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[Solved] Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and inst...

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Crown Home
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[Solved] Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and inst...

Post by Crown Home »

Hi evrybody, I got a problem:

roughly a year ago I managed, with the help of Diziet Sma, to install Oolite 1.80 under Ubuntu 14.04. Somehow - I do not remember exactly how - I upgraded to 1.82 and since then I encounter some bugs: the cloaking device does not cloak my ship (but takes the energy as if it would) and the advanced space compass is not able to switch between the objects.
So I decided to deinstall the upgraded version and to try to install 1.82 new, but how do I do this?
I tried some procedures with the terminal, but somehow the terminal does not find the installed version and tells me: Ooolite is not installed and can't be removed.

Another question: In older Versions I used to make some changes in the key configuration by copying the keyconfig.plist into the add-ons folder and do the changes, as is told in the wiki. Is this still possible? If so, I'm doing something wrong, because it doesn't work this way.

Any help is highly appreciated! thx in advance,

Crown Home
Last edited by Getafix on Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Marked as "Solved"
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by Cody »

Crown Home wrote:
In older Versions I used to make some changes in the key configuration by copying the keyconfig.plist into the add-ons folder and do the changes, as is told in the wiki. Is this still possible?
... yes, this should still work. You put the keyconfig.plist into a Config folder within AddOns, yes?
As for the rest, I'm a Windows person, so cannot help. Hopefully, a Penguinista will be along later.
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by kanthoney »

If you've installed Oolite in your home directory, it'll be in the ~/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite directory, and you should be able to uninstall it by running ~/GNUstep/Applications/Oolite/uninstall. If you've installed it systemwide, it'll be in /opt/Oolite and you uninstall it by running /opt/Oolite/uninstall.

Then download Oolite from Unpack the tar file which will contain a single file with a .run extension. Make this executable and run it to install Oolite.
Crown Home
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by Crown Home »

Thanks a lot cody and thanks a lot kanthoney! :) :)

I managed to deinstall and reinstall Oolite, and managed to adapt the keyconfig.plist. Unfortunately the problem with the advanced space compass is still there: It doesn't switch through the objects it should show. Other changes I made in key configuration are working well. Is this a known bug? Or am I overlooking something very simple?
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by Cody »

Crown Home wrote:
Is this a known bug?
Not that I'm aware of.
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by Commander_X »

Did you check your equipment list (F5) -- it might need some repairing ...
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by another_commander »

There is no bug with the ASC in 1.82. A couple of possible causes of appearing as if not working:
1. (Just to get the obvious out of the way first): Is the ASC installed and not damaged?
2. In the most probable case of yes to the above, it may be an issue with the key assigned to it. Due to the way SDL keyboard input handling works, UK (or even other international) keyboards may have a problem with the default '\' key and may actually respond to '#' instead. In any case, you may want to allocate a key like 'k', 'l' or one of the other unused keys to the ASC. This should make it work without problems also on UK keyboards.
3. Some OXP interference. Just start a Strict Mode game, which will disable OXPs and try using the ASC again.
Crown Home
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Re: Trouble shooting, deinstall Oolite 1.82 and install it n

Post by Crown Home »

Thank you so much!
another_commander wrote:
2. In the most probable case of yes to the above, it may be an issue with the key assigned to it. Due to the way SDL keyboard input handling works, UK (or even other international) keyboards may have a problem with the default '\' key and may actually respond to '#' instead.
Yes, it was an issue with the key. As a matter of fact, I'm using a german keyboard and neither "\" nor "#" works. Now I allocated "L" and everything is fine.
Thank you again and best greetings!
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