Blakes 7 ships?

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Blakes 7 ships?

Post by lolwhites »

I wouldn't know how to do this myself, but if there were Blakes 7 style Federation pursuit ships available to download I'd get them straight away. Maybe they could substitute for Vipers in the dictatorships?

The Liberator might be a bit too uber, though :wink:
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Post by LittleBear »

Frederation craft replacing Vipers in some (say 30%) of dictorships and the Liberator making the occasional appearance as an NPC ship!

I could do the scripting and AIs, if somebody wants to desgin the ships!
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Post by Dr. Nil »

LittleBear wrote:
Frederation craft replacing Vipers in some (say 30%) of dictorships and the Liberator making the occasional appearance as an NPC ship!

I could do the scripting and AIs, if somebody wants to desgin the ships!
Is it possible to use some kind of seed like when naming planets to make sure that such occurences always happen in the same systems? I've been wondering about this since someone suggested that not all communist systems had to be the kinds of commies who have thought police trying to reeducate deviants with their slogans and threats.

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Post by LittleBear »

You can use planet number and Galaxy number (if you look on the wiki you can find the number for any system).

EG in conditions:-

do ....

would add ships only at Geteve in G7.
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Post by Dr. Nil »

Thanks for the tip. It wil be the way to go when making a small cluster of dictatorships into nazi systems in some galaxy.

I was thinking of an easy way to add possibilities the ships appearing in eg. 90% of communist systems - and the same systems each time. Is it possible to script ships NOT to appear in certain systems with the planetlist instead?

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Post by LittleBear »

You cant tell ships not to appear, as such, but you can do it the otherway round by using the dice and systemGovenmentNumber. EG if you wanted ships only to appear in Corperate States and then only 30% of the time, you'd need in conditions:-

d100 greater than 70,

The Systems are coded from 0 to 7, 0 being an Anachy, 7 being a corporate state (the others in between). You can also resitric ships to appear at a ceratin techlevel or Economy by adding these in as conditions.

The dice would be re-roled each time though. If you wanted the ships to always be present in certain Commie states but not others. Find all the Commie systems in a Galaxy and then only add them with planetnumber to 30% of them. Bit of a pain to reaseach, but (thank god for copy & paste), would probabley only take 10 'paragrpahs' in script.
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Post by Dr. Nil »

Thanks agin. I already use the d100 method in combination with checking the government type. I wanted to use it in conjunction with that other method I'm trying to describe (without knowing the correct terms) to only call the function to check for whether random ships should be added in a predetermined portion of like 90% of all communist systems. I guess what I was looking for was a pseudo random generator to make sure that the outcome was always the same for the same planets - to make the exact same systems being the places where one might encounter the ships. There must be some algorithms like that burried somewhere since that is (or at least was in Elite) the way the game makes sure that the planets have the same names, tech levels descriptions and governments in each game. Those are not determined by a plist but in another way - which was what I wanted to tap into.

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Post by Selezen »

La la la la...


The three weapon pods are separate models (i think) and could be included on thier own to be the fighters that were seen in a couple of episodes.

All I have to do is finish it, skin it and plist it. I only built it to see if I could, not specifically for inclusion in Oolite...
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Post by LittleBear »

Perhaps as a proto-type Imperial Trader or mayabe a mission ship?
Last edited by LittleBear on Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rxke »

Offtopic: anybody knows about Blake's Seven episodes online (on YouTube for instance)

(too cheap to go hunting for elusive DVD's, also I don't have a DVD player)
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Post by lolwhites »

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Post by Draco_Caeles »

Jesus wept, Selezen!

That is awesome. And I mean that most sincerely.

Pardon me while I bow down to you. Makes my stuff look cheap and tacky by comparison.

Wow. :shock:
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Post by lolwhites »

Seconded, I can't wait to see it finished. Would think twice about taking it on, though.
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Post by Star Gazer »

Just how BIG is it meant to be....? :shock:
Very funny, Scotty, now beam down my clothes...
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Post by Selezen »

Thanks, guys. That model is positive proof that the extrusion command is your friend...

Sizewise, from tip to tail the ship is about as long as a Python. Given that the technological levels between B7 and Elite are so different, I'd have to make an educated guess about its cargo capacity and stuff. The three outriggers are dedicated engines, as far as I know, and the main weapons are in the central section. I suppose it would be about the same specification as an Imperial Trader, actually...the two designs are remarkably similar.
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