Quick Summary:
- Double injector speed bonus for scooped fuel from systems with the larger main planets
- Scoop fuel as normal, if the system main planet is big enough then a message will confirm you are scooping 'premium' fuel and subsequent injector use will be boosted
- On purchasing fuel or scooping from an unsuitable star the 'premium' fuel will be diluted and the bonus lost
- Fuel scooping is an underused element of gameplay IMO and largely because the risk and time required are not balanced by the reward
- Bonus only applied at some stars rather than all - bonus should not become mundane I think
- Uses planet radius rather than stars as it is less commonly manipulated by oxps and additionally it is visible on the galactic charts
- Larger main planets tend to 'orbit' the larger stars and they are the most dangerous to scoop from
Gameplay Posibilites:
- Before heading into a dangerous system, a pilot may wish to make a detour in order to scoop from a particular star
- Pilots of slower or more vulnerable ships may wish to look for routes that include the relevant stars
- Motivation to sun-skim in the first place (outside of a mission)
In future I may wish to vary the bonus based on star colour or similar.
Double bonus may be a touch on the generous side however this version should be quite playable IMHO.
Available from the download manager.