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Trouble with Ionics mission (Spoiler)

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Trouble with Ionics mission (Spoiler)

Post by Wiggy »

Hmm. Just started the Ionics mission.

I've landed at Zaria, after being asked to get a package from there, and nothing's happened...
It still says "get package from Zaria" in F5.

I've done it before, so not sure why. Any thoughts? Cheers.
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Post by LittleBear »

Its a bug that was present in the version on Oosat1, but was fixed in the version on Oosat2. The bug-fixed version was on Oosat2 but got wiped out in the October crash. I have the fixed version on my machine and you can download it at this link:-
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Post by devilhunter »

Thats excellant LB :D

Now is there somewhere I can download the Supercobra :?:
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I'm having trouble with Ionics too!

Post by *cat »

I stated the mission, then did the upgrade to v 1.69b on my mac and added a load more OXPs. After that, when I tried to get back to Zaria, my computer froze as soon as I got there: all the keys are locked up and nothing seems to be moving outside either.
I tried removing all references to the first stage of the mission from my save file, but still the same problem. I also removed Thargon Wars, but that didn't help either.
It all works fine when I remove the Ionics 1.2.1 OXP.
Any ideas?
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Post by LittleBear »

There is a known problem with OXPs that change "specificplanetinfo" on 1.69.1 and below. Assassins and Ionics are the only OXPs ATM that do this. The bug is now fixed. Another Commander has e-mail me the fix as I'm playesting the new version of Assassins. Can comfirm it works, but not sure its available yet for download. Spect the Big A will have fixed it for the official 1.70 of Oolite. Bear in mind that everything beyond 1.65 is still in beta and A is realeasing his hard work for peeps to find problems and bug fix. Try it with D's 1.65 textured planets build and it should be OK. Everything after 1.65 is still in testing, but it's helpful to A if peeps do test the new development builds as thats the only way to squash bugs! :wink:
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thanks for the reply

Post by *cat »

Is there anything I can edit in my savefile or the Ionics OXP that'll fix it in the 1.69b? Or should I just drag Ionics out of my addons and do the Thargon mission instead?
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Post by LittleBear »

check the script for any commands saying "setSpecficPlanetInfo:" and delete them. This will mean that descriptions of systems won't charge (like they're meant to), but if the problem is related to the broken setSpecificPlanetInfo then the OXP will (should) at least run. I haven't hit any problems with Ionics1.2.1, but I only played it on 1.65.
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Still stuck

Post by *cat »

Thanks for help, but I can't find the setSpecficPlanetInfo: string...
Where exactly should I be looking? I've searched all the .plist files in the OXP and the main Oolite OXPs in the config folder.
I hope one day to understand enough about OXPs and write one, but not yet...
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Post by LittleBear »

Oops sorry! The author of this OXP did it a slighly different way as he changed the descriptions in You'd need to search for "description" and edit the planetinfo to remove the commands that are changing the descriptions. (This is assuming the changing of descriptions is the problem). It wasn't on 1.65 but I know from playtesting Assassins on 1.69, it didn't like it when a description was changed.
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sorry but...

Post by *cat »

Sorry, still having trouble. I commented out all the additional Zaria stuff in the planetinfo and I could actually fly towards Zaria when I arrived. However, after getting into clear space abd a few seconds of Jump Drive, everything locked up again. My poor old mac mini's fans went up and up, and then I was unveremoniously chucked out of the Ooniverse and onto the mac desktop!
Might just have been some coincidence. I *did* leave Throgon Threat oxp in there as well - maybe I should have removed that?
Thanks for the help
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Post by *cat »

I'm looking forward to playing the Assassins OXP in future. Is the "Agent Wombat" referred to in your other thread anything to do with the Family DeAlambert books by E E "doc" Smith. I love them for "extreme escapism"!
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Re: PS

Post by TGHC »

*cat wrote:
Is the "Agent Wombat" referred to in your other thread anything to do with the Family DeAlambert books by E E "doc" Smith.
No, he was a long time poster way back in the early days of Oolite development, and the inspired author of some of the earliest OXP's in particullar Deposed, which influentally set the standard for future OXP developers.
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hmmm, still no good

Post by *cat »

When I get to Zaria I get attacked by lots of Ionics ships, and it's like there's a time limit - after some stupendous skilled flying by me (!) everything locks up again. Maybe some more editing of my save file might help, but I think I'll just have to miss out on the Ionics mission. Thanks for the help.
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Back to the future...

Post by *cat »

I went back to version 1.65 (is that the newest stable release? I'm always a bit unsure about where the official place to download the current official version is...) and am happily going through the Ionics missions.
Whew! Can I HAVE a funnelweb? Please?!
Thanks for help
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Post by Commander McLane »

Yes, 1.65 is the last stable release. You get it from (that's the link on top of every page in this board, right below the words "Oolite Bulletins").

And no, you can't have a funnelweb. (But there are other powerful ships out there, that you can have.)
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