Email System (Release)

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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by DredgerMan »

Anonymissimus wrote:
Okay, then it cannot be the only reason. I am actually using a customized version of the mentioned HUD and it hasn't been changed since before it started to happen.
I don't recall the exact changes I had made to the HUD, a diff program should be able to show them.

I can confirm that the issue has nothing to do with customized HUDs as I have the same issue but still use the standard HUD to the point that I removed the email oxz because it started to annoy me.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by Norby »

Hi DredgerMan,

the latest HUDSelector contain the fix of this problem even if you keep the default HUD, so if you just install it then you can use email addon also.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

So I had another look at this. I removed Xenon HUD which I been using for such a long time I've almost forgotten what the standard game looks like! I also removed HUD selector just in case it was confusing my results. I then started a new game. I tried every combination of going into and out of the email system, and the only combo which resulted in the HUD not being switched back on is if you launch while you're viewing the email list. So a definite bug. But I guess I'd like to know if that sequence matches your experience, or if you noticed it happening elsewhere.

I'll get a bug fix out shortly for the above issue, but the easiest way to avoid it in the meantime is to exit the email system to another screen before launching.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by Astrobe »

phkb wrote:
So I had another look at this. I removed Xenon HUD which I been using for such a long time I've almost forgotten what the standard game looks like!
BTW, I bought a new ships in various occasions recently and the game switched back to the standard HUD; or rather, it took me some effort (using the 'o' key while in pause) to get back at least the default HUD in flight. It's only after a restart that Xenon HUD was back.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

Astrobe wrote:
I bought a new ships in various occasions recently and the game switched back to the standard HUD
I've seen this as well. I think it might be because some ships have a "hud" property set in their shipdata.plist file, so when you purchase the ship it immediately sets that hud. Then, if HUD selector is installed, it will reset your HUD after a save/load back to what you had before. That's my theory, anyway.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by Astrobe »

Hmmm... I don't have HUD selector and it happened to me with apparently core ships: from the Python "Starting choices OXP" provides to a Cobra Mk I bought at Zaonce.
It looks like the game considers it as an equipment that is not portable between ships.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

Version 1.6.7 of the Email System is now available via the download manager or by links in the first post. In this version:
  • Updated check for "Allow Big GUI".
  • Fixed Javascript error when setting up rep names.
  • Switched name generator to use "randomName".
  • Updated maintenance overhaul email so that it won't try to lookup equipment keys that aren't known to have a "maint_" item in descriptions. This should prevent a lot of unnecessary Javascript error messages about expansion keys not found.
  • Updated output of all credit amounts to use the formatCredits function.
  • Changed "==" comparisons to "===" for performance improvements.
  • Better handling of interstellar space conditions.
  • Better menu handling, where the current email will still be selected in the list when returning from viewing it.
  • Fixed issue with HUD not becoming visible again when launching while viewing the Email list.
  • Code cleanup.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by DredgerMan »

Re-installing to check it out!!!
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by DredgerMan »

Hi phkb,
I can confirm that the hiding of the HUD is not happening anymore, so good one!!!
However, I think there is a little glitch still, linked with Pirate Cove.

When I destroy a pirate cove, the screen tells me that I received a 100 Cr bounty, which is consistent with the credits in my account but after docking, the bounty email tells me that I received 1000 credits for the pirate cove kill and also adds the 1000 credits to the total bounty score.

I believe it is linked with the following.
Eric Walch wrote:
FeelGone wrote:
(Another being that the [wiki]Bounty Scanner[/wiki] gives Pirate Coves a bounty value of 100 Cr when targeted.)
That is correct because rocks only give 10% of the bounty that was defined in shipdata. The rock hes a bounty of 1000 so the player receives 100 credits. But, looking through the code, I think I do not set explicit a bounty for script added coves. They probably don't have a bounty at all now.

I'll change this completely by not giving any bounty in shipdata at all. That way bounty-scanners can't identify them. Than only set the bounty on destruction, making sure the player receives its reward.
It's not a biggie, because I do receive the correct bounty but I thought I'd let you know if for no other reason that I get all gooey when I see the colossal amount of total bounty I collected after opening the email only for the realisation then to hit home that it's really not that much. :( :wink:
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

Thanks for the report and the solution, DredgerMan! A new version is in the works and will be released shortly.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

New version is now available. In this release:
  • Player will now be notified of unread emails that require a response whenever they dock at a station.
  • If player has unread emails requiring a response, the interface screen entry will include a token in its text.
  • Fixed issue where emails having expired responses could not be deleted.
  • Fixed issue with new ship email, where "Remove laser" was appearing in laser mounts that didn't have anything (or really, had EQ_WEAPON_NONE installed).
  • Fixed issue where the sales rep name was missing from new ship emails.
  • Fixed issue where equipment repair emails had "NaN.NaN" for the repair cost.
  • Fixed issue where bounty payments were being overstated for Pirate coves (or any piloted entity defined with scanClass "CLASS_ROCK").
  • Added some configuration items to Library Config to control what emails are sent.
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by DredgerMan »

Hi phkb.

I updated the system and finally was able to check it out. The emailed amount of bounty for a pirate cove is showing correctly now. Sorry that it took so long, Yesterday I managed to come across a pirate cove but when I attacked a fugitive which came out of the cove, it fled after a few seconds of military laser power. Unfortunately it flew straight into the pirate cove! :cry: :evil: Bye bye pirate cove, bye, bye fugitive bounty, No chance to get any bounty from either of them. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

But at least today I managed to whack first the pirates and only then the cove. Must remember that for next time! :wink:
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

Good news, DredgerMan! :D About the bug fix I mean. Not for missing out on the bounties. That's sad. :(
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by Astrobe »

Minor issue: you receive a "docking fine" email after you eject.

I tried to fix it by myself, but I get a compile time exception about a missing brace that I couldn't solve: ... UJqa0JscEU.

I added a flag (_playerLaunchedPod) that I set in the shipLaunchedPod() event handler (bottom of the file), and test in shipWillDockWithStation() just before the docking fine case.
I also added the [galcop-rescue-body] in description.plist (file not attached).

My editor (vim) has pretty good support for paren/brace matching so I'm quite confident everything is balanced. I suspect the exception message is misleading.

BTW I also got this exception when I was testing (launch from station then ESC-ESC):
12:40:14.523 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (ShipConfiguration_Core 0.5.0): TypeError: eqlist is undefined
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Re: Email System (Release)

Post by phkb »

Thanks for the reports, Astrobe! I should be able to be a fix out fairly soon.
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