I don't know what I did but yeah... just had a misjump that sent me backwards to the previous planet... have had "ghost" ships attack me when I get attacked (I can run through them and they disappear) although the third time they ended up being real just popped out from nowhere all around me after exiting the station where for some reason I bought all the narcotics and sold all my missiles without me even knowing! Also randomly hear a sound like I crash into something and break some equip though nothing on scanner and log shows nothing but this error I haven't seen before
Had it for awhile but haven't ever got around to doing it... I think I might of been in that system (which is where it misjumped me back to) there was something I read about a pirate in that system or something somewhere while doing another mission...
[edit] Ok so getting rid of that seems to have cleared things up... so was it supposed to do that stuff? Was that the "Curse" part of it?