Tales from the spacelanes...

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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

Ranthe wrote:
You just can't trust anybody these days!
<nods sagely> It's dangerous out there!

Having completed one of my periodical tours of Baying Wolf, I jumped back across the Great Rift to Belere, where I found a single parcel (medi-data @13k) which needed taking to Inlaoran. For some reason, this attracted more than the usual amount of attention, and I was hounded right across the seventh. Upon reaching Antiis, which is a revolting dump, I headed for a rock hermit to fuel-up for the final jump. As I approached Williamsdottyr's Settlement, I saw a Ferdie slip out of the slot, closely followed by two more. Pirates, I thought, who would no doubt be waiting for me when I launched. They were waiting alright, but they weren't pirates. Assassins lurking at rock hermits is a rarity, and they were in aegis-botherer mode, not attacking but following Lord Effingham's Revenge, waiting for me to jump, as if operating within a station aegis. Bad mistake! I made it through to Inlaoran okay, but the three Ferdies, one of which was a perfect ten, did not!

Now I'm heading back across the seventh, bound for Ceerti, with 150k's worth of parcels aboard - and assassins everywhere!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

Whilst cruising through a large asteroid swarm last night, I got jumped by a Mamba lurking among the 'roids. Even though Lord Effingham's Revenge was already damaged, I knew a lone Mamba wouldn't be too much trouble. So it proved, but as the Mamba was on its last legs, an Adder appeared from nowhere and proceeded to take me down in no uncertain fashion. Getting fragged normally induces a choice expletive, followed by a wry smile - the game can still do it. However, on this occasion I laughed all the way to the Press Space notification - humbled by a humble Adder, flown by an Ace! Sweet!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

It's becoming weird out there! Running CorpRes, I witched into Oredveus (a revolting dump) and got jumped by a bunch of assassins. As they began their attacks, throwing their taunts, four Thargoid Warships appeared and immediately began hitting on them, ignoring me. I caught one Ferdie saying 'Oh no, not now!' as a glorious firefight ensued. So glorious was it, that I simply couldn't resist joining in! Not recommended for couriers, of course... but hey!

When it was over, only one Warship and about a dozen drones remained. I splashed them all, and headed in-system, laughing all the way!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by UK_Eliter »


What type of Ferdlie's were they, please? (And, indeed, what type of Thargoids? I am wondering if any of either group were from any of my OXPs.)
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

UK_Eliter wrote:
I am wondering if any of either group were from any of my OXPs.
No, I use core ships with Griff's textures.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Amah »

Log entry 2084644:12:33:33, Cmdr Amah, Laenina Crowne Yasen-N Class Vessel
Location: Maesin System, G1, Anarchy, Tl 1, en route through the Devil's Triangle

Recently finished a cargo run of Platinum to Onlema and heard rumours about a fabled Collector who's residing in a system not far away on the other side of the Devil's Triangle. I got curious and decided to pay him a visit. When I launched at Onlema system station I tried to find company but all traders went into other directions. It seems people avoid going there, and now I know why...

When I arrived at Xexeti, Anarchy TL3, a bunch of suspicious looking folks hung around the witchpoint, they took no notice of me, so I think they must have waited for someone else. I put weapons online just in case and immediatly jumped on to Maesin... right into trouble.

Obviously a pack of pirates waited for anyone who had to pass. As if it is mandatory, they demanded cargo but didn't bother to wait and immediately opened fire. Shields were taking hit after hit when I finally managed a Wolf MK2 into target lock, got on his six and fired a full burst of my Ergon A28 Military Laser until it overheated. Meanwhile an Iguana with its fearsome twin lasers constantly drained my aft shields. I changed target lock, so the rear turret of my Yasen-N started to fire back at the Iguana giving me now some time to breathe. I continued to go after the big bad Wolf until it went up in a huge explosion. One down, hope the others get discouraged a bit...

I was still taking hits from some Sidewinders, a Krait and the Iguana, lasers oververheated and shields starting to fail and the advanced navigational array getting damaged, when suddenly another pack jumped in. Another Wolf MK2, a Moray, several Mambas... I sighed, but to my surpise the new visitors -all offenders as well- charged at my attackers. Over coms I heard they were fighting for some Rebellion. While they kept the pirates busy, I seemed to have slipped off the hook, limbed away to get out of masslock as quickly as possible.

I set now course for Maesin II, weapons on hold, self repair system busy fixing the ANA. The dark blue ball still small in the distance and it will take some time until I reach the safe aeagis of the Coriolis. Damn, this was just the outskirts of the Devil's Triangle and I still have to get through Retila and Riraes. I hope I'll find someone to join, otherwise it will be a rough ride to reach Oresle on the other side, I guess.

Cmdr Amah, log off.
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Amah »

Log entry 2084646:16:45:17, Cmdr Amah, "Laenina Crowne", Yasen-N Class Vessel
Location: Riraes System, G1, Anarchy, Tl 8, eastern outskirts of the Devil's Triangle

The upgrades "Laenina" got at Ququor, Corp TL8, seemed to have paid off. I invested some credits into enhancing to a class 5 electrical bus, forward shield, aft shields power couplings and class 3 thruster couplings to avoid bus overloads. Engines were upped to a 5B Engine to 10% more thrust and 20% more speed so I still can squeeze out 0.333 LS from her. I'm still at the default maneuvering thrusters, so pitch and roll is well under spec, but I can still bear it to be a bit slower to turn. It hurts a bit to see the cargo space reduced from initial 60t to just 18t, but I mainly transport precious these days, so it's not crucial.

I wasn't sure to go for class 1 armour plating but in hindsight it was a good decission, some of the pirates in Retila now painfully learned. I hope the Ferdie jockey that got away tells it around to leave me alone, now. The auto repair system is currently busy fixing with the ECM and the Fuel injectors, so he was lucky I couldn't thank him for the last missile personally.

Too bad they had no hardhead missiles in Ququor, I ran out of them. Those firework crackers I got there are a joke. After the encounter with a Viper Raider at Retila while sunskimming I now make it to main station to refuel and then hopefully to Oresle safely.

Cmdr Amah, log off.
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Amah »

Log entry 2084646:17:01:10, Cmdr Amah, "Laenina Crowne", Yasen-N Class Vessel
Location: Riraes System, G1, Anarchy, Tl 8, eastern outskirts of the Devil's Triangle

Still in Riraes. Joined a lone clean Adder heading for the station now, escorting him to the main station.

Met him half way on the main lane desperately calling out for help. He was pestered by a hostile offender group of a Sidewinder, a Krait, and a Fer-de-Lance, dodging wildly under their laser fire. Shield constantly flashing and I reckoned him not to survive very long. A Python was lurking nearby but not engaging in the fight, probably a scavenger waiting for the remains.

I don't know if it was the very same Fer-de-Lance that damaged my ship earlier, but nevertheless if it was or not I felt pilots of these ships owe me some kind of revenge.

I targetted the ferdie and set a missile on its heels to get their attention and to give that poor fellow in his Adder a break. It was ecm'd right away, but it seems two of the pirates got interested in me, now. I reduced speed and prepared for a head to head dogfighting with one of the Kraits having the ferdie still in my target lock for my rear turret, in case it tries to sneak up from behind. I finished off the Krait pretty quickly and immediately went for the ferdie, which tried to circle me to get on my six. I was able to sent a full laser burst onto his top hull. After a while his shields were down and sparks flew off when he sent a missile after me.

In horror I realized both my ECM and the Injectors were still broken from the last fight. I tried to turn away from it and prepared for the impact hoping it won't be too bad. Aft Shields went down, armour plating down to 70% but no equipment got broken. When I looked for the Fer-de-Lance I saw to my dismay it was injecting away and I could do nothing to follow it.

I set target to the remaining Sidewinder, which was still chasing the Adder, always an eye on the lurking Python but the latter remained indifferent to all fighting. I sent full laser blast, and sending my remaining missiles towards the Sidey. Over coms I got a brief "Thanks for the assistance" from the Adder, which tried to get away.

I watched the Sidewinder corkscrewing and trying to avoid the missiles, obviously it had no ECM system onboard, and I almost felt some kind of regret when the ship finally went up in firey explosion.

The Adder set course for the main station and I decided to join it. We left the lurking Python behind, got out of masslock and synced our torus drive and are now on our way towards Riraes Mainstation. Twice now the Ferdie returned and I was able to fight it back. Well, three times pays all they say...
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by phkb »

I'd been contacted by the family of one of the slaves I rescued, wanting me to drop in and visit them for a personal thank you. Boy of boy, of all the places to live - Adien, a TL7 anarchic backwater in G6, mildly (read: not really) noted for its hoopy casinos and, of all things, its forests. Hoopy - now there's a word you don't see very often these days. I suspect the current generation wouldn't ever know what it means.

So after finishing up some contracts I headed over to Adien. My routing computer highlighted all the illegal goods on the way, things I'd have to watch out for to keep my nose clean. But then I saw what I'd have to go through to reach the place. Some long jumps into some very high risk locations. Still, these families were usually quite generous in their desire to show their gratitude, so if I was careful I'd be OK.

Except I wasn't. I charged into Enriorar without paying too much attention. TL7. Dictatorship. No problem, I thought. I'd forgotten that Enriorar doesn't have many neighbours, and those it does have are mostly Anarchies. Lesson number 1: Pay attention to the neighbouring systems.

I arrived in-system and found nothing at the witchpoint, much to my surprise. I engaged my torus drive but was soon mass-locked by a pirate group, an aging Python escorted by a Sidewinder, a Mamba and a Wolf Mark II. No problem, I thought. I was still a fair distance away from them, and with my military laser I could possibly reduce the number if I was quick on the draw in a head-on encounter.

I thought I'd learnt this lesson before, but I've been forced to learn it again. Lesson number 2: Don't go head-on with pirates.

I had full shields and energy banks, and my armour was in pristine shape. What I had forgotten is that I've been running with a bus overload on my ship for a while, trying to keep my ship weight down while still installing top-end kit. 5% bus overload didn't seem like much. But it got me. A series of hits to my shields caused an electrical buildup to occur, and with no way of discharging it the energy was passed down the line to several core systems. Injectors. Advanced space compass. Targeting equipment. And, more importantly, cloaking device. Lesson number 3: Bus overload warnings are important, so don't ignore them.

The pirates were soon dealt with and I made it to the station without anything else failing, all the while fuming over the coming expense. I could only fix the compass and targeting gear. For the injectors I had to drop down a class as they were the only ones available, and I hate not being able to inject my way past mass-locks or trouble. But the cloaking device...

I can only fix it where?! Diesanen? Which is where, exactly? I'm sorry, did you say over 100ly away?

I think it might be time for a colourful metaphor.
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

I like those end-of-the-line systems - and to reach Adien, you gotta pass through Inqua (which could've been an Oofic setting).
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Amah »

I can only fix it where?! Diesanen? Which is where, exactly? I'm sorry, did you say over 100ly away?
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes... kinda

Post by Cody »

I was all set for a nice cruise, three more parcels to deliver on the eastern side, drink and buns to hand - and the doorbell rang. Cursing loudly, I hit pause and took care of stuff. Twenty minutes later, I unpaused and immediately launched, jumped to the next system and docked, and as I wasn't running Ironman mode, saved. As my finger hit the enter button, I remembered the 29k contract back across to the western side that I should've grabbed before launching. Cue more cursing! Oh well...
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Amah »

:-D Fell into this trap as well in the past. I now do use a kind of ping-pong save strategy, so I can get back when in need.

Hmmh, maybe an addon to ANA would be handy if you get off the calculated course for contracts...
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Cody »

They're out to get me again, the rotters - whoever they are! Jumped into Anisinza to find no assassins awaiting me - deep joy! Headed in-system through empty space - clear lanes are courier heaven. Suddenly, I'm mass-locked - not one, not two, but five Thargoid warships! Five of 'em! I decided discretion was the better part of valour and ran, thankful that they don't have injectors!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Tales from the spacelanes...

Post by Paladin Tux »

I wasn't so lucky. Doing an Adder start, I decided to shoot asteroids and risk it to Xexedi. I was about halfway along the route, when I was torused straight into a Thargoid attack. A few seconds before I had seen their green lasers, and decides to stay well away from them, but from experience I knew that there were other Thargoids waiting around around somewhere. And unfortunately I had to run straight into them. I did manage to shoot down a drone (50 credits, yay!) but when you have three warships and like a whole bunch more drones, you die (which means I lost the progress, boo.)
Now with 100% less Wonderworm!
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