Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Redspear »

Here's one for Norby's Variable Masslock that discriminates based on ship role rather than ship mass.

(Big thanks to Norby for help with this - I'm still struggling to believe that I seem to have it working :shock: )

Change line 156 of variablemasslock.js (in the scripts folder) from...

Code: Select all

var r = w.$Range( t.mass );

Code: Select all

var r = w.$Range( t.primaryRole );
Then go to lines 44 and 45 of the same script...

Code: Select all

this.$Range = function(mass)
return( mass * 0.02 + 17000 );
needs to be changed to...

Code: Select all

this.$Range = function(primaryRole)
if (primaryRole == "escort" || primaryRole == "escort-medium" || primaryRole == "escort-heavy" || primaryRole == "trader" || primaryRole == "trader-courier" || primaryRole == "trader-smuggler" || primaryRole == "shuttle" || primaryRole == "miner" || primaryRole == "scavenger")
	{return 17000;}
	{return 34000;}
Now the peaceful (and often tedious) traders exert a smaller masslock than those actively looking for encounters (e.g. police, pirates, hunters, thargoids).

  • It's easier to ensure that no encounters expected to result in combat (e.g. pirates) are avoided by reactivating the torus drive before an aggressor can close sufficiently (none of those ships ever have their scanClass changed).
  • The more tedious 'crawl-by' masslocks are both easier to avoid and take less time to escape (initial masslock occurs as normal but the torus drive can then be reactivated).
Probably needs some tweaking but a couple of quick tests worked as expected.
  • Lave to Zaonce - evaded a few large freighters until got too close to one of them (traders presumably) but was masslocked by police.
  • Lave to Leesti - was masslocked by a large pack of ships on the edge of the scanner who, moments later, turned out to be pirates :|
Rationale (if one is required): Some ships are looking for mass-locks and some ships aren't, by giving them different masslock radii that is further reflected in the game.

[Edited to remove 'list' formating within the 'code' windows - where it can confusingly appear to be code.]
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

Is there a way to tweak Thargoid's RepairBots aka. Self Repair System to:
• Repair very fast or instantaneous
• Have unlimited charges instead of 10.

I know this feels like cheating but please.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Welcome Nexus-Hex!

There is a repairTime variable near the end of Scripts/repairBots_Repair.js, you can set it as you wish.

For more charges you should change all instances of missionVariables.repairCounter = 10; in the same file.
If you define a global variable like this._maxRepairs = 100; in the first lines and use it in these locations then you can change the amount in one place.

Another way if you want deny the damage of a specific equipment: look after in which [wiki]equipment.plist[/wiki] is this equipment defined and add an "damage_probability" = 0.0; line into the parameters.

Please ask again if you need general help also like where is your addons folder etc.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

Norby wrote:
Welcome Nexus-Hex!

There is a repairTime variable near the end of Scripts/repairBots_Repair.js, you can set it as you wish.

For more charges you should change all instances of missionVariables.repairCounter = 10; in the same file.
If you define a global variable like this._maxRepairs = 100; in the first lines and use it in these locations then you can change the amount in one place.

Another way if you want deny the damage of a specific equipment: look after in which [wiki]equipment.plist[/wiki] is this equipment defined and add an "damage_probability" = 0.0; line into the parameters.

Please ask again if you need general help also like where is your addons folder etc.
Thanks, but the repairTime variable is not located in repairBots_Repair.js.
It's located in repair bots_System.
And there are multiple instances of it.
What can I do?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Nexus-Hex wrote:
the repairTime variable is not located in repairBots_Repair.js.
It's located in repair bots_System.
And there are multiple instances of it.
Sorry, I mean _System. You must change all instances.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

Norby wrote:
Nexus-Hex wrote:
the repairTime variable is not located in repairBots_Repair.js.
It's located in repair bots_System.
And there are multiple instances of it.
Sorry, I mean _System. You must change all instances.
I don't think I understand. Can you send me the modified js file?
I changed all the variables to 1 and now it takes twice as long.
What I'm doing wrong?
Please send me a modified js file.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Here it is. I set to 100 charges and 2-10s delay between repair attempts. Note high tech items need more attempts.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

Norby wrote:
Here it is. I set to 100 charges and 2-10s delay between repair attempts. Note high tech items need more attempts.
It's working!
I've put it to 100 ms repair time and 999 charges.
A little bit OP, don't you think? :wink:

By the way, I have an idea for an OXP.
Where do I submit it? Can you help me materialize it?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Nexus-Hex wrote:
I have an idea for an OXP. Where do I submit it?
Open a new topic either in Discussion or Expansion Pack, depending on you just talk about an idea or it surely will be made. I can not offer more help than some advices at the moment, sorry.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

I have another tweak in mind.
Don't know if it's possible but gotta try.

Is it possible to tweak the Coluber HUD to include the MFD positions of the ExtraLargeHUD?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Nexus-Hex wrote:
Is it possible to tweak the Coluber HUD to include the MFD positions of the ExtraLargeHUD?
Easily: replace the mfd related lines in [wiki]Coluber_HUD_CH01[/wiki] Config/coluber_hud_ch01.plist with similar ones from [wiki]HUDSelector[/wiki] Config/hudselector-extralarge.plist . Tweaking further to do not cover anything is longer, need many restarts while adjusting numbers.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Nexus-Hex »

Norby wrote:
Nexus-Hex wrote:
Is it possible to tweak the Coluber HUD to include the MFD positions of the ExtraLargeHUD?
Easily: replace the mfd related lines in [wiki]Coluber_HUD_CH01[/wiki] Config/coluber_hud_ch01.plist with similar ones from [wiki]HUDSelector[/wiki] Config/hudselector-extralarge.plist . Tweaking further to do not cover anything is longer, need many restarts while adjusting numbers.
What about replacing the cross hair of Coluber's HUD to the one of ExtraLargeHUE?
Same steps?
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Norby »

Nexus-Hex wrote:
What about replacing the cross hair of Coluber's HUD to the one of ExtraLargeHUD?
No crosshairs defined in ExtraLargeHUD, what you see is the default so just remove all crosshairs from Coluber's HUD.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Rustem »

OXP: Kestrel&Falcon
Tweak: Enable player's install the laser cannon.
Reason: Laser cannons of the Falcon do not install, limited ship mass. If setup model_scale_factor to 1.5, then laser cannons is available now.
File(s): shipdata.plist

Add a new value "model_scale_factor" = 1.5 to the block of "Falcon-player"( in the OpenStep format).


Code: Select all

Ship mass: 490980.5		//Falcon 	"model_scale_factor" = 2.0
Ship mass: 211035.15625		//Falcon	"model_scale_factor" = 1.5	
Ship mass: 125296.984375	//Falcon	"model_scale_factor" = 1.25

Ship mass: 64274.76171875	//Falcon

Ship mass: 214737.703125	//Cobra Mark III
Ship mass: 131037.2578125	//Monitor
Ship mass: 52291.8359375	//Cobra Mark I
Ship mass: 51203.43359375	//Moray Star Boat
Ship mass: 25087.619140625	//Sidewinder Scout Ship
Last edited by Rustem on Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Tinkerer's Workshop - OXP tweaking for fun and profit!

Post by Rustem »

OXP: Executive SpaceWays, Saleza Aeronautics.
Tweak: Decrease of amount ships in other time.
Reason: You completed (or not start) Trident Down mission and want viewing a this ship in oouniversum, but a lot of ships is spawning in default scripts. If you just want to reduce the number of NPCs from Executive SpaceWays, Saleza Aeronautics.
File(s): world-scripts

1. Change the world-scripts (or how shld_x value you prefer). Full version in the link below.
2. Update new format of plist.

Which is the version better?

Code: Select all

// default
//system.legacy_addSystemShips("trident", 1, 0.4)
// v2
//system.addShipsToRoute("trident", 1, 0.1 + (Math.random() * 0.7), "wp")
// v3
system.addShips("trident", 1, this.randomPositionOnRoute(), 5E3)  
Optimal value of shld_x?
Minimal influence to running TD mission?

Links: Executive SpaceWays, Saleza Aeronautics.

Comments/feedback/bug reports welcome.
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