Time of Day

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Time of Day

Post by Alex »

This started out as a reply to Cody on Day Light Saving.

Ah.. Alas.

Got to a ramble through..
Well, Saving Day Light. And it's sillyness.
Just love they spell chex.

Sorry Cody, just gonna;

Isn't time funny.
I have a 20 something year old analogue watch with glow in the dark arms and a red second sweeper. Takes a small button type battery. Runs for a year and a few months on one. Keeps to the second compared to the internet clock, well till the battery dies. Doesn't slow down, loose a second or anything.. Just dead! New battery and away it goes for another year and a bit. Even has a date thing, but every month has 31 days. Not to mention the little numbers are way to small for me to actually read anymore.

Nope. Haven't forgotten the subject of day light saving.

Just thought to mention actually having a decent time keeper is fun. Try making excuses for tardiness when your wrist will tell your lies. Keeps your imagination working.
"The dog licked my watch!" OOps. Mine says, Water Proof 30m. OUch.
Wasn't an expensive watch.. Well until the ladies in my life learned it was reliable. And had to blame bad eye sight on knowing what time it was. (Are you sure I didn't put my watch on upside down again?) As if that worked the first time!

Day Light Saving. Mm, as though you could put it in your pocket. And spend it another time.
No study has proven it actually helps anyone. Well not since the steam train was the major sharer of information. Or you set clock with the church bell. I found it just upset my sleep.
An hour to the left.. Oops an hour to the right.. Booger will I ever get used to this.

With a steady time you will know what season it is. 6am. Is it dark? Winter, light? Summer.
Not everywhere has big temperature differences.
Where I live it's really not so noticeable.
But then I have a fair layer of fat and also quite hairy. So shorts and T shirts do.
Haven't had body hair stand up for insulation since leaving the UK. But then didn't have the fat layer then either.

Anyone want to chat about how daylight and ambient temperature effects digestion and metoblisation of anything eaten?
With Olympian or fat slob diets thrown in.

Not to mention the time of year and how what you are expected to eat.
Just think bannanas. A herb grown all year round. Just not anywhere cold. Ever been to a grocer that doesn't have bananas?
Growing up in Scotland. Late 60 > 90's Always bananas.
But potatoes were seasonal for kind, but alway there too. But it was 'kind'
Eh.. for egg heads, read kind as breed. There are/were a rainbow of skin colours from indigo to real red, not to mention the usual browns and tans.
Not to mention shapes, like Israeli/Jerusalem tots. Small, squiggly with yellowish flesh. Mmm, yummy.

Did you know there was such a thing as a 'cream banana' Not it's real name, but does taste like banana creamed. Small thing, but flavour. AH Well.

Enjoyed that little meander
Hope yous did too
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Re: Time of Day

Post by spud42 »

time is an arbitrary label .
who is to say what time it actually is??
if i take one step west then technically its a different time to where i was.
DST is just temporarily changing the label applied to " now"
if you work 9 to 5, then why not work 8 to 4 in the summer and leave the bloody clocks alone!!!
Because that is all you are doing , working 8 to 4 but relabelling it 9 to 5 by moving the clock forward an hour.
no DST here in sunny Queensland, no way are we going to let that extra hour fade our curtains or upset the cows by not being milked on time...lol

but seriously change my work hours not my watch because i lost the damn book that tells me how to adjust it so i dont..lol
i even have to tell my mobile phone to ignore DST when those kooky southerners play silly buggers with time!
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Re: Time of Day

Post by jackiebean »

here in the US they give all sorts of reasons that DST is a valid argument. The most famous of them all is because the farmers need to get up earlier to plant and harvest etc, and once that is over with then we can go back to normal time. Bollocks. I grew up on a farm and the clock was not even a factor, you woke up when the sun came up and didnt think twice about the clock. sometimes you woke up earlier than the sun, depending on what had to be done, but rest assured we always went to bed at a decent time. The second excuse is becuase the rural population had to have time to make it in to vote (???) that is about as silly as the first argument, because once again, people out in the country have a habit of waking earlier than you would expect. So the only thing i can think of that is true, is this, they do it just to mess with people. I t has no real value at all and it is just the realization of someone elses dream to have power over other people who dont even question the validity of the ridiculous practice. Several states have done away with DST because it has no valid reason. With the advent of round the clock employment, and the statistical proof that DST actually contributes to accidents and fatalities due to those accidents, due to people being "late" because of the arbitrary DST, many states stopped turning the clocks all together. I am waiting until they stop doing it here, because it makes absolutely no sense, and just gives the population jet lag and drives them like lemurs over the cliff of imagined lateness. In short it is called meddling, and some people just love to be meddlesome. I hate meddlesome individuals, and yes that is the correct verb.
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Re: Time of Day

Post by Alex »

spud42 wrote: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:02 pm
time is an arbitrary label .
who is to say what time it actually is??
if i take one step west then technically its a different time to where i was.
DST is just temporarily changing the label applied to " now"
if you work 9 to 5, then why not work 8 to 4 in the summer and leave the bloody clocks alone!!!
Because that is all you are doing , working 8 to 4 but relabelling it 9 to 5 by moving the clock forward an hour.
no DST here in sunny Queensland, no way are we going to let that extra hour fade our curtains or upset the cows by not being milked on time...lol

but seriously change my work hours not my watch because i lost the damn book that tells me how to adjust it so i dont..lol
i even have to tell my mobile phone to ignore DST when those kooky southerners play silly buggers with time!
Spud You are a kooky southlander. The Equator might not be that far above you, but still no polar bears, just lots of swimming birds.
The water in your sink doesn't spin the other way either. And ye a huge ye on the cows. Ever heard a herd of them wanting to be milked coz the farmer was late?
Quite loud, can even drown the noise of a desile engine train.
Poor cow herder.
What a life, nothing but the sound of the world to say when to wake , work , sleep. wash and repeat. The wash is optional till your told to.

DST, Really?
I have a very good watch. It doesn't watch me. I might look at more if I actually wore it.
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