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Forget Lasers!

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Forget Lasers!

Post by GoreLeech »

I have adopted a policy as being a pirate With a Python Class Cruiser, why use a Military grade laser, when with the shield upgrade, i can ram those incredibly resistant Gemini D-3 escort ships with my crusiser at slow speeds, and reap the benifets of doing the same to everything else....after all why waste that cooldown time or missles when u can just use my shield bank....the best part is my shield only goes down about 10% ....any comments on this strategy...and any other interesting ones?(if i can ill post a picture of doing this)
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Re: Forget Lasers!

Post by Captain Hesperus »

Ah, the old 'ram the b@st@rds to death' technique. I also find that a Python with an EEU* and SB** can happily head-butt to death most smaller ships, especially if you have an WFI*** to keep up with the faster ones. As they say WHSRETSE****

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Post by GoreLeech »

xD indeed...but it works so well as long as they dont red you
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

GoreLeech wrote:
xD indeed...but it works so well as long as they dont red you
It's never happened to me. I don't think Oolite recognises ramming as an aggressive action, like firing lasers and missiles. I've rammed a Viper to death and still retained a 'Clean' Status.

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Post by Wiggy »

It's a great strategy. I use it on X-wings, as they are too fiddly to shoot.
But bear in mind that it will increase the frequency of maintenance overhauls - which cost!
You came in that? You're braver than I thought!
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Killer Wolf
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Post by Killer Wolf »

Bah, ramming >:-/

i've been studying pirate behaviour - why is it Fer-de-Lances seem to be geet scaredycats? i thought FDLs were the mark of the best but 90% of the time they're the first to FO as soon as i fire.

and Kraits - who taught them to start dogfighting while running their injection systems? it's bloody annoying when you fight for ages then one just loops round trailing purple and rams you to death

x-wings - sheesh, have to amend the ship data for them. 6 missiles? er yeah, right.

Asps : seem to make the most of that ziggyzaggy evasive manouvre after you hit em a few times, damn hard to draw a bead on them

odd one too : i take it there's some kinda wormholes left by other ships? i left Ensoreous last night and there was a big blue circle. couldn't ID it so i flew up to it, hyped and ended up in Atriso w/ no fuel used. i believe the cloud analysers appeared in FE but i can't recall if you could slip in along w/ other ships??
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Killer Wolf wrote:
odd one too : i take it there's some kinda wormholes left by other ships? i left Ensoreous last night and there was a big blue circle. couldn't ID it so i flew up to it, hyped and ended up in Atriso w/ no fuel used. i believe the cloud analysers appeared in FE but i can't recall if you could slip in along w/ other ships??
Yeah, this happens a lot. Sometimes you'll see it happen at the Witchspace Beacon after you jump into a system. I don't understand that though, a ship jumps in, then seconds later jumps out, why? Whoops, wrong system! I've piggy-backed on Fugitive ships' wormholes when they escape from stations, but only when I have a full 7LY of fuel, they tend to jump straight to Anarchies. It's a cheap way of trading if you don't have fuel scoops since you don't expend fuel, but you are at the whims of the ship you followed.

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Killer Wolf »

why? Whoops, wrong system
women pilots ;-)
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Killer Wolf wrote:
why? Whoops, wrong system
women pilots ;-)
Nah, more likely he didn't want to ask directions..... :D

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Post by Killer Wolf »

that, or he was using the next generation of one of those satnavs that send you from London to Cornwall via Manchester, all on back roads :-D
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Killer Wolf wrote:
that, or he was using the next generation of one of those satnavs that send you from London to Cornwall via Manchester, all on back roads :-D

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Post by Killer Wolf »

i had another odd one lsat night. i'd loaded the Lave.oxp so i had a wander over there to see it in action. jumped in, and right there a Behemoth was scrapping w/ a Thargoid. bit of a scrap, then off towards the planet. on the way, got a yellow indicator on the scanner - offender FDL, so i chased him. ended up w/ a Krait and three Pythons. i followed the Krait, blew him up, and he just took it, no evasive manouvres, nothing. turned to get the others and they were all just dead in space, not moving. easy kills, but....why? they hadn't been in fights that i could see, no escape capsules about, they just seemed to fly to a location then stop.
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Killer Wolf wrote:
i had another odd one lsat night. i'd loaded the Lave.oxp so i had a wander over there to see it in action. jumped in, and right there a Behemoth was scrapping w/ a Thargoid. bit of a scrap, then off towards the planet. on the way, got a yellow indicator on the scanner - offender FDL, so i chased him. ended up w/ a Krait and three Pythons. i followed the Krait, blew him up, and he just took it, no evasive manouvres, nothing. turned to get the others and they were all just dead in space, not moving. easy kills, but....why? they hadn't been in fights that i could see, no escape capsules about, they just seemed to fly to a location then stop.
The 'Sleepy Pirate' bug is a long-stnading thing. Do you have a Cloaking device? if so, then when it's activated, ships attacking you do 'go to sleep' even when you attack them. Otherwise, it's a small bug.

Captain Hesperus
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Post by Killer Wolf »

nope, no cloak - still a newbie, no Constrictor missions yet.

that's the kinda bug i like in a game ~ easy kills :-D
typical it happened when i had a full cargo hold tho, blatting 3 Pythons = screen full of cargo canisters >:-/
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Killer Wolf wrote:
nope, no cloak - still a newbie, no Constrictor missions yet.

that's the kinda bug i like in a game ~ easy kills :-D
typical it happened when i had a full cargo hold tho, blatting 3 Pythons = screen full of cargo canisters >:-/
LOL! Stuff like that makes the Cap'n sob into his stimcafe. It's awful and a shame that there's no 'marker bouy' equipment that you can dump to mark the location with an 'M' on an Advanced Space Compass.

Captain Hesperus
"All that lovely profit, it breaks me heart. Stepan, pass the brandy bottle, I want to brain myself."
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