I'll have to disagree on this one. Cutie was initially a sentient tool (with an amazingly creepy design), and later came back with a humanoid body attempting to kill Slade - I really can't see this as being the equal partnership asked for in the original question.
TV series.
-- a doppleganger of a woman who can kill you with her mind.
-- a buddy cop show based on a story by Ben Bova and Harlan Ellison.
-- he weighs half a ton.
-- A robot who took the heroine's place when she was temporarily dead.
Comics: robots in comics often have unusual looks, especially when created by a mixture of human and alien science that nobody entirely understands, or originating in the far future. Eg.
-- gold with weird limbs
-- red with some bling embedded in his head
Web comics
-- one of the longest-running web comics, the large cast of protagonists include several humans and robots, mostly going about not especially exciting lives, with at least one human/robot relationship
-- an interstellar colony with a few hundred thousand humans and several million robots, all of whom initially tended to call the main protagonist "Doggy!"
Good grief! That looks pretty dire, as does the Wikipedia summary, but it certainly fits what I asked for.
One to go!
Reminds me to reveal which TV shows I was referencing:
TV series. -- a doppleganger of a woman who can kill you with her mind. - Terminator, the Sarah Connor Chronicles. Cameron, the android, was played by Summer Glau who played River Tam in Firefly. -- a buddy cop show based on a story by Ben Bova and Harlan Ellison.Future Cop (1977) -- he weighs half a ton.Metal Mickey, of course! -- A robot who took the heroine's place when she was temporarily dead. The Buffybot, in Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Okay - let's expand this - I'll accept any answer that isn't from a book, a film, a TV series or a comic. That means that as well as web comics you have things like stage shows (I can easily think of two that have suitable characters), performance art in all forms, etc. etc.
webcomics https://questionablecontent.net/ It is basically sitocom about romancies between protagonist (in ever changed variations). Like 1/3 ot them are humanoid robots (basicaly treated as other humans, so friends, work partners, some romance is also sugested)
webcomics https://questionablecontent.net/ It is basically sitocom about romancies between protagonist (in ever changed variations). Like 1/3 ot them are humanoid robots (basicaly treated as other humans, so friends, work partners, some romance is also sugested)
Yep! Questionable Content was the main one I was thinking of - the proverbial ball is in your court.
The other one I mentioned is Freefall Web Comic, which has been around since 1998, which is set on an interstellar colony which has thousands of robots for every human. The heroine (a genetically engineered anthropomorphic wolf and starship engineer) was routinely addressed as "Doggy!" by every robot that met her at first.
So what about 5 different universes, where part of normal strategy of space battle is close combat of space ships? (close as in contact or something under say 100 meters maintained for some time) Not necessary the only strategy ofcourse
Under 100 meters? And not involving boarding operations? Can't think of any at all. I would have said anything under 1000 km was ridiculously close, but there I can think of a couple that qualify.
Close-quarters fighter combat - apart from the occasional Death Star long-range bombardment - seems to be the norm in the Star Wars universe …
Also parking your capital ships nose-to-nose and letting fly seems to be the preferred tactic in the recent Star Trek remakes, but I think that's probably because they're not very good films.
Under 100 meters? And not involving boarding operations? Can't think of any at all. I would have said anything under 1000 km was ridiculously close, but there I can think of a couple that qualify.
Well not only just for boarding. (boarding may happened after the fight, but fighting on that close range should be fighting trategy, not merely something unavoidable when closing for boarding range) And it IS ridiculous, which why I choose that