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Mod cons

Post by booser »

Any more things on the inmediate horizon such as new versions or upgrades, oxps....ect, going online as a whole galaxy online would be the business!

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Re: Mod cons

Post by ArkanoiD »

booser wrote:
Any more things on the inmediate horizon such as new versions or upgrades, oxps....ect, going online as a whole galaxy online would be the business!

All the best
We are waiting for assassin guild OXP ;-)

BTW, have you tried racing rings near Lave? No one have beaten my best time yet.
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Re: Mod cons

Post by GMWeezel »

booser wrote:
Any more things on the inmediate horizon such as new versions or upgrades, oxps....ect, going online as a whole galaxy online would be the business!

All the best
Then the whole problem of time travel gets brought up. In order to have online, you would probably just have to gave the prices slowly change since people would be warping constatly.
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Post by LittleBear »

Assassins is getting there!

The ships are all done (Heretic is still working on the destroyable station). All the scripting is done, but in version one I put all the Marks by the beacon (so I knew where the blighters were, so I could test them).

The realese has 16 missions. I've been going back through polishing each mission adding planets and stations to each system where the victim appears. This is partley for the fun of having new planets, but also to put landmarks around so the player would have a vauge idea where the mark could be found. Currently finished polishing mission 9. At my end I'll probabley finish with the next two weeks, but Heretic has the tricky task of finishing the destroyable station (the beast has an internal structer and you have to fly inside it to kill it) and doing its new super-weapon, so I can see this will take him a while.

Hope to get it up on Ossat by the end of Sept. The basic idea of "I'll just put some marks in some classic elite ships" has grown into a bit of an epic!

If anybody wants to give it a pre-release playtest, PM me your e-mail. Bear in mind though that it is a WIP. AIs still need improving, not all the ships have their new textures, the delay script is still clusmy for some missions and the Deathburger mission is still isn't done properly yet! You can complete the OXP in its current form, but only missions 1 - 9 are polished and there are still some planet textures I'm working on.
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by Arexack_Heretic »

I'm sorry I haven't been a good lackey. :oops:

Thargoids and revising the PPC have been diverting my creative efforts I'm sad to report.

On the plus side,
I think I'm goin to revise the station totally and build it up out of subentities entirely.
I'm not satisfied with the current is...
...inelegant. :?
Riding the Rocket!
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Post by LittleBear »

Don't worry about it! I'm still not happy with all my planet textures, I've got 4 more systems to make multiplaneted and I'm gonna rescript the positions of the ships for the Burger assault. I'd also like to at least give all my new stations new paint jobs as well. It isn't until I've done all that that I'd need the Burger to replace the stand in!
OXPS : The Assassins Guild, Asteroid Storm, The Bank of the Black Monks, Random Hits, The Galactic Almanac, Renegade Pirates can be downloaded from the Elite Wiki here.
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Post by themacman »

how long have you guys been working on this? I read some of the things that you're putting into this OXP on my thread and it sounds like it took quite a bit of work.

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