Log entry 2084087:06:51:33 - Cmdr. Amah on the "Asimov", a Yasen-N class prototype on a testing flight to check flight specification
Just came out of witchspace, all systems nominal and working within the expected parameters. Good girl... a couple of more trips and we can test the armoury.
Setting straight course for main station. A lone trader in a Boa heading for the same direction. Guess I'll keep company...
Noticing some laser fire in the far distance on starboard... Hmmh, plasma bursts? If I recall correct GalNAV isn't operating in this part of the Galaxy at the mome... whoa... what was that?!? something big blew up... something really big... a Rock-Hermit?
"Computer... start recording! Weapons online... f*ck... haven't tested the old turret, yet. Hope that old AI isn't blowing off my own rear."
"Activate Escape Pod locator!" Let's see... one, two, three.... ten.... twenty... Setting compass... lost contact to transponder of
the pod... Setting course to next pod. course lost... what's going on here... next...
Engaging fuel injection to get out of the mass lock... Engaging jump drive... course lost, again... next escape pod... Ok, we're almost
there. Back to normal speed. Dense field of small objects ahead.
Activating Cargo spotter... damn, no rocks... Cargo pods, escape capsules and badly scarred metal fragments in all shapes and sizes.
One of the bigger pieces of debris bears some kind of letters... EMER. There's another one "LIN" And that one over there looks like a nacelle
of a diamond shuttle. So it was one of these cruise liners.... That piece still glowing dark orange floating by on port looks like some
part of a lifeboat. Whatever happened here no
iceberg iceteroid is definetely to blame.
"Yasen-N -Asimov- calling all ships: Emerald cruise liner in distress, need first responding assistance. Confirm."
"Yasen-N -Asimov- calling all ships: Anybody out there, I could need some help here. Confirm."
"... ... this is Python Class Cruiser 'Squint': Emerald cruiser in distress. Setting course. Hang on" "Anaconda 'Stellar maris' and escort
ID computer activated - target locked on escape capsule - scooped - next, ID computer activated... target locked... number 2, 10, 15, 30
and counting.
"Cargo bay life support at critical level" - breaking up the rescue... just 35. so few... One rescued crew member of the
cruiseliner said it was a Kirin Sport, which opened fire. They never had a chance.
Setting course for Main station. Engaging jumpdrive.
"Mass lock" "station coordinates transmitted"...
"Planetary traffic control, this is the 'Asimov' requesting priority docking procedure with 11 dead, 24 survivors needing medical care on
board. Some in critical condition."
"Asimov, this is planetary traffic control. You are clear for docking bay 7 and free to dock at will, all civillian launching and
docking are on hold."
Later this evening, after hours of interrogation by GalCOP officials, staring into an almost empty glass and pondering what happenend.
"Whoever you are... One day you will boast about it..."
Sorry couldn't resist