chomwitt wrote: ↑Wed May 26, 2021 9:22 am
Two other issues occurred
1. I get fines and 'attitude adjustment' in both systems.
In Leesti i think it was because i got too close to station without a clearance. In DIso case
a couple of police ships dropped me out of hyperspeed just to fine me!. I was too far away from the station.
Perhaps the reason was written on my screen but the messages go away very fast to read. (i'll pause the game
other time)
I've never had this! But you can get recent messages back on-screen by pressing the appropriate button on your keyboard:
Code: Select all
Action Keyconfig Entry Key Keycode (Dec) Keycode (Hex) BBC Key
Comms Log key_comms_log ` 96 60 `
From ... d_Controls: bottom of the "in-flight controls" table
Or, on the
Oolite Reference Sheets, it's on page 1 towards the bottom of the
Flight Controls section in the right-hand column
Or, in-game, under
Game Options,
View Keyboard Configuration (I
think this updates with your changes to the game) it is listed as "Comms Log" and is in the first column, towards the bottom (yet again!).
2. Due to approaching the planet from other course i get masslocked, presumably from the planet (because i think
the station masslocks you close to 50-100 km (a very rough estimate).
So i try to readjust my approaching maneuver in order to both avoid crowded lanes and the planet mass.
Yes, it's a problem - one needs to keep one's eye on the altimeter, and a HUD with a numerical readout for it helps much more (my Vimana HUD does this for me).
Also, Telescope allows one to see the mass-lock interference spheres around the planets (and other space craft). One needs to toggle the preferences to get the effect one wants (complicated - it is a complex OXP), but it does make that aspect of Oolite easier.
I find if I keep to the outer edge of the planet's rings, when it has them, that I'm usually safe.