How about Seprate Laser Cooling Boosters?

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How about Seprate Laser Cooling Boosters?

Post by fasnoon »

Hello, Just wanted to make a quick suggestion.

When buying a second laser...
For example the Aft-"Rear" (or any other position) Military laser, you pay another 6000 CR to have it installed in the back of you ship. Shouldnt that come with a seprate cooling booster like the front one did? I mean, when one buys/upgrades the front laser, one doesnt acually see the fine print which....

basically says " yes you are getting this laser installed, but you WILL have to SHARE its cooling component with all other lasers."

I mean whats up with that?

Why cant we have a seprate cooling booster for each laser? You dont have to even make seprate temp guages that would involve changes in the HUD or require lengthly programming.

Why dont you use the same Temp Guage for all the lasers,
But... just dont share the cooling booster for all lasers.

For example,
If I am in a hovering in a single place and shooting at something, and naturally its ok to see the laser temp go up, but it should immidiately go down to "cold" status as soon as you press F2 when switching to your rear laser; and then while the front one cools (as its own specified-default cooling rate) you can use the rear laser.

When pressing F1, the laser temp can again immidiately rise to the heated position (minus the cooled portion while you were in rear view mode)? I mean you ARE after all paying for a laser that comes with a cooling booster (as if it was your 1st laser on a ship) and you are paying the same amount of cash....

So what does one call this?.... Its like dealing with an "official" crook in his spacestation workshop.

Silly example, but its like going to buy a magazine which comes with a free software CD, but when the merchant sees you already have that magazine in your hand (and you are just there for a 2nd one), he just sells the same to you, but quickly removes the CD from the second one being sold to you? That should not be the merchants decision!!!!

Hey, come to think of it, why not include something like.... when buying a second laser, you have the option of sharing the existing cooling booster with the second one you are buying (meaning the cost of military laser would be cheaper) or get a seprate full package with cooling booster etc. for the same full price of 6000 CR and have a seprate boster for each laser which is not shared with other lasers (as described in #1 above)

- Fas
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Post by LittleBear »

All the lasers have their own cooling system, but the same gauge is used. If your are on front view, the LT shows the temp of your front laser, on rear view it shows the temp of your rear laser. Try fireing off your front laser then switching to rear view. The rear laser is still cool!
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Cooler lasers

Post by fasnoon »

Oops... Sorry ! What I was suggesting is already done.
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Re: Cooler lasers

Post by Captain Hesperus »

What about an 'Enhanced Cooling System'? Something that accelerates the cooling rate of the lasers, but at a cost, either of energy banks (by powering up active heat reduction devices) or Quirium fuel (converting it to liquid hydrogen and circulating it around the laser elements, then venting the hot waste). This adds an option that a Commander can use in a hot combatrather than waiting for his weapons to cool, but at the risk of either energy banks or Quirium (or both).

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Post by TGHC »

It's always a good idea to check out the FAQ or do a search on the board to check if your suggestion has already been thought of and discussed.

A quick search for cooling found 72 threads, here are 3 of them ... ht=cooling
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