The Assassins Guild OXP - Beta

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Post by LittleBear »

Oolite won't let you auto-dock with a station execpt the Main Station. You can use the auto-piolt - target the Station with the ID computer and hit SHIFT + C, but this isn't reckomended! (Oolites auto-piolt is somewhat unreliable!). You can dock manually, but it is tricky.

However, it is the normal station by the Main Planet that you will need to dock with to meet the Guildmaster. I haven't taken it away. So if you set a course for the Main planet, dock at the normal Oolite station then you will be admitted into the Brotherhood.

EDIT : Your reasoning that the Guild Master would be at the out of the way station makes more sense, but I didn't think of that! The trouble with extra stations is that the have no safe zone, no shipyard and you can't save. All mission briefings in Assassins are given when you dock at a Main Station (the normal one added by Oolite near the normal planet). I did it this way as often a mission briefing can trigger nasty things happening to the player and the player would probabley want to have the chance to save the game!

You can visit and dock with all the extra stations in Assassins. It is worthwhile doing so at some as they have high tech levels. But you have to do so manually (same as with a carrier or rock hermit).

Planets that have Gas Giants have the Gas Giant added at a "realistic" distance from the sun. The Giant is about 50 times the size of the Main Planet, but it is also about 50 times further out. The Jump drive is meant to increase your speed 3 times, so you move at light speed. Even so a Giant is about 20 light minutes away.

You can travel to Gas Giants in Assassins (and dock with the station there), if you like, but the Stations by Gas Giants do not feature in any of the Missions. I just added them in case a player chose to go there.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by sharkus »

Thanks for the tip about docking with a non-main station.

Good point about not having the guildmaster's station being the dodec, makes perfect sense.

I did notice that the Gas Giant was a rather large planet, thought I wasn't travelling at max speed for some reason, then clicked that it was just a huge planet :D

Have to say that I am enjoying the OXP very much :)
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
Planets that have Gas Giants have the Gas Giant added at a "realistic" distance from the sun. The Giant is about 50 times the size of the Main Planet, but it is also about 50 times further out. The Jump drive is meant to increase your speed 3 times, so you move at light speed. Even so a Giant is about 20 light minutes away.

You can travel to Gas Giants in Assassins (and dock with the station there), if you like, but the Stations by Gas Giants do not feature in any of the Missions. I just added them in case a player chose to go there.
Well I'm looking for "the moon" at Geteve at the moment, still trying to work this particular mission out, (no hints yet pls).

I don't seem to have seen anything that is 50 times larger than a planet yet, only some really nice looking additional planets adjacent to the hyperspace destination planet. Have docked at some of these and have found some profitable variances in pricing.

Beware...........If you dock at the Police base all your equipment fees are doubled, same as rock hermits, it cost me nearly 100,000 yes! 100,000Cr for ship repairs, Naval energy unit alone cost 50,000 to repair (It was one hell of a punch up though, you should have seen the other guys!).

LB in an earlier battle with Thargoids, apparently my "Mark Transponder Scanner" wqs damaged, (didn't even know I had one) it's still on my equipt list but have not since been billed to repair it, even at Tech level 15, so not sure if it is working. (By it's description it's going to be a useful bit of kit, are there keyboard commands for it or is it part of the advanced space compass. I didn't purchase it, it must have been awarded by the Guild at some stage, I don't recall being informed about it, but there again at my age :wink: well what do you expect!
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by LittleBear »

The Gas Giant (Cerberus) at the System where you met the Guild Master is 50 times bigger than the normal Oolite planet. However, as it is also 50 times further away from the Sun than the Oolite planet, from your point of view in the Space Lanes it will look only a bit bigger than the Oolite planet. (Apparent Size and perpective - init!). If you decide to travel to it (about 20 mins at J speed though!), it will appear bigger and bigger as you get nearer. This is done with Oolite's native code (I just told Oolite how big the new planet was and where to place it). It is the same effect as with the Sun. The sun is much bigger than the planet, but from certain positions in the system will look smaller than the planet because of its distance. If that Giant was in the Space Lane (where the moon at Orramoor is), you'd blow up on exiting hyperspace as you hit the Giant's atomosphere! (Discovered this whist developing, which is why the Gas Giants in Assassins are placed so far out!)

Really wanted to have them dominating the System's "Space-scape" by having them nearer (but still massive), as in this development screen shot - at end of post, but Oolite couldn't render the Main Planet Properly with such a massive planet in the background!

The Mark Transponder Scanner comes with nano-bots to quickly repair any damaged compenents! It repairs itself automatically if damaged and will transfer itself automatically to a new ship if you change ships.

It works automatically. It is this device that its giving you additional information on a targeted ship (such as the fact the ship is a "Guild Target", the Commander's name and the value of the Contract placed by the Guild on the Commander's life). It works automatically like the space compase, although if you have a cloak, you should have noticed a side effect when it is operating! The Guild fitted it to your ship when you underwhent the initation ritual (mentioned in the briefing) and it appeared then. It cannot be bought or repaired in a shipyard. Later on, it will give you information on which side in a space battle a targeted ship is on, (so you don't embarresingly blow up a ship on your side! No good just knowning that a ship is a Cobra, Gecko, Mongoose etc - There'll come a time when you need to know its affilation as well. :wink: )

You'll find this device invaluable in IDing the good Inspector from all the other Special Branch Asps at Geteve!

OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by TGHC »

Well I've completed the mission, but don't know how. Basically I just took out loads of Thargoids for about the 4th or 5th time, headed back to the Geteve Dodec, met one Thargoid on the way, polished him off and then docked, and got the congratulation screen. Throughout the Thargoid attacks, I did see several special branch asps, and they all seemed normal when targetted, I didn't kill any at any time, so not sure what happened there! nb my staus throught was as an offender so had to scurry from the Galcop vipers every now and then, I was a bit dissapointed that despite killing scores of Thargoids it didn't remove the offender tag.

I have the cloaking device, but i don't think it works, so that may be an issue further up the line.
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by LittleBear »

Hmm. The Cloaking device shoudn't work when you are in the same system as a "Mark" (tsk didn't you read the tech manual the Guild left on your co-piolts seat :roll: !), but should function again when the Mark dies or you and the Mark are no longer in the same system.

Were you asked to kill Inspector Thorstan?

If so he will have been added near the Special Branch Base and the bugs should have left him alone (meaning you had to do the deed). It is possible that a bug hit him with a stray shot and he got involved in the battle and was killed by bugs (so you got congatulated anyway!). This is a death_actions problem as it is not possible for scripters to have a death by player command. If a mark is killed (whoever did it), then the Script acts on the consequeses of the mark's death. Shoudn't be a big problem, as it is only in this mission that sombody other than the player has a chance of killing a Mark, but there is no work around for it!

I'd hoped by telling my Bugs not to attack the Inspector, he'd be safe until you got there. Darn Thargoids not following orders! Regardless of AI given an Oolite ship has an "instinct" to defend itself. If a bug meant to hit an Special Branch Asp or the Base, but missed and hit the Inspector, he will have engaged the attacker and could have fallen in battle without your *ahem* help!

As the Inspector has a bee in his bonet about the Guild, his AI told him to wait until he saw a Guild Member (ie you!) the attack you! I'd reckoned that with telling my Bugs not to attack the Inspector and the Inspector not to attack anybody exect you, he'd be safe until you got there. Guess he got caught in the cross-fire and a Thargoid completed the mission for you!

I'd be reluctant to get rid of the Thargoid Invasion (as its cool, particulary when the Military join in!), but it does create the possibility of the mission being completed by sombody other than the player. It wasn't a problem I hit in playtesting, but it is possible.

I think you were unlucky (or lucky) depending how you look at it, that the Thargoids did the mission for you, but other playtester feedback on this point welcomed!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by TGHC »

LittleBear wrote:
Were you asked to kill Inspector Thorstan?
Oh yes, I wa looking out for him and assumed he would be in one of the asps
It is possible that a bug hit him with a stray shot and he got involved in the battle and was killed by bugs (so you got congatulated anyway!).
To be frank that was what I thought, because there is so much laser fire going on around the base, and some Thargoids even attack each other!!

I'd be reluctant to get rid of the Thargoid Invasion (as its cool, particulary when the Military join in!),
No Don't it's far too spectacular (and fun)
it does create the possibility of the mission being completed by sombody other than the player. I think you were unlucky (or lucky) depending how you look at it, that the Thargoids did the mission for you, but other playtester feedback on this point welcomed!
I'm sure someone can come up with an idea on how to keep the mark "alive" whilst he is in a crowd of identical looking ships in battle with a Thargoid invasion force!
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by LittleBear »

Yep, he was in a crowd of Special Branch Asp near the base, but if he'd lived long enough for you to target him he'd have appeared as "Guild Target : Inspector Thorstan - 40,000C" allowing you to ID your mark!

The death_actions problem has been discussed on the boards (in relation to the stolen Military Ships in Murgh's Military.oxp). In Military, an NPC can kill a stolen Military ship and you still get the credit. It cannot be helped. I think the best that can be done is what I've done here. The Bugs won't deiberatley kill the Mark and the Mark won't deliberatley involve himself in the battle, but there is not way to script against even a tough ship like a Special Branch Asp or a Military Ship being killed by an NPC. Just one of those things. There was talk of introducing a death_by_player_action that would have got round this, but as Giles has retired, I think were stuck with death_actions. Shouldn't be a biggey and I think from all the damage you took in the Thargoid Invasion, you've earnt your 40,000C, even though you have a Thargoid to thank!

The idea (and some of the rankings) for an Assassins Guild comes from the "Deaths Gate Cycle". On one Occasion the Assassin Hugh the Hand is asked to kill a cowardly Captain in the heat of battle, by the relatives of the soliders he has lead to their doom. I liked the idea of having to dive into a battle and kill a particular solider, so used it here. But this does create the possibility that the enemy will do the Assassin's job before the Assassin arrives! :shock:
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by TGHC »

Luck of the drawi guess, I'm after the battlebot control drone now, this should be fun.

This really is a superb piece of work and very enjoyable to play, It seems to be bug free so far so well done.
The Grey Haired Commander has spoken!
OK so I'm a PC user - "you know whats scary? Out of billions of sperm I was the fastest"
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Post by MtKlima »

Littlebear, been playing since you made the beta available. Just had 1st crash. I am a Mac user, and have had no problems up until this point.

Other than being killed by a:
a) Team Minder
b) Nova Device
c) Collision with a Leviathan (my bad driving, not his)
d) Special Ops HQ Base (I knocked, but they wouldn't let me in.)

Brilliant Work, my thanks to all involved. Now to the problem:

I'm working on the Battlebots one at a time to get a feel for them and looking for their mother. I knock one off, then as I knock off the second (as he is hitting me) All freezes and then crashes. Below are my last minute from the Console,and my machine specs. Now I am going to go in and try to finish off those buggers. I hope it helps. Thanks, Michael

p.s. I think that the G7 News Broadcast should read "Battlebots" not "Battlebotts" ':?'
2006-10-23 13:22:58.285 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action scanForNearestShipWithRole: player
2006-10-23 13:22:58.285 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action pauseAI: 20.0
2006-10-23 13:22:58.285 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 244 in state 'GO_TO_STATION' receives message 'NOTHING_FOUND'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.210 Oolite[1994] DEBUG <ShipEntity Hognose Tugship 340> behaviour is now BEHAVIOUR_IDLE
2006-10-23 13:23:17.211 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'APPROACH' receives message 'DESIRED_RANGE_ACHIEVED'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.211 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action requestDockingCoordinates
2006-10-23 13:23:17.211 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action setStateTo: AWAIT_COORDS
2006-10-23 13:23:17.212 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'APPROACH' receives message 'EXIT'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.212 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'AWAIT_COORDS' receives message 'ENTER'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.345 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'AWAIT_COORDS' receives message 'APPROACH_COORDINATES'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.345 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action setStateTo: GO_TO_COORDS
2006-10-23 13:23:17.345 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'AWAIT_COORDS' receives message 'EXIT'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.345 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'GO_TO_COORDS' receives message 'ENTER'
2006-10-23 13:23:17.346 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action performFaceDestination
2006-10-23 13:23:17.400 Oolite[1994] DEBUG <ShipEntity Hognose Tugship 340> behaviour is now BEHAVIOUR_FACE_DESTINATION
2006-10-23 13:23:18.380 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action scanForNearestShipWithRole: player
2006-10-23 13:23:18.380 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action pauseAI: 20.0
2006-10-23 13:23:18.380 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 244 in state 'GO_TO_STATION' receives message 'NOTHING_FOUND'
2006-10-23 13:23:21.600 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 340 in state 'GO_TO_COORDS' receives message 'FACING_DESTINATION'
2006-10-23 13:23:21.600 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action recallDockingInstructions
2006-10-23 13:23:21.601 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 340 to take action performFlyToRangeFromDestination
2006-10-23 13:23:21.641 Oolite[1994] DEBUG <ShipEntity Hognose Tugship 340> behaviour is now BEHAVIOUR_FLY_RANGE_FROM_DESTINATION
2006-10-23 13:23:21.674 Oolite[1994] DEBUG <ShipEntity Hognose Tugship 340> behaviour is now BEHAVIOUR_FLY_TO_DESTINATION
2006-10-23 13:23:38.385 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action scanForNearestShipWithRole: player
2006-10-23 13:23:38.386 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action pauseAI: 20.0
2006-10-23 13:23:38.386 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 244 in state 'GO_TO_STATION' receives message 'NOTHING_FOUND'
2006-10-23 13:23:58.389 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action scanForNearestShipWithRole: player
2006-10-23 13:23:58.389 Oolite[1994] Hognose Tugship 244 to take action pauseAI: 20.0
2006-10-23 13:23:58.389 Oolite[1994] AI for Hognose Tugship 244 in state 'GO_TO_STATION' receives message 'NOTHING_FOUND'
Oct 23 13:24:18 ivan crashdump: Started writing crash report to: /Users/mdklima/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Oolite.crash.log
Oct 23 13:24:27 ivan crashdump: Finished writing crash report to: /Users/mdklima/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Oolite.crash.log
Hardware Overview:

Machine Model: iMac G5
CPU Type: PowerPC G5 (3.0)
Number Of CPUs: 1
CPU Speed: 1.6 GHz
L2 Cache (per CPU): 512 KB
Memory: 768 MB
Bus Speed: 533 MHz
Boot ROM Version: 5.2.2f2

System Software Overview:

System Version: Mac OS X 10.3.9 (7W98)
Kernel Version: Darwin 7.9.0
Boot Volume: Ivan
Computer Name: Ivan
User Name: Michael D. Klima
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Post by MtKlima »

Just had 2nd crash. Got to what I thought was the last Battlebot, (The spinning looks great during a dogfight) shot off his different parts, down to main body, kill, explosion, crash. I'm going to take a break from my important job of killing for hire and go back downstairs and do less interesting "real" job.
Best, Michael
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager."
- William S. Burroughs
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Post by LittleBear »

The Bots are not the target for the Mission, you need to be looking for their multi-turreted Control Drone! Not sure why you should be getting a crash, will have a look at the code!

EDIT : Looks like the problem was caused by Murgh's Hognose Tugship turning up (by chance) at the same time as a BattleBot. Both the Tugship (in order to send you a Tug-ship type insult) and the "mad" battlebots (in order to kill you!) are using the "look for player" command. The tug-ship is doing it to send you an insult. The BattleBot is doing it in an AI state "Look for Targets", trader, police, pirate, thargoid, PLAYER in order to look for non-battlebots to kill! You could take the tugs out temporaly, but I think its a TUGS problem!

No Offence to Murgh intended, but your crash report is reporting problems with Murgh's TUGs rather than Assassins. You might want to take out TUGS.oxp and put it back in when you've finished Assassins, but as far as I can make out from the Crash report, it is a TUGS problem (although maybe TUGS is only having a problem as I am also seraching for the player in ASSASSINS).

HINT: The Battle Bots are made of sub-entires. Get the main part on energy-low and you can send them to sleep with an ECM. The Cannon part of a battle bot is only half the strength of an Adder, but if you are not targeting the weak part, they are very strong as you blast their destroyable sub-entiries away.

If you kill a battlebot (rather than sending it to sleep with an ECM pulse), the splinters from the destroyed bot lock on to ships at random (like a missile). No problem on the PC, but could (sigh) cause a problem on the MAC. Shoudn't though as spawn: is a standard Oolite command!

Could you try it without TUGS.oxp in?
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by MtKlima »

Took Tugs.oxp out. Crashed again. Again, it was just as I was killing off one of the little guys.

From Console:
2006-10-23 15:31:48.934 Oolite[2094] DEBUG moon position (-60000.00 150000.00 550000.00) derived from -60000 150000 550000
2006-10-23 15:31:48.935 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2006-10-23 15:31:48.935 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2006-10-23 15:31:48.937 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2006-10-23 15:31:48.938 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2006-10-23 15:31:48.940 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2006-10-23 15:31:48.940 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
2006-10-23 15:31:55.688 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ** resetting track for <ShipEntity SuperCobra 100> **
2006-10-23 15:32:01.583 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages ON
2006-10-23 15:32:01.583 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "addSystemShips: liner 1 0.92"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.584 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "addSystemShips: liner 1 0.92"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.584 Oolite[2094] DEBUG Going to add 1 ships with role 'liner' at a point 0.920 along route1
2006-10-23 15:32:01.585 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.585 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.592 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.592 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.599 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.600 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.600 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.601 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.603 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.603 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.605 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.605 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.605 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.606 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.606 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.607 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.645 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "addSystemShips: fueltransport 1 0.8"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.645 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: after expansion: "addSystemShips: fueltransport 1 0.8"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.646 Oolite[2094] DEBUG Going to add 1 ships with role 'fueltransport' at a point 0.800 along route1
2006-10-23 15:32:01.647 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.647 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.653 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.654 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.660 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.662 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.662 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.663 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.664 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.664 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.665 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.665 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.665 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "galaxy_number equal 1"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.665 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "6" (NSCFNumber) to "1" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.666 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptTestCondition: "systemTechLevel_number lessthan 3"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.667 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ..... comparing "15" (NSCFNumber) to "3" (NSCFNumber)
2006-10-23 15:32:01.821 Oolite[2094] DEBUG ::::: scriptAction: "debugOff"
2006-10-23 15:32:01.821 Oolite[2094] SCRIPT debug messages OFF
Oct 23 15:37:43 ivan crashdump: Started writing crash report to: /Users/mdklima/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Oolite.crash.log
Oct 23 15:37:43 ivan crashdump: Finished writing crash report to: /Users/mdklima/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/Oolite.crash.log
Please note the 5 minute gap of time there at the end. I was playing that whole time. I am going to take all of my oxps out and try one more time, before REALLY going back to work. Michael

EDIT: Except of course Assassins.oxp and Supercobra.oxp :oops:
Last edited by MtKlima on Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager."
- William S. Burroughs
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Post by LittleBear »

Hmm, looks like the Mac (or at least your Mac!) has a problem with the BattleBot Splinters!

When you kill a battlebot (bad move! - better to weaken them and then ECM them to sleep) the bits of wreakage become "Splinter Missiles" and target themsleves on a random ship nearby!

Not sure why this causes a problem on the Mac (but not my PC)!

If you open up the Shipdata file and do a seach for spawn: bb_1splinter and delte this command, then it should work OK. Will take this out for the next version! Darn! Broken bits of a destroyed enemy locking onto you like missiles was cool!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by MtKlima »

(almost)All OXPs out, and Assassins worked fine. Dead Drone.

It certainly is true that I have a lot of OXPs in my addons folder (65), but I have just accepted them as a matter of gameplay. I was amazed that when they were gone the Ooniverse just wasn't quite as cool. I've put them all back in now. If I run into anymore problems, I will first test without other Oxps in.

By the way, maybe the splinters caused my crashes, maybe not, but they are very cool. The first ones that I saw, I reflexivly hit my ECM, then they just turned around, gave me a wink, and came over to say hello.

Take care, I'll keep lurking until there is something else. Thanks, Michael
After one look at this planet any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager."
- William S. Burroughs
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