One ship is the leader ( boa for example ) other boa's allthough freighters are defined as escorts?
Other freighters in the convoys cannot have escorts of their own ( as they are escorts themselves )
what is the difference in defining these for convoys.oxz and freighterconvoys.oxz
The second is in the ambience category so should not add offenders nor Vipers.
If you send me your creations then I can add into the packages for more variety.
Encounter with a gold convoy 8 boa's and minimal 3 fer de lance escorts
I met this anaconda convoy with oogle transporter escorts, in retrospect meeting this convoy
in space ( at least 5 anaconda's ) it is quite big enough
When defining convoys will/would it be a problem when using specific ships from several oxp,
like the oogle transporter or some of the smiv classic ships?
When defining convoys will/would it be a problem when using specific ships from several oxp, like the oogle transporter or some of the smiv classic ships?
In the current plist form this is not easy. If a needed ship pack is not installed then throw errors into the log. If I put them into requirements then others will complain about why pull in many ships what they do not want. Moreover I will not make dozens of convoys oxps, one for each ship oxps.
A solution what I can imagine is creating convoys in js: process all available ships and guess which is a freighter and which is an escort, then handle all exceptions across about 500 ships. If somebody take this job then I will add into.
So i figure inside a plist it is not possible to check if an oxp is installed?
No, it is not possible inside a plist, but it is possible in a script. You can use the oolite.resourcePaths object, which returns an array of all installed OXP paths.
So i deduct a plist is 'just' a list which is read at the starting of oolite,
for this oxp it reads several like-ship's with listed escorts.
Within a script and using the oolitee.resourcePaths one can check the existence of an oxp and with that
one 'knows' the available ships then inside the script something like
if "oolite.oxp.smivs.Clippers.oxz" then "boa_clipper_convoys" = ... etc etc
repeat for other oxp you would want to use
When viewed on a station the new respray of these (white) python are called python's (...)
but when called in the convoys.oxp --> [python] they aren't selected.
What i am trying to get viewed is bunch of python randomly(?) selected from the pool of available ones
I can do select them when using their unique name [gsagostinho...]
they do look rather nice in formation
Is it confirmed escort formations also work for these convoys?
Escort Formations contains 19 different alignments but not all of them is designed for more than 4 escorts. Moreover traders mainly get defensive formations, so usually you will see one of these: "octahedron","pyramid","vform","convoy","bulge".
// timer to allow escorts to be set up too
if (Math.random() < offensiveChance) {
ship.script.$efr_timer = new Timer(ship,function() {
worldScripts["Escort Formations Randomiser"].$setupEscortFormation(ship,"pyramid"); },0.25);
} else {
ship.script.$efr_timer = new Timer(ship,function() {
worldScripts["Escort Formations Randomiser"].$setupEscortFormation(ship,"pyramid"); },0.25);
All the escorts in a convoy get the escort-ai which isnt very handy when it consist of several anaconda's and it get's attacked,
is it possible to specifically adhere an ai to an escort that just keeps following the convoy leader or better with a chance to stay in formation or attack?
My suggestion above is a way to change the AI of non-leader Anacondas in convoys. If you also replace the AI of convoys-escort-boa, convoys-escort-boa-mk2 and convoys-escort-python then all freighters in convoys will react differently than other smaller escorts.