A major rewrite. Version 2.0 uploaded to the manager. The main change is that the OXP has been modularized into the populator script and station pack(s). If Amah is still around, this is something he asked something like 2 years ago

* Oxp modularized. Now it's possible to add station packs, if someone fancies. For instructions, see the scripts of the populator and the station pack.
* All stations now have some sort of dock flashers. Depending on the station those can be core ball flashers, Griff's old triangle flashers or Griff's new light flashers.
* SimonB's Coriolis was the only finished Neolite station. Dodo and Ico were basically place holders with just the same texture on them. I removed Ico from the pack and updated Dodo from core model to Griff's/Kev's model and patched a texture and some nice lights to it. Hope you like it.
* Station spotter mini-game is removed. It's been replaced by the in-built ship library. Visit the stations and they appear in the ship library.
* Massive renaming of files to achieve some coherence.
Shaders are probably a must with these...
I have tested all stations (39!) and they seem to work just fine. However, it's totally possible that I have borked a thing or two.