So hear was my first station arrival after the successful code adjustment.
Please note that the only thing that has been rescaled, that you can actually see, in these pictures is the scanner.
Note that I'm third in the queue (so not just a freak incident of one ship making it to the station) and also that the scanner is a little different.
The differnt line markings are a consequnce of it being smaller but the names showing up are a personal preference I learned abot
What I have since experimented with is reducing the name length eg.
Nav Buoy rather than
Navigation Buoy, in an effort to reduce clutter. Note how if it were
Coriolis rather than
Coriolis Station (the station being indicated by the green lollipop marker) then it wouldn't interfere with the
Anaconda in this instance.
Anaconda is just about to dock with Boa lining up. You can see the clutter that can happen when entities are close to each other but the shorter the names the less of a problem this is.
Names are drawn from shipdata.plist however, so whilst
Sidewinder Scout Ship might reasonably be reduced to
S-winder wouldn't look so good in a shipyard (although that particular ship isn't usually for sale...) and as for
GalCop Viper Interceptor...
Anyway, back to the docking. So after those two docked I had to wait for a ship to launch as well.
A python has just launched showing that when two entities are close enough it hardly matters how long their names are (a quick roll of the player ship wil reveal them in many instances however). So with both launching and docking ships at the station, I think I can carry on testing with this new scanner
I'm personally justifying the scanner as being the ship's ID range rather than the ship's detection range. Given that the regular scanner has less range than the player's eyesight (in game rather than the scanner's supposed 25km
) then I don't think that's so bad.
The names are just something I'm having fun with, I'm not expecting them to go in the standard build (of the rescaling project).