Now, I don't mean to imply that Oolite will be going on Steam any time soon. I just did some groundwork and tested the compatibility of the game with the Steam layer - which so far has been with surprisingly few issues. Going on Steam is a complicated affair and requires dedication and persistence: setting up a store page, uploading patches, constant monitoring of reviews, community feedback etc. requires time and lots of effort. But at least the coding part is now there, just in case anyone in the future would be willing to spend all the required time and effort to set all the rest up.
It is noted that Valve discourages projects with GPL licenses on their platform ( see https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/sdk/ ... opensource ). It is not impossible to do this, though. There are things that need to be further clarified license-wise before any thoughts of going live on Steam can be entertained.
For those who want to try it out themselves, the code for running Oolite under the Steam client can be downloaded from D/L link removed and instructions on how to build can be found inside the downloaded zip file. Note: D/L taken down due to GPL violation.
Edit 2022-04-19: Updated the shared zip file to include a precompiled test executable and cleaner file structure.
Edit 2022-04-21: Updated the shared zip file to version 3. Contains the Steam callbacks integration.
Edit 2022-04-25: Download links removed due to GPL violation - PM me if you need setup instructions for this.