Stashes expansion

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Stashes expansion

Post by popsch »


Wrote my first OXP. While I'm waiting for access to release it, does anyone want to try it before I can release it? Any feedback is appreciated.

Stashes OXP:!PchnBZ6R!NcONrhSpO-K- ... GbAW7PfsTI


EDIT: updated URL
Last edited by popsch on Mon Sep 07, 2015 9:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Duggan »

At the risk of sounding dim,(easily done for me) what is it and what does it do ? :)
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by popsch »

Duggan wrote:
At the risk of sounding dim,(easily done for me) what is it and what does it do ? :)
It's all in the manifest :D

It adds stashes of cargo pods with a proximity warning. Just ignore the warning and see what treat you get. :twisted:

So far there are six different types of stashes, but it's all in array form and trivial to maintain and extend. So ideas are welcome.

Spoiler: It only has 1% * techLevel of chance to appear. If you open the OXP, you can change it by changing this.trapLikelihood. If you want to force it, set this.debugProximityTrap to 1.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Diziet Sma »

description = "Adds activities in space: treasure caches, honeypots, abandoned stashes, restricted military airspace, etc.";
Cute.. I like it.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Layne »

And here from the title I thought this would be an OXP about growing facial hair.

*eyebrow waggle*
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Hamishthecat »

Has anyone else had problems trying to download this from the download manager? I've tried a number of times but it gets to the end of the download - the full amount of kb's are downloaded - then I just get the error message that the download has failed.

I'm running v1.82 on Windows 7.

Sorry for the lack of other info - I'm stuck bored at work so haven't got any other details to hand.

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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Diziet Sma »

That's generally indicative of a certain type of manifest.plist problem.. but I don't recall which one, offhand.

It has actually been downloaded.. but Oolite is refusing to add it to the game. IIRC, Oolite will have stored the downloaded file in GNUstep/Library/Caches/org.aegidian.oolite/

Take a peek inside the OXZ, and you might be able to figure out what's wrong with the manifest.plist.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Norby »

I see nothing wrong in manifest.plist so I guess the link provided by dropbox is not enough direct for Oolite.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Cholmondely »

Can't get this one to download either via the Expansions Manager or the link above (seems dysfunctional).

I need to sneak a peek for editing the Asteroids page on wiki. Can anyone help?
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by montana05 »

Cholmondely wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:44 am
Can't get this one to download either via the Expansions Manager or the link above (seems dysfunctional).
Both links are expired or deleted. I guess this OXP is lost forever. When publishing a package I would recommend to upload your OXZ's to the wiki and include your link there at the expansion manager.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Cholmondely »

montana05 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:50 am
Cholmondely wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:44 am
Can't get this one to download either via the Expansions Manager or the link above (seems dysfunctional).
Both links are expired or deleted. I guess this OXP is lost forever. When publishing a package I would recommend to upload your OXZ's to the wiki and include your link there at the expansion manager.
Montana, this is a crucially important point. Is it mentioned anywhere where oxp-writers are going to see it? Or could it be somehow included in the current "uploading set-up" for the expansions manager, forcing people to upload it to the wiki?
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by montana05 »

Cholmondely wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:47 am
Montana, this is a crucially important point. Is it mentioned anywhere where oxp-writers are going to see it? Or could it be somehow included in the current "uploading set-up" for the expansions manager, forcing people to upload it to the wiki?
I totally agree with you, it is critical. Diz made a very good documentary 2014 which is still valid. Have a look here: The All-in-One Guide to OXZ Packaging and Distribution

Unfortunately a lot people got enthusiastic (same like me in the past :roll:) but made it very difficult to maintain their work in future.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by dybal »

Cholmondely wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 7:47 am
montana05 wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 4:50 am
Cholmondely wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 12:44 am
Can't get this one to download either via the Expansions Manager or the link above (seems dysfunctional).
Both links are expired or deleted. I guess this OXP is lost forever. When publishing a package I would recommend to upload your OXZ's to the wiki and include your link there at the expansion manager.
Montana, this is a crucially important point. Is it mentioned anywhere where oxp-writers are going to see it? Or could it be somehow included in the current "uploading set-up" for the expansions manager, forcing people to upload it to the wiki?
I agree it's very important, I very much prefer using the Expansion manager than downloading OXZs individually, and improving the HOW-TOs so new authors learn how to upload to the wiki and why that's a good thing (or, what can - and did - happen if the OXZ file is hosted elsewhere), but I'm not sure about the "forcing people to upload to the wiki" bit...

Reading old posts, I gather that in the past (before the Expansion Manager) many authors didn't like the idea of hosting their work in places they didn't control - access to download counters was the main reason mentioned - so the Expansion Manager configuration (the manifest) takes a download URL and the oxz file can be hosted anywhere.

Personally, I can empathize with the download counter argument (the download counters in the wiki have been broken for some time and I have no idea if any of the OXPs I have been working on are used)
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by Nite Owl »

Have Stashes v0.3.1 sitting in my ManagedAddOns folder. If someone wishes to make this file available once again via the Expansion Manager and the Wiki please PM me. The file will be uploaded to my Google Drive account and a link will be PM'd back to you. Once you have downloaded the file PM me once again so that the file can be removed from said Google Drive account. Do not want to post a public link here as the Bandwidth Demons have chased me before and it is not an experience that should be repeated.
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Re: Stashes expansion

Post by dybal »

Stashes 0.3.1 available here.
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