Hi cag, welcome in the Ooniverse!
Thank you for the improved reverse control code, I tested it, looks good so the new v1.5 contain it in the manager.
Auditors are the players who comment OXPs in this forum. If an author is not responding then it is possible to take over the OXP and continue the work. It is easy when there is a friendly License within, otherwise more complicated but not impossible.
If you found one which cause FPS drop and it is not already reported then please report in its own topic. Any performace advices are welcomed.
For tests the following lines raise the FPS limit to 999 in
within the oolite section:
Code: Select all
OXPs which create many flashers can cause slowdown, for example Trails and Telescope. It is a trade-off between visuality and performance. In the case of Telescope for more FPS prime it with some Shift+N presses then use the mode button ("b") to cycle in the functions until "Lightballs", then press activate ("n") until "off".
Another bottleneck is the CPU. Oolite use a single thread only, some js sentence like accessing the list of worldScripts need much more time than others, which could be the problem if an OXP do something heavy in a
frameCallBack or fast
timer. Fortunately developers usually like to talk about optimizing codes so you have chances to earn improvements when you mention them specifically.
Js errors usually get line nubers, if not then the location is not known or just not displayed by the interpreter, what I do not know how to hack.
The test release is good to accelerate time, in debug console you can spawn ships or change writable properties like restore energy on the fly without restart the game. Debug OXP is shipped with the test release of Oolite, you need to download in addition the debug console only. I use the following shell script to start-stop the console around running Oolite in Linux:
Code: Select all
cd $d
$d/DebugConsole.py &
cd $o
killall DebugConsole.py
No problem for me if you post your suggestions here and not in PM. I know that my codes are not perfect, I already got many critiques and I took them well. Imho worth to see the good intention within criticism.
Moderators: maybe PM is not allowed for new users for a while due to spam policy?