274 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
15:46:43.444 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MARKET to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:46:44.757 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda 20863 from Anaconda Leader 21800 spawned at 37 km
15:46:53.458 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:46:53.458 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:46:53.567 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:46:54.877 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda 23395 from Anaconda Leader 21800 spawned at 37 km
15:46:56.158 [In-System Traders] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda Team Leader: Penultimate Quasar of the Seahorse going to ASL Leviathan
15:47:04.313 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:04.314 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:04.347 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source market target hold comdty computers max 1
15:47:04.347 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source market target hold comdty computers max -4990
15:47:04.352 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:04.811 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda 16371 from Anaconda Leader 21800 spawned at 37 km
15:47:06.359 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:06.360 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:06.385 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 1
15:47:06.385 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:06.397 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:10.682 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:10.682 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:10.702 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 1
15:47:10.702 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:10.710 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:14.185 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER_POLICE on GalCop Viper Interceptor: HXX366-RE1
15:47:16.181 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda 6921 from Anaconda Leader 21800 spawned at 37 km
15:47:16.394 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:16.395 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:16.504 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:18.342 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:18.343 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:18.388 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:25.471 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:25.471 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:25.495 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source storage target hold comdty computers max 15
15:47:25.496 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source storage target hold comdty computers max -4990
15:47:25.499 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:30.861 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:30.862 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:30.883 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 10
15:47:30.883 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:30.902 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:32.566 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:32.566 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:32.585 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 3
15:47:32.585 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:32.592 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:33.416 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:33.416 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:33.444 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 4
15:47:33.444 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:33.457 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
15:47:34.206 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:34.206 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:34.238 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 5
15:47:34.238 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:34.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
15:47:44.200 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:44.201 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:44.314 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
15:47:49.910 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:49.911 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:49.939 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
15:47:52.119 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:52.120 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:52.140 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source market target hold comdty computers max 1
15:47:52.140 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source market target hold comdty computers max -4990
15:47:52.143 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
15:47:54.220 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:54.220 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
15:47:54.239 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 1
15:47:54.240 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
15:47:54.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
15:48:15.418 [Hermitage_LifeSupport] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): lifesupport now 98% at 0-232-route1-0
... Oolite smashing NPC equipment
One perforce presumes that the maximum of -4990TC's of commodities is a mystery made manifest by Saint Phibo Nacci in his renowned treatise on Theological Arithmetics.

Saint Phibo Nacci's Magnum Opus
Comments wanted:
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:55 pm
One perforce presumes that the maximum of -4990TC's of commodities is a mystery made manifest by Saint Phibo Nacci in his renowned treatise on Theological Arithmetics.
Or, quite possibly, cosmic rays. Could even be a lack of duct tape!

Anyway, based on that log, I've put in some protection against what is a pretty unexpected error. Here's 0.8.7: Hermitage.0.8.7.zip. Bit more reporting in the log, bit more protection against NaN and undefined values. We'll see how that plays. Hopefully we can get past all these startup issues and get on to the actually gameplay side of things!

Speaking of which, I've been contemplating the issue of having actual asteroids to mine outside your hermitage. Spawning more asteroids is easy (and I already have the code to do so, it's just not enabled at present). Coming up with a compelling reason why more asteroids keep turning up on your doorstep is another thing entirely!

So I was toying with the idea of having a device named something like "Gravimetric Waveframe Inducer" (feel free to offer other names!) that acts like an asteroid capturing net, operating out to about 1-2x scanner range. In essence, it grabs passing asteroids and causes them to stop near your Hermitage. Which would then explain why asteroids can just "appear" nearby.

If I actually went down this path, I could make the device upgradable, increasing the number of asteroids it can pull in, or extending the range out further.

Anyway, let me know what you think, and especially if you get any errors in this new version.

Edit: Another name possibility for this device: Gravimetric Impedance Amplifier.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:53 am
Cholmondely wrote: Thu Jun 02, 2022 2:55 pm
One perforce presumes that the maximum of -4990TC's of commodities is a mystery made manifest by Saint Phibo Nacci in his renowned treatise on Theological Arithmetics.
Or, quite possibly, cosmic rays. Could even be a lack of duct tape!

Anyway, based on that log, I've put in some protection against what is a pretty unexpected error. Here's 0.8.7: Hermitage.0.8.7.zip. Bit more reporting in the log, bit more protection against NaN and undefined values. We'll see how that plays. Hopefully we can get past all these startup issues and get on to the actually gameplay side of things!

Speaking of which, I've been contemplating the issue of having actual asteroids to mine outside your hermitage. Spawning more asteroids is easy (and I already have the code to do so, it's just not enabled at present). Coming up with a compelling reason why more asteroids keep turning up on your doorstep is another thing entirely!

So I was toying with the idea of having a device named something like "Gravimetric Waveframe Inducer" (feel free to offer other names!) that acts like an asteroid capturing net, operating out to about 1-2x scanner range. In essence, it grabs passing asteroids and causes them to stop near your Hermitage. Which would then explain why asteroids can just "appear" nearby.

If I actually went down this path, I could make the device upgradable, increasing the number of asteroids it can pull in, or extending the range out further.

Anyway, let me know what you think, and especially if you get any errors in this new version.

Edit: Another name possibility for this device: Gravimetric Impedance Amplifier.
Got it! Thank you.

Adding to those above (button for regularising all prices to those of the main orbital, storage for micro-TC volumes) here's another idea: ability to turn the RH back off again, mothballing it just as Uncle (or his executors) did.

As regards Asteroids, thanks to Tweaks (and your silencer), I can do my own!

Personally speaking I'd rather see more realistic asteroid belts around the suns and planets (and tied in with the System Features Rings oxp). That way, the RH's would be tucked in more believable belts and would be harder to find - rather than located in bizarre asteroid fields in the middle of nowhere.

Never mind...

And, furthering the wish list, it would be nice to see (see?) Black Holes and Solar Flares which flared!

Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »


Latest.Log taken from Docking at RH. Same OXP's as in Latest.Log above

Code: Select all

07:18:19.801 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): will dock to Rock Hermit 15000
07:18:20.081 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Docking: solar wind scooping stops
07:18:20.081 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): stopping fuelCollectWatchTimer...
07:18:23.052 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): docked to Rock Hermit 15000
07:18:23.068 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
07:18:23.068 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Servicelevel when docking = 100
07:18:23.068 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Station TL = 2
07:18:23.069 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:18:23.069 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:18:23.523 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_REPORT
07:18:24.132 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): alert condition changed from 1 to 0
07:18:24.133 [VimanaHUD] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Setting player's crosshairs to crosshair_off.plist
07:18:41.132 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Anaconda Team Leader 25075 spawned at 127 km
07:18:45.577 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER on Mamba: Jordana
07:18:45.578 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Gecko: Wisdom Like Silence
07:19:03.769 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Cobra Mark I: Brian's Device
07:19:10.889 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_ENHANCER on Gnat: The Xeaqu Maru
07:19:10.891 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER on Gnat: The Great Goddess Eleanor III
07:19:19.414 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER on Bandy-Bandy: Starship Criminal
07:19:28.435 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:28.436 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:28.436 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): report screen ended
07:19:28.439 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
07:19:28.469 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:30.640 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:30.641 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:30.642 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
07:19:30.655 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
07:19:30.656 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:31.120 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:31.120 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
07:19:31.121 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
07:19:31.128 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
07:19:33.050 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
07:19:33.074 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
07:19:33.218 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MARKET to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:33.474 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
07:19:33.491 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
07:19:33.603 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MARKET to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:39.200 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:39.201 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:39.309 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:39.562 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Mamba: Lord of the Highland Joker of Rexebe
07:19:48.804 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:48.805 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:48.825 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = market, target = hold, commodity = computers, max = 5
07:19:48.826 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): maxCargo = 10, spcwt = 5, used = 5000
07:19:48.826 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = market, target = hold, commodity = computers, max = -4990
07:19:48.829 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:50.409 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:50.409 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:50.431 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 5
07:19:50.431 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
07:19:50.440 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:54.578 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:54.579 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:54.599 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 5
07:19:54.599 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
07:19:54.608 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:19:56.463 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:56.464 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:19:56.485 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 5
07:19:56.485 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
07:19:56.493 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:20:00.665 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Adder: I Blame The Parents
07:20:08.543 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:20:08.544 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
07:20:08.671 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
07:20:10.168 [exit.context] -[OoliteApp terminate:] (OoliteApp.m:68): Exiting: Cocoa terminate event.

Closing log at 2022-06-03 06:20:10 +0000.
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

Ah! Found the blighter! Must’ve looked at that code dozens of times without seeing the bug.

New version on the way!
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by zx_cb »

phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:53 am
Here's 0.8.7: Hermitage.0.8.7.zip. Bit more reporting in the log, bit more protection against NaN and undefined values. We'll see how that plays. Hopefully we can get past all these startup issues and get on to the actually gameplay side of things!
Seems I have missed a bit of development.. Got myself a 0.8.5 yesterday, and had a good play with it - because, well, it is actually playable! New station key system you mentioned had broke my latest savegames though (hermitage not spawning), so I had to revert to the point before purchasing an RH, and go from the very beginning. Happy to report that all basic functions are working - I progressed to station TL4 with Market Capacity 45t. Things to mention:

1. Trying to access from F3 Station Upgrades menu a details list for an upgrade that requires a special component that is not present in hold returns an error:

[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (Hermitage_Upgrades 0.8.5): TypeError: worldScripts.Hermitage_EquipmentStorage is not a function

That was Life Support 3 in my particular case, but also could be true for others similar - probably worth checking.

2. Hermitage market prices AND stock are being reset to "default" values upon reload OR hyperjump to another system (which is basically the same process from game`s point as I understand). My initial thought was that some other OXP, like Spicy Hermits, are overriding saved values, but removing it didn`t changed this behaviour. Other possible culprit could be the SW Economy but I`d like not to drop it really. Only commodity not being reset is Quirium Fuel, specifically added by its separate OXP.

3. Biggest mechanics problem so far is hired miners.
3a. They are not saved and disappear upon reload, so hiring any is pointless until it is fixed
3b. I got two this time, just to see how it`ll go, and only one persisted after first docking, with second being swallowed by the code void
3c. Seems that with current scooping AI, "low" proficiency miners are actually performing better than higher skilled ones - their laser fire connects only once in three or four shots, but their top speed on the scooping run is limited and they struggle much less to pick the splinters.
3d. As they basically cannot exist while player is away in other system or time is being accelerated for equipment installation (sometimes for several days!), a kind of their activity simulator could be devised in the future - a script that takes into account miner`s hold size, proficiency, and installed Refinery level, and adds quantities of products in certain time periods. That is, provided 2. and 3a. is sorted out :)

4. Energy and Power menu in F3 Station Upgrades does not allows to uninstall all Type 1 Energy Storage. They are displayed in red color and their details page says "cannot be removed", despite having them all deactivated and some active Type 2 in place. That happened for me when three Type 1 units were left.

5. Suggestion: to have an option for individual component maintenance (in their respective Facilities Management menus), not just a general (and costly) overhaul. Say, I want to service the Life Support only, or one of the Energy Storage Units.
5a. Another suggestion, but just a minor QoL type: to have an option of using commodities from ship`s cargo for upgrades construction if on-station stored quantity is insufficient.
5b. Also: prompting a player on how much Liquified Quirium Gas to transfer to the Fuel Reserve (on its respective Facilites Management page), and adding a note that 1TC of it will provide 7LY of Fuel. Useful to prevent partially wasting the last ton just to add like 0.2LY. Option to refill the Fuel Storage could be integrated into F8 Quirium Fuel page.
5c. One more possible QoL improvement is to have the special components description in main station F3 market reflect what they are intended for. "Will be required to construct an %upgrade_name% on Rock Hermit station". Sure the player can go to the Wiki doc and see what`s for what and memorize complicated names. Does he have to?..
5d. Regarding their integration with ShipConfig - I honestly think they should not count towards an Installed Equipment Weight. Sure I do have lots of in the Cruiser, but transporting them in an Adder or Cobra I could even require configuration change!

6. And the last for today. I wouldn`t go this territory yet, as we are merely testing the OXP now, but my steady impression is that most upgrades are way overpriced against their return. I will come with numbers later to demonstrate this point (post is big enough hah).

Sorry if something mentioned above was already addressed, again, this all is based on several hrs under 0.8.5.
phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 1:53 am
Speaking of which, I've been contemplating the issue of having actual asteroids to mine outside your hermitage. Spawning more asteroids is easy (and I already have the code to do so, it's just not enabled at present). Coming up with a compelling reason why more asteroids keep turning up on your doorstep is another thing entirely!
Are you talking about an automated device like the ones present around Seedy Space Bars from Anarchy OXP? Because, there seem to be plenty of regular asteroids spawned around the Hermitage, 50 is the number I recall from the log, and one is added instantly when one is destroyed.

Please share the solution for bad maximum transfer amount when sending cargo into the ship hold, if you have found it. I`ve spent considerable time staring at your code so feel an unsatisfied urge to know it :)
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
Please share the solution for bad maximum transfer amount when sending cargo into the ship hold, if you have found it. I`ve spent considerable time staring at your code so feel an unsatisfied urge to know it :)
The bug was in this function. Here's the original.

Code: Select all

this.$getTotalCargoUsed = function $getTotalCargoUsed(ship) {
    var cargoList = ship.manifest.list;
    var total = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < cargoList.length; i++) {
        var item = cargoList[i];
        switch (item.unit) {
            case "t":
                total += item.quantity;
            case "kg":
                total += item.quantity * 1000;
            case "g":
                total += item.quantity * 1000000;
    return total;
And here's the fix:

Code: Select all

this.$getTotalCargoUsed = function $getTotalCargoUsed(ship) {
    var cargoList = ship.manifest.list;
    var total = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < cargoList.length; i++) {
        var item = cargoList[i];
        switch (item.unit) {
            case "t":
                total += item.quantity;
            case "kg":
                total += parseInt(item.quantity / 1000);
            case "g":
                total += parseInt(item.quantity / 1000000);
    return total;
Don't know why I didn't see it before.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
Are you talking about an automated device like the ones present around Seedy Space Bars from Anarchy OXP? Because, there seem to be plenty of regular asteroids spawned around the Hermitage, 50 is the number I recall from the log, and one is added instantly when one is destroyed.
That sounds like an OXP is already doing that for you, so any routine I add isn't likely to engage at all.
zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
[script.javaScript.exception.notFunction]: ***** JavaScript exception (Hermitage_Upgrades 0.8.5): TypeError: worldScripts.Hermitage_EquipmentStorage is not a function
Yep, a bug. Forgot to add the actual function name to the call.
zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
Hermitage market prices AND stock are being reset to "default" values upon reload OR hyperjump to another system
That's odd - I have code in place that should be saving all market info and reapplying it upload reload/respawn. I'll check why it's not engaging.
zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
As they basically cannot exist while player is away in other system or time is being accelerated for equipment installation (sometimes for several days!), a kind of their activity simulator could be devised in the future - a script that takes into account miner`s hold size, proficiency, and installed Refinery level, and adds quantities of products in certain time periods. That is, provided 2. and 3a. is sorted out :)
That's actually in the code already.

Thanks for your dedicated testing and suggestions. It's improving this OXP in leaps and bounds. Based on these reports, I'm going to do a bit more testing and experimenting and look to publish a new release over the weekend sometime.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:46 am
zx_cb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 9:59 am
Please share the solution for bad maximum transfer amount when sending cargo into the ship hold, if you have found it. I`ve spent considerable time staring at your code so feel an unsatisfied urge to know it :)
The bug was in this function. Here's the original.

Code: Select all

this.$getTotalCargoUsed = function $getTotalCargoUsed(ship) {
    var cargoList = ship.manifest.list;
    var total = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < cargoList.length; i++) {
        var item = cargoList[i];
        switch (item.unit) {
            case "t":
                total += item.quantity;
            case "kg":
                total += item.quantity * 1000;
            case "g":
                total += item.quantity * 1000000;
    return total;
And here's the fix:

Code: Select all

this.$getTotalCargoUsed = function $getTotalCargoUsed(ship) {
    var cargoList = ship.manifest.list;
    var total = 0;
    for (var i = 0; i < cargoList.length; i++) {
        var item = cargoList[i];
        switch (item.unit) {
            case "t":
                total += item.quantity;
            case "kg":
                total += parseInt(item.quantity / 1000);
            case "g":
                total += parseInt(item.quantity / 1000000);
    return total;
Don't know why I didn't see it before.
Well, I broke open the oxp and replaced the text in the hermitage_management.js file. And the same issues re-emerged after my tweak (just on docking with the Rock Hermit, not before at the Orbital Station).

Code: Select all

12:27:26.755 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): targeted Rock Hermit 15000 who has 20000 energy
12:27:26.835 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER_POLICE on GalCop Viper Interceptor: GGR207-RE1
12:27:28.742 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_ECM on Asp Prototype A: The Noxious Claw III
12:27:29.645 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Asp Prototype A: The Noxious Claw III
12:27:39.250 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): got message from Rock Hermit 15000 : Received and confirmed. Station is now open and docking is available.
12:27:39.252 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_HERMITAGE_UNLOCK
12:27:40.738 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_ECM on GalCop Viper: NRV486-RE1
12:27:49.718 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): will dock to Rock Hermit 15000
12:27:49.960 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Docking: solar wind scooping stops
12:27:49.960 [SolarWind] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): stopping fuelCollectWatchTimer...
12:27:50.103 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): alert condition changed from 3 to 1
12:27:50.103 [VimanaHUD] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Setting player's crosshairs to green_crosshair_off.plist
12:27:52.627 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): docked to Rock Hermit 15000
12:27:52.645 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): ship lost EQ_TARGETSELECTOR_MODECHANGER
12:27:52.646 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Servicelevel when docking = 100
12:27:52.646 [MaintenanceTuneUp_Core] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Station TL = 2
12:27:52.647 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:27:52.647 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MAIN to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:27:53.008 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_REPORT
12:27:53.743 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): alert condition changed from 1 to 0
12:27:53.743 [VimanaHUD] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): Setting player's crosshairs to crosshair_off.plist
12:27:56.379 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:27:56.381 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_REPORT to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:27:56.381 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): report screen ended
12:27:56.384 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
12:27:56.424 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:27:59.202 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER on Fer-de-Lance: Learorce Maru
12:27:59.711 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:00.778 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_ECM on Fer-de-Lance: Learorce Maru
12:28:01.311 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER_POLICE on GalCop Viper: NRV486-RE1
12:28:01.734 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:28:01.735 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:28:01.736 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
12:28:01.759 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
12:28:01.760 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:02.449 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:28:02.449 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_STATUS
12:28:02.450 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen ended
12:28:02.462 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): mission screen opportunity
12:28:03.079 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
12:28:03.095 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_STATUS to GUI_SCREEN_MARKET
12:28:03.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MARKET to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:06.833 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:06.949 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:07.064 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:07.172 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:12.248 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:12.248 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:12.324 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:17.164 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER on Gecko: Torch of Promise
12:28:18.683 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:18.683 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:18.706 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = storage, target = hold, commodity = computers, max = 15
12:28:18.707 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): maxCargo = 10, spcwt = 15, used = 5000
12:28:18.707 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = storage, target = hold, commodity = computers, max = -4990
12:28:18.711 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:19.667 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Cobra Mark I: For Whom the Bell Tolls
12:28:24.929 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:24.930 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:24.964 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity computers, amount = 10
12:28:24.964 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
12:28:24.984 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:29.192 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:29.193 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:29.300 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:29.481 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_ESCAPE_POD on GalCop Viper: NRV486-RE1
12:28:31.469 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS on Gnat: Midnight and Hellbound V
12:28:32.173 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER on Gnat: Midnight and Hellbound V
12:28:32.678 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER_POLICE on GalCop Isis Space Boat: UZK832-RE1
12:28:32.680 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_WARRANT_SCANNER_POLICE on GalCop Viper Interceptor: CXR444-RE1
12:28:32.700 [NPC_Equipment_Damage] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): damaging EQ_ESCAPE_POD on GalCop Viper Interceptor: CXR444-RE1
12:28:38.531 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:38.532 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:38.562 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:43.606 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:43.607 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:43.629 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = storage, target = hold, commodity = alloys, max = 5
12:28:43.629 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): maxCargo = 10, spcwt = 5, used = 5000
12:28:43.629 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): source = storage, target = hold, commodity = alloys, max = -4990
12:28:43.633 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:45.322 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:45.322 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:45.357 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity alloys, amount = 5
12:28:45.358 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
12:28:45.374 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:49.931 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:49.932 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:49.954 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): commodity alloys, amount = 9
12:28:49.954 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): max = -4990
12:28:49.966 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:51.131 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:51.132 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:51.249 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:28:52.923 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType] ReportJSError (OOJavaScriptEngine.m:204): ***** JavaScript exception (oolite-default-ship-script 1.90): TypeError: eq is undefined
12:28:58.186 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen will change from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:58.187 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_MISSION to GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES
12:28:58.226 [LogEvents] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): gui screen changed from GUI_SCREEN_INTERFACES to GUI_SCREEN_MISSION
12:29:01.139 [exit.context] -[OoliteApp terminate:] (OoliteApp.m:68): Exiting: Cocoa terminate event.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by phkb »

This line:

Code: Select all

12:28:18.707 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): maxCargo = 10, spcwt = 15, used = 5000
indicates the code change didn't take for some reason. "used = 5000" is the error, which is a miscalculation of the space that 5kg of either gold or platinum takes up - I'm assuming you have 5kg of one of those on board your ship. Not sure why this hasn't worked in your case, but I can assure you, the fix is the right one.
phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:46 am
Hermitage market prices AND stock are being reset to "default" values upon reload OR hyperjump to another system
SW Economy is the culprit in this case. I've added a delay to my market restore now, so it will happen after SW Economy has done it's thing.
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Re: (WIP) Hermitage

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 12:44 pm
This line:

Code: Select all

12:28:18.707 [Hermitage_Management] GlobalLog (OOJSGlobal.m:266): maxCargo = 10, spcwt = 15, used = 5000
indicates the code change didn't take for some reason. "used = 5000" is the error, which is a miscalculation of the space that 5kg of either gold or platinum takes up - I'm assuming you have 5kg of one of those on board your ship. Not sure why this hasn't worked in your case, but I can assure you, the fix is the right one.
phkb wrote: Fri Jun 03, 2022 10:46 am
Hermitage market prices AND stock are being reset to "default" values upon reload OR hyperjump to another system
SW Economy is the culprit in this case. I've added a delay to my market restore now, so it will happen after SW Economy has done it's thing.
Quite. I'd bought 5 units of low-mass SW Economy luxuries at the orbital station to flog off for a good profit at Raale after I'd also nabbed the computers & luxuries from the RH. Maybe if I try offloading the ones on board first...

By the way... noble Admiral... do you ever sleep?
Comments wanted:
Missing OXPs? What do you think is missing?
Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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