When equipment gets damaged, what happens to it?
I'm writing an OXP, that requires equipment to break. So far I have been very successful in breaking it, but I kinda expected, that a "repair it" option would pop up in the purchase list (F3), that offers a repair, very much like with every other standard equipment. (min. repair Techlevel = ( min. purchase Techlevel)-1, repair costs = (purchase costs)/2)
It didn't appear and now I'm sad.

Of course it's no problem for me to implement the repair entry for that new equipment, but I thought this was already hard coded and now I fear, it indeed is and it's gonna pop up in the next versions 1.84, 1.90 or whatever.
By looking into a savegame I saw, that, when equipment gets damaged, the identifier changes form
. I'm also using condition scripts in my OXP. Could they have broken the hard coded repair option?
When equipment gets damaged, what happens to it?
EDIT: My problem is fixed. In my case, the equipment in question took some cargo space. You need the same amount of free cargo space to repair it, but on the ship I used wasn't enough.