Thanks for a brilliant version of Elite

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Post by Rxke »

Wow, looks really menacing :shock:
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Post by LittleBear »

Version 2 is finished!



- Renegades gain multiple multi-coloured front lasers!
- Some Renegades gain multiple multi-coloured plasma turrets!
- Bigger Bounties!
- More detailed placement script!
- Slight improvement to the AI!
- Few more hails added!
- Better prisoner description when handing a captured criminal over to GalCop!

Until it appears on Oosat, you can download it by clicking on this link here (V3) or the link on my signature.


Last edited by LittleBear on Sun Dec 03, 2006 1:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Star Gazer »

wonderful stuff! love it!
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by Captain Hesperus »

Star Gazer wrote:
wonderful stuff! love it!
Yeah, there's always something to be said about a pair of BFG's!

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Post by Dr. Nil »


They are really scary. Nice!

300 billboards in Your Ad Here!
Astromines and more in Commies.
AVAILABLE HERE along with other Oolite eXpansion Packs.
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Post by TGHC »

Looks awesome, I have been very busy in the real world for the last few days and will be for the next few weeks so little time to enjoy.
LittleBear wrote:
A new Commander could safley install it, assuming he is stering clear of Anachys anyway due to his poor ship specs, but you are assumed to have a fairly well kitted out ship before you go and deliberatley seek them out. :wink:

You just know that a harmless pilot will drop in to an anarchy system, so you could set the level to say 500 kills, or having completed the constrictor mission.
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Post by Merceray »

Sorry, but I do not completed the constrictor mission. I have ranc "Dangerous"... So may be only make a limit on kills?

and another one question: my computer going work slowly when I meet the Renegades ships... Why it so???
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Post by LittleBear »

Slow down may be caused if your system is low on RAM. When a renegade opens fire with his plasma cannons, each "ball" of plasma is an "object" Oolite has to track. If your system is a bit low spec, 20 odd new objects might cause a slowdown in the frame-rate. Odd though, my system is a 3 year old Dell and I didn't notice a slow-down.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Merceray »

may be, may be... I'm using 5 years old computer, witch I assembled by myself... I'm using it only for the internet, or playing old games in ZX-Spectrum simulators... :)

It was a big luck for me that the Oolite do not requires co many resources :) Whell it's a deadline for my old computer...
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Post by grouchy »

Another thank you post.

I was also impressed with the graphics. Saw a Frontier sort of view, coming up on the station and the sunlight on the planet is reflecting off the atmosphere.

Just something to enjoy while waiting for more targets to make lighting off the energy bomb worthwhile. :)
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Oh Yes! Oh Yes! Oh Yes!

Post by garp »

The last time I played Elite was about 25 years ago on my trusty ZX Spectrum. It used to take 20-25 minutes for the game to load, which was done from a portable casstte player! The anticipation of waiting for the game to load was brilliant in itself - and I prayed that the tape didn't get chewed up!
Way back then the graphics were simply white on black; no colours at all, and any sort of ship or space station was just lines - accompanied by some crackly sounds!
While the excitement of the loading procedure has diminished to the space of a heartbeat, the game Oolite now provides even greater joy with loads of colour, sounds and speed.
I have also found out that there are further add-ons available, thanks to a band of trusty die-hards, who spend time writing (and thinking up) further missions, space stations, ships etc.

Oolite puts all other games in the shade!

Thank all of you who have worked on it - and those adding OXP's.

For what it's worth, on my home PC I am 'competant' with 150+ kills, 15,000 credits; and more added bits & pieces to my MkIII than a body piercing addict!
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Re: Oh Yes! Oh Yes! Oh Yes!

Post by Captain Hesperus »

garp wrote:
For what it's worth, on my home PC I am 'competant' with 150+ kills, 15,000 credits; and more added bits & pieces to my MkIII than a body piercing addict!
Glad to hear you're enthusiasm. Just out of interest, what's your 'fix', trading, bounty-hunting or <whispers>piracy</whispers>?

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Post by garp »

I've progressed further in 1 week of playing Oolite than I did in about a year of play on the ZX! Therefore, It's breaking new ground for me. At present, all I'm doing is travelling around G1 trading and fighting off the bad guys - sort of blissfilly aimless I suppose!

However, I have just discovered OXP's. Loaded the first yesterday and have started my very first mission - hoorah!

Is there some particular method to Bounty Hunting and (shhhhh!) piracy?
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Post by TGHC »

garp wrote:
Is there some particular method to Bounty Hunting and (shhhhh!) piracy?
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Post by bjbkk »

This seems like the appropriate "Thanks!" thread even if it's a bit meandering.

I first played Elite on a commodore 64 many, many moons ago, and I'd just made it to "Deadly" and saved my game before my younger brother came along with a magnet and trashed my disk. I've tried many clones over the years, but they never really worked right.

Oolite, however, met and exceeded all my expectations, and all the OXP add-ons are a dream come true. Thanks to all who make this game possible!
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