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Star Trek news

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Star Trek news

Post by ffutures »

CBS is going to run a new Star Trek tv series, debut in 2017. ... ew-series/

But it's only going to be available on their paid subscription service. Apparently to be directed produced by the guy who directed produced ST: Into Darkness.
Last edited by ffutures on Tue Nov 03, 2015 5:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Star Trek news

Post by Wildeblood »

Sorry, but if it doesn't have Cook and Banks, er, I mean Kirk and Spock, it's not Star Trek.
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Re: Star Trek news

Post by Amah »

It's dead, Jim!
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Re: Star Trek news

Post by ffutures »

Sorry, make that produced, not directed - think I was half asleep when I made the original post!
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Re: Star Trek news

Post by spud42 »

i read that as well. the poster was hoping that the new show would be in the original star trek universe.

He went on to say the reboot movies were in a parallel universe. hadnt really put much thought into it but it makes sense as in the original TV show and in DS9 and STNG, Vulcan was still around and was visited many times. This would be a bit of a problem if Vulcan had been blown up BEFORE Kirk even became captain of the Enterprise!!

Or maybee there are several parallel universes? would explain the differences in the Klingons between original series and
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Re: Star Trek news

Post by Anonymissimus »

spud42 wrote:
would explain the differences in the Klingons between original series and
They made some experiments with human genes which spread through the Klingon race in order to improve physical and mental abilities, but it had unexpected side consequences, namely flattening the forehead and losing hair! These effects took a few centuries to disappear again. It's explained in an episode of the NX-01 series taking place ~2150 where they are looking like in NG.
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