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How is bounty calculated?

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How is bounty calculated?

Post by lolwhites »

The other day I scooped an escape pod containing a pirate who'd bailed out after making the mistake of taking me on. Bringing him to justice netted me the princely sum of 1,5 Cr, less than the profit on a ton of food. I'd have been better off scooping cargo. Insurance on innocent people often pays out 100-250 Cr, so there's more money to be made attacking hapless traders than hardened pirates. Shouldn't it be the other way around?
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Post by LittleBear »

An OXP pirate usually has a set bounty in the shipdata file. This also determins whether he is clean, offender or fugitive. The more offences a pirate committs since being called into existance and destroyed also increases his bounty. The native ships (eg a sidewinder) are relativley weak so have fair small starting bounties.
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Post by ovvldc »

Wasn't the pirate bounty awarded when their ship is destroyed? Much like your ship is linked to your legal status, rather than your person...

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Post by Wiggy »

ovvldc wrote:
Wasn't the pirate bounty awarded when their ship is destroyed?
It's the bounty you get from escape pods that's being discussed, not the bounty you get from destroying pirates. :wink:
lolwhites wrote:
So there's more money to be made attacking hapless traders than hardened pirates.
Like life, then...? :lol:
You came in that? You're braver than I thought!
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Post by LittleBear »

The bounty for capturing or resecuing someone in a pod is set in a similar way. If you give a particularly dangerous OXP charcter a <bounty> in chracters.plist, then should you scoop his pod, you are rewarded accordingly. Eg:-

Code: Select all

		<string>a Malfunctioning BattleBot</string>
A piolt entry like this will give you the message "You have captured a Malfunctioning BattleBott" when you scoop the Bot (in this case the Bot is a ship, but when on energy low if you ECM it, it falls asleep and can be scooped, but the principle is the same for any pilot enty).

A malfunctioning battlebot isn't particulary dangerous, so I just gave it a small bounty.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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