Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Rustem »

Updated packs of prev. post: Executive SpaceWays, Saleza Aeronautics

- Rebalanced shld value and added the galaxy numbers to condition rules.
- Fix error of the ship name: rigal -> rigel. Thanks Stranger!
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Thank you Rustem, both packs are updated in the manager. :)
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Zed »

So I've tried flying around in a Kirin lately and noticed that the front laser doesn't show while in front view. I haven't tried with any of the other lasers yet. For those of you more experienced with the ship than me, is this something that can be fixed by adjusting the view_position_forward or is it a weapon_position_forward problem? The Kirin is a big ship so there may not be a way around it but I'd like get it visible borking up it's compatibility with other oxps.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Try this:

Code: Select all

<string>0.0 5.0 -158.8</string>
<string>0.0 5.0 145.8</string>
You exactly looked through the laser beam due to the positions was the same (in the aft view also). Here I changed the second numbers from 0.0 to 5.0.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

Fed up with poor visibility when using the rear view of your cobra?

Wish those exhausts weren't quite so obtrusive?

A tweak that is almost isn't worth posting here (it's essentially on the wiki) but for the fact that it can make such a difference to player experience.
If, like me, you are a little tired of rear views being consistently obstructed by your ship's exhausts then here's a simple tweak to make them a little more transparent.

Open up shipdata.plist (oolite\oolite.app\resources\config) and find:

Code: Select all

"oolite_template_cobra3-player" =
		like_ship = "oolite_template_cobra3";
		is_template = 1;
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER";
		roles = "player";
Now change it to:

Code: Select all

"oolite_template_cobra3-player" =
		like_ship = "oolite_template_cobra3";
		is_template = 1;
		exhaust_emissive_color = "0.5 0.5 1 0.5";
		forward_weapon_type = "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER";
		roles = "player";
The last of the four numbers in the added line tweaks the transparency of the exhaust and so can be adjusted to taste.

Of course this can be done for any player ship (core or oxp) and can also be applied to non player ships too if one so desires.

I'll post some pics to highlight the difference when I have some more time...
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Day »

Redspear wrote: Fri Mar 31, 2017 12:47 am
Fed up with poor visibility when using the rear view of your cobra?

Wish those exhausts weren't quite so obtrusive?

Omg I love this tweak!
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

Day wrote:
Omg I love this tweak!
:D Thanks Day.

For anyone who hasn't tried it, I've posted some screenshots here.

The effect is adjustable of course and (in case anyone doesn't know) the four numbers represent RGBA or Red, Green, Blue, Alpha (transparency).
So while you're at it you can tweak them to try different colours if you so wish.

EDIT: After a little experimentation,

Code: Select all

exhaust_emissive_color = "0.75 0.75 1 0.5";
will give something of very similar transparency but a little closer colour-wise to the default exhaust.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by JamesonBond007 »

Hi, gens!
Sorry if my request is not appropriate to the topic.
I'm trying to modify D.T.T. War Lance for fun and profit (my own puproses :D ). The vessele will have improved parameters. I don't want to buy such brilliant :lol: vessle by low price at any planet. It looks like cheating IMHO. I saw variables which calculates ship apperance on a shipyard. Certainly I saw them among OoWikiPages or on the forum. But I can't memorize neither where I saw them nor their names :( . Approximately names are TechLevelApperanceOnShipYard GovermentSystemApperanceOnShipYard.
Would you please tell me varialbes names or (it will be best) provide a link of the page of requested variables.

I'm really don't want to trouble you of my vague question, but I don't a place aroud the world where I can ask it.

Kindest regards,

P.S. Sorry for my terrible English.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Cody »

Is this the [EliteWiki] Wiki page you're looking for?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by JamesonBond007 »

Cody wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2017 6:02 pm
Is this the [EliteWiki] Wiki page you're looking for?
Thank you very much!
Techlevel section of the page desribes only minimum tech level of a system for the ship to be on sale.

Bingo! I found (randomly as previous time :lol:) requested property has_shipyard . Unfortunately, property determines if a station or carrier has a shipyard.

Do I understand clearly that a ship apperance at the shipyard can be determained using only techlevel variable?
Do I understand clearly that a ship apperance at the shipyard can not be detemined using Government AND Economy AND Technology Level variables at any way? - Yes|No. If No, I'm very interested how :).

Best regards,
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

JamesonBond007 wrote:
Do I understand clearly that a ship apperance at the shipyard can be determained using only techlevel variable?
Do I understand clearly that a ship apperance at the shipyard can not be detemined using Government AND Economy AND Technology Level variables at any way? - Yes|No. If No, I'm very interested how .
No :)

Tech level is a minimum requirement for the ship to appear but not the only factor.
'Chance' is the probability of the ship appearing under suitable conditions, with 1.0 (I think) meaning that it will always appear for sale.

If you want to use government and economy etc then you will likely need a condition script.
I don't have time now but (unless someone beats me to it) I can post an example script for you later.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by JamesonBond007 »

Redspear wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:56 am
I don't have time now but (unless someone beats me to it) I can post an example script for you later.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Diziet Sma »

JamesonBond007 wrote: Sun Apr 09, 2017 5:47 pm
I'm trying to modify D.T.T. War Lance for fun and profit
As head janitor and acting CEO for D.T.T. Ship Builders Inc, I'd like to compliment you on your excellent taste in starships..

Have fun tweaking it!
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

JamesonBond007 wrote:
Redspear wrote: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:56 am
I don't have time now but (unless someone beats me to it) I can post an example script for you later.
Thank you very much!

Best regards,
No time to test this at present but it should work (fingers crossed)...

This line is needed in the relevant section of the shipyard.plist

Code: Select all

"condition_script" = "my_conditions.js";
Then add a .js file in the scripts folder of the oxp (if not present just add the folder) with the title “my_conditions.js” (or whatever you named the one above) and the following contents:

Code: Select all

this.allowOfferShip = function(shipKey) {
	if (shipKey == "ship_in_question-player") {	// must match name of ship
		if (system.government > x) {	// x = 0-7 (anarchy to corporate)
			return true; // right government 
		} else {
			return false; // wrong govermnent
	return true; // not the ship in question…
Please note that you will need to edit the x to suit your taste (although you can use "<" or "=" instead of ">" if you prefer) and of course the name of the ship :wink:

If you'd rather economy be a deciding factor then simply change "system.government" to "system.economy" (0-7 = rich industrial to poor agricultural).

Any problems, just ask.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by JamesonBond007 »

Hi, gens!
Thank you for your kind words and support! I'll try to implement provided code.

Best regards,
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