The Feudal States

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Re: The Feudal States

Post by Lone_Wolf »

- after the convoy ships have been destroyed, try to pick up as many of the containers as you can.

- I'm 99% sure Opponents are placed on the witchpoint - station route and between the convoy and the station.
If you head that way as fast as possible (easier with extra fueltanks / fast ships ), you may be able to take out enough opponents before they encounter the convoy.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by phkb »

I would normally create a new thread for something like this, but in the hope that Ramirez is still watching, by posting here he'll be notified of changes.

So, I finally got around to doing a bit of an update to Feudal States. You can download v2.0 here: Feudal_States.oxz.

Here's what I've done to it:
  • Converted XML plist files to OpenStep.
  • Updated shipdata subentities to use updated format.
  • Removed legacy ship spawning routines.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge spawning routine to allow for saving when docked.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge textures, and added normal maps. (Rock texture courtesy of "SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from
  • Updated asteroid textures and added normal maps. (Rock textures courtesy of"SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from, models from Griff’s Asteroids OXP.
  • Updated Jump gate textures, and added normal maps.
  • Updated equipment.plist to remove the "99" techlevel and added a condition script instead.
  • Made mission screens compatible with Xenon UI.
  • Reduced the maximum odds for a challenge to limit cash payouts.
  • JS script file cleanup.
  • Bug fixes.
It would be great to get a few testers involved and make sure I haven't botched, mangled or otherwise wrecked Ramirez' work.

What I haven't done is any sort of update to the Jaegar, Korvette or Zerstoerer. These ships have shaders attached, and I didn't like my chances of doing a reasonable job of refreshing textures etc.

This hasn't been pushed to the download manager yet. I'd like some feedback to confirm things are working as they should be before doing that.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by Cholmondely »

phkb wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:20 am
I would normally create a new thread for something like this, but in the hope that Ramirez is still watching, by posting here he'll be notified of changes.

So, I finally got around to doing a bit of an update to Feudal States. You can download v2.0 here: Feudal_States.oxz.

Here's what I've done to it:
  • Converted XML plist files to OpenStep.
  • Updated shipdata subentities to use updated format.
  • Removed legacy ship spawning routines.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge spawning routine to allow for saving when docked.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge textures, and added normal maps. (Rock texture courtesy of "SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from
  • Updated asteroid textures and added normal maps. (Rock textures courtesy of"SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from, models from Griff’s Asteroids OXP.
  • Updated Jump gate textures, and added normal maps.
  • Updated equipment.plist to remove the "99" techlevel and added a condition script instead.
  • Made mission screens compatible with Xenon UI.
  • Reduced the maximum odds for a challenge to limit cash payouts.
  • JS script file cleanup.
  • Bug fixes.
It would be great to get a few testers involved and make sure I haven't botched, mangled or otherwise wrecked Ramirez' work.

What I haven't done is any sort of update to the Jaegar, Korvette or Zerstoerer. These ships have shaders attached, and I didn't like my chances of doing a reasonable job of refreshing textures etc.

This hasn't been pushed to the download manager yet. I'd like some feedback to confirm things are working as they should be before doing that.
Thank you for this. I'm not a combateer. What would you like me to focus on vis-a-vis play-testing?
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Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by phkb »

Cholmondely wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 11:03 am
What would you like me to focus on vis-a-vis play-testing?
any testing you can manage would be great.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by cbr »

At first look the shaders are mostly used for adding lighted decals, using/adding normalmaps will be a tad bit difficult
( because shaders take precedence over materials in plist ?! )

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Re: The Feudal States

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2017 3:56 pm
I suppose I sit in the middle ground of the discussion. I think the improved planet atmosphere graphics in v1.85 is great and hope the developers will continue to push the game experience forward. On the other hand, although I have very limited programming experience (20+ year BBC Basic) it's great to be able to mod oxps and game play to my liking e.g. adding additional missions to the original three of the Feudal States oxp:

Maestro: would there be any chance of sneaking a peek at your adaptation?
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by DGill »

I've sort of created a mini soap opera in which feudal states vie with each other. The basic premise is the Galaxy 6 feudal states have allied with the Thargoids with the aim of invading the feudal states in other galaxies. Mean while all feudal states periodically raid each others station. I have about 13 main missions which are aimed at attacking Galaxy 6 states, collecting tribute from allies, raiding other feudal states, etc. There are also mini missions within the main missions, perhaps numbering 10 or so, i.e. need to get information by gambling at a Hoopy casino.
The missions try to bring in various elements of Oolite; one mission requires trading, another requires visits to the Black Monks bank and the assassins guild. Also, some missions require a change of ship.

Main mission
Main mission
Hunting lodge
Flying Thargoid ship on mission
Hoopy casino mission
Refuelling at feudal tanker
Last edited by DGill on Sun Jul 25, 2021 9:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by montana05 »

phkb wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:20 am
I would normally create a new thread for something like this, but in the hope that Ramirez is still watching, by posting here he'll be notified of changes.

So, I finally got around to doing a bit of an update to Feudal States. You can download v2.0 here: Feudal_States.oxz.

Here's what I've done to it:
  • Converted XML plist files to OpenStep.
  • Updated shipdata subentities to use updated format.
  • Removed legacy ship spawning routines.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge spawning routine to allow for saving when docked.
  • Updated Hunting Lodge textures, and added normal maps. (Rock texture courtesy of "SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from
  • Updated asteroid textures and added normal maps. (Rock textures courtesy of"SolCommand" CC-BY-SA 3.0 from, models from Griff’s Asteroids OXP.
  • Updated Jump gate textures, and added normal maps.
  • Updated equipment.plist to remove the "99" techlevel and added a condition script instead.
  • Made mission screens compatible with Xenon UI.
  • Reduced the maximum odds for a challenge to limit cash payouts.
  • JS script file cleanup.
  • Bug fixes.
It would be great to get a few testers involved and make sure I haven't botched, mangled or otherwise wrecked Ramirez' work.

What I haven't done is any sort of update to the Jaegar, Korvette or Zerstoerer. These ships have shaders attached, and I didn't like my chances of doing a reasonable job of refreshing textures etc.

This hasn't been pushed to the download manager yet. I'd like some feedback to confirm things are working as they should be before doing that.
I totally missed that, your textures look great. Regarding the ships, as cbr mentioned, the shaders are for the decals and would need some modifications to use normal maps or any other kind of improvement. Honestly, the best would be new models as well. My skills for shaders still suck, so a_c or Griff would be the right people to talk to.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by tsoj »

phkb wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:20 am
I'd like some feedback to confirm things are working as they should be before doing that.
It seems someone went mad :):

Code: Select all

feudal-challenge.js: line 94: missionVariables.feudal_challenger_odds = madOdds;
(should be probably "maxOdds", otherwise challenges don't appear when pressing F8 in a feudal hunting lodge)

Also, I get the following error when trying a challenge, and I also don't get back all my missiles after the challenge:

Code: Select all

[script.javaScript.exception.undeclaredVar]: ***** JavaScript exception (feudal-challenge.js 9.1): ReferenceError: assignment to undeclared variable restoreCounter
Also, when I am doing a challenge, then in the old version the opponents waited at the tournament-buoy, now they are somewhere else.

Another thing that was still a bug in the original version seems to be still there:
When doing a challenge/bet at a feudal hunting lodge, there is an issue when the player launches the surrender-flare. Even though it gets detected as surrender, the challenger doesn't stop shooting, and sometimes even waits outside for and starts to attack again when I undock later.

A fix I found is to add to Scripts/feudal-target.js the following:

Code: Select all

this.shipAttackedOther = function(other)
   if (this.ship.primaryRole == [missionVariables.feudal_challenger_role] &&
      missionVariables.feudal_challenger == "FORFEIT")

this.shipTargetLost = function()
instead of this:

Code: Select all

this.shipTargetLost = function() {
   if (missionVariables.feudal_challenger == "RUNNING")
(I haven't tested if it works with your version 2.0 yet, but it works for version 1.16.3, so I just assume it also works for this version).
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by Cholmondely »

DGill wrote: Fri Jul 23, 2021 11:28 am
I've sort of created a mini soap opera in which feudal states vie with each other. The basic premise is the Galaxy 6 feudal states have allied with the Thargoids with the aim of invading the feudal states in other galaxies. Mean while all feudal states periodically raid each others station. I have about 13 main missions which are aimed at attacking Galaxy 6 states, collecting tribute from allies, raiding other feudal states, etc. There are also mini missions within the main missions, perhaps numbering 10 or so, i.e. need to get information by gambling at a Hoopy casino.
The missions try to bring in various elements of Oolite; one mission requires trading, another requires visits to the Black Monks bank and the assassins guild. Also, some missions require a change of ship.

Main mission
Main mission
Hunting lodge
Flying Thargoid ship on mission
Hoopy casino mission
It seems absolutely superb! Any chance of your publishing your variant on the Expansions Manager? I would happily give you access to my login if you don't have your own - and help with the wiki page.

And I see you have your own HUD, too. Any chance of a little more detail on that?
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by phkb »

tsoj wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 6:47 pm
It seems someone went mad :
It happens from time to time!

Thanks for the bug reports. I’ll get a fix out shortly and then potentially we’ll be in a position to make it an official update.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by tsoj »

phkb wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:18 pm
[...] and then potentially we’ll be in a position to make it an official update.
I just want to say that I never really used anything else from Feudals except for the Hunting Lodge (to get easy money ... :P), so I can't say anything else about absence (or existence) of bugs, or changes in behaviour in other parts of this OXP.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by Cholmondely »

tsoj wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:25 pm
phkb wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:18 pm
[...] and then potentially we’ll be in a position to make it an official update.
I just want to say that I never really used anything else from Feudals except for the Hunting Lodge (to get easy money ... :P), so I can't say anything else about absence (or existence) of bugs, or changes in behaviour in other parts of this OXP.
I've run a couple of missions - no issues yet!
Comments wanted:
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Lore: The economics of ship building How many built for Aronar?
Lore: The Space Traders Flight Training Manual: Cowell & MgRath Do you agree with Redspear?
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by phkb »

OK, v2.1 is now available here: Feudal_States.oxz, which addresses the issues raised by tsoj.
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Re: The Feudal States

Post by DGill »

Cholmondely wrote: Sat Jul 24, 2021 11:09 pm

Any chance of your publishing your variant on the Expansions Manager?
Unfortunately it is not a single oxp; its a bit of a mess-up of multiple oxps! One mission uses 'towbar' to haul in a captured thargoid ship, I've altered 'planetary rings' to put the ring around outer planets where I rendezvous with a Thargoid carrier, I've modified fuel station and many other oxps to suit mission gameplay, etc.

The hud is very specific to the feudal states missions and not viable as a stand alone hud. During missions various prompts are displayed, e.g. number of wingmen remaining, whether approaching a hostile or friendly feudal state, etc.

hud at yellow alert

hud when docked

hud when landing on planet (radar code courtesy of PHKB)
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