Markets in V1.82

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Markets in V1.82

Post by Alex »

To start with;

Rant caused by loading 1.82 and finding my oxp'ers and oxz'er causing problems.

Posted in Bugs, only to find it isn't a bug.

What was wrong with the ingame Markets already running?
If you want to "cheat" just open your save file and award what you want!

All you Boffin Heads that make this game the game what it is.
But ever heard of the KISS principle?

Oolite took off when Elite went Newtonian and Elite'ers couldn't be bothered with the lack of fun.

Now I see Oolite getting bogged with all the, well, non real game stuff like 'real' Markets.
The incredibly silly idea "would that work".
Tis a game for fun. Not Real.
If I want to approach a planet at 'Super Speed' and stop inches, instantly, without G force or temp consideration.
Let it Be.

Hopefully I'll be seeing you Boffins when yous take of the 'Real' aspect of this game and write for the fun part.

And by the way, "Narcotics should be way less offensive than skinning a live animal for it's hair."
Quote from a dred haird, er, person.
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Disembodied »

Alex wrote:
But ever heard of the KISS principle?
... says the man with 97 oxps and 34 oxzs ... :)
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by ocz »

Ohh, there is nothing wrong with a little bit realism, if it's still fun, IMO. Though fun comes in first place. (Seeing the oolite universe react in realistic ways is kinda fun for me, too. At least if it doesn't suck gameplaywise.)

On the other hand: oolite is an Elite clone and that's what people are expecting. Adding changes by OXPs and changing the oolite code to allow more modifications by OXPs, without changing the vanilla gameplay is the golden way.
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Disembodied »

ocz wrote:
[...] changing the oolite code to allow more modifications by OXPs, without changing the vanilla gameplay [...]
This, as far as I understand it, is what the changes to the market code in 1.82 does. Alex's problem is that he is still using some old OXPs which are now out-of-date, causing a snafu with non-main station markets. In a way it's similar to what happened when NPC AI was improved: suddenly a whole load of OXP NPCs, who had been designed as a challenge for the experienced player by arming them to the teeth and plastering them with massive amounts of energy and armour, were no longer merely powerful (but dumb); they got smart, too, and became unstoppable killing machines. The solution was to update the OXPs.
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by ocz »

Disembodied wrote:
[...] they got smart, too, and became unstoppable killing machines.[...].
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Switeck »

I am having a heck of a time working with the new markets format: ... 09#p241009
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Duggan »

And after all this time. they never ever managed to get a Market into either a Sothis Station or a Jaguar Company Base ..Oh well. I happen to be a worshipper of the God of half finished jobs , I even have a Round Tuit. Just so folk know that I have already gotten around to it and it was a fail.
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by phkb »

Duggan wrote:
Just so folk know that I have already gotten around to it and it was a fail.
Did you use the info from this post? ... pt#p239979
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Alex »

Disembodied wrote:
Alex wrote:
But ever heard of the KISS principle?
... says the man with 97 oxps and 34 oxzs ... :)
Ye well, had 1.80 just the way I wanted.
For 1.82;
Deleted all the AddOns and reloaded oxz's from in game downloader only to find poor old machine can't hack most of the ones I like. So major slim down.
Only 74 added.

Nope fraid not.
Off main station Markets limited to 15 ton per commodity? and sell random amounts? Had 7 ton of slaves, market had zero and it would only take 5?? With other stuff it seems to be a random number it picks?
I really don't like the new market structure.
So going back to 1.80 with as many of the new oxz's as possible.

Is there any way to have 1.82 operate with the old market structure?

And can't seem to get rid of the sun glare!!
REALLY hate that!
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by ocz »

Alex wrote:
And can't seem to get rid of the sun glare!!
REALLY hate that!
Clare Clarifier OXP for 1.80 ... iscellaney
Works for me.
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Wildeblood »

ocz wrote:
Alex wrote:
And can't seem to get rid of the sun glare!!
REALLY hate that!
Clare Clarifier OXP for 1.80 ... iscellaney
Works for me.
It's available through the OXZ manager. It's in the "mechanics" group.

And, does it still show up with the joke title "Clarified, not Glarified" after you install it? I can't remember whether I ever changed that. :D
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by spara »

Alex, which markets nag you most?

In an unmodified 1.82 game the main market works as before, but hermits are overall limited to 31 capacity except that certain goods are limited to 15. So I'm assuming it's hermits that bug you?

The market sizes of oxp stations are up to their creator/maintainer. Not hard to tweak the capacities. Some specific ones you want to change?
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Cody »

spara wrote:
So I'm assuming it's hermits that bug you?
RH markets bug me too!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by Fritz »

The RH markets were a little bit disappointing for me too. When I was new to Oolite (using 1.82 already) and docked at an RH for the first time, I was expecting something really different from the main stations, a big slave market for example, where you can get really good prices for captured pilots, or significantly higher prices for food and liquor. But it was only a standard market with less capacity, the only real difference being that you can leave with illegal goods without getting into trouble. Even police is present, snatching away my captured offenders before I can sell them...
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Re: Markets in V1.82

Post by spara »

Cody wrote:
spara wrote:
So I'm assuming it's hermits that bug you?
RH markets bug me too!
Ok. Hang on a while, I'll see what I can do about it. "Ye Olde Hermits OXP" coming up :mrgreen: .
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