After many years of on-off-oolite i collected this summer a small list things i encountered and would like to use
these to introduce myself on this forum.
Feel free to point me to any code snippet / oxp / oxz / ships / related topics
1) multiple dock stations share the same market
2) station with sub entities containing multiple docks with the same market
if we dock at a station with multiple docks we see the same market...
3) restricted docking/launching from á multiple dock per shiptype shuttle/police/medic
example dock1 launching only shuttles, dock2 lauching police
4) external docking options for bigship traders / resupplying liners at the main station
example the andromeda -> cargoship
example in altmap.oxz from sotl.oxz ( follow lunas ->pythons at taf 16 )
example fuelstation.oxp ( checks for position )
5) or an external port next to a station where bigships position themselves next to and one can see shuttles/small freighters launching to/from the port to/from station/planet/xxx
example the hammerhead carrier in the aquatics.oxz
6) non round planets with missing chunks
adding your own model/object/asteroid as planet model ( probably resourcehog / side effects )
7) light maps for planets?
perhaps future release
8 ) additional ambient sound system depending on situation and positions ( example background noices ) ... e#position
9) more persistent markets
is it the same between saving/loading? Yes
as of version 1.80 ( perhaps accounts for the 2mb savefiles )
Markets are preserved on the main station, the station the player saves at, and any other station which reappears at the same coordinates after reloading.
10) influencable markets, a recently docked big trader loading off 1000t of computers lowers the price of … computers
as the markets are persistent this should work also, if big traders (npc or not) unloading will influence station prices
11) in 1.83 multiple lasers configurations, i like de multiple/split options, there's always a cost to consider.
12) But it seems to only work for the main entity not for ships with multiple subentities carrying multiple lasers.
aah the cylon triplets only fire four lasers
13) multiple laserfire alternating 1212 or 12341234 / allleft & allright / random / all=standard
14) multiple lasers would be nice to be destructable/damageable, start with 4, end with one but alive.
15) Multiply laser options per side ( front single / aft multiply )
16) i would like a turret laser perhaps with var 'cone' settings 180-0 c
17) i would like a ball turret with var 'cone' settings 180-0 c
18) i would like a addon laser effects like in star wars with slower moving photon streams (visual effect)
railgun.oxp, currently playing with the goliath turret oxp
These examples are firing 'physical' objects
19) a base price configuration for ships depending on lightspeed, max-cargo and number of lasers, lightspeed and lasers nonlineair so the
uber high speed ships cost a lot more. oolite should calculate the price of the ship not the designer.
20) The cargo capacity is reduced by the equipment installed
so the ability is already in oolite, only not applied to core items ( equipment.plist )
"requires_cargo_space" = x
21) Equipment takes a certain amount of the ship ( no adders with naval energy and military xxx ) ship size matters.
oxz ->
a big freighter could fit all the good equipment but should be sluggish compared to a fighter ( mass / thrust )
22) a random start option. Start in a random station in a random galaxy
23) trading gemstones/gold should always give some extra risk bonus
oxp able
24) oxpconfigurable populator.script ... i like full spacelances ( trader, all the time in the world )
25) galaxytour a (starting) option which give you a nice flyby several random galaxy highlights (planets/spacestations/liners/ships/occuring fights etc)
let's call it screensaver mode
26) ren(t)gineer with the right cargo in your hold and a engineer ( 3 classes ) on the payroll and equipment ( must buy a onboard workshop )
one could make certain equipment onboard (engineer class 2 +ore+gold+computers -> docking computers 1a2 weeks building time)
looking at armoury.oxp ( lasermachine.js)
27) i used to think texturing was easier than 3d modeling, hm...
28) escort formations nice but what about attack formations ( keep in formation! ) enemies attacking and staying in formation
Possible to OXP with scripted AIs

Perhaps possible via Subentity positions because they can be altered during play

29) on the station ebay like buy/sell options for some good deals for the beginning player and seasoned player ( or not so good deals ) ( time delayed reception of goods )
--> sellall oxp ( but i would like a chance on a good deal too

30) secondhand store on the station ( equipment must deliver subpar perfomance but cheaper)
31) for the long haul trader ingame possibility to play movies in a smallish translucent window
32) ambience breakable equipment -> frontscreen scratches/coffeestains/squashed trumble/diffuuse effects
looking at ... pment_OXPs
33) equipment optical telescope ( perhaps without crosshair ) ( a buyable microhubble with camerafunction) ... System_HUD
34) into dark side in seven days through the knowledge on the wiki and this forum
35) I like the classic ships, I like addon ship oxps/oxzs the more variety the better, chances for different models of the same ship to appear should somehow be equal?
the game selects 'traders' from the accumulated pool of ships with the role 'trader'
these roles are weighed in the ships oxp, which can only be changed per ship oxp or shipdata-overrides.plist
36) the oxz manager is really nice works fine although my oxp side is somewhat bigger, is it possible to have the an extra oxz map on a different drive? So one can have some of the bigger (planets) oxz/oxp on a different HD
par example can the addon folder be on a usb drive and oolite stay on root
'link' was the magic word, copy/move managedaddons elsewhere, make a link, move link to original managedaddons position with the name managedaddons ...
(large eyecandy oxp --> needs a lot more memory

37) planetfall miner ( insert spiceminer ) , digs for ore(gold/platinum/etc) on a planet
38) for more immersion planetinfo screen also shows a picture of the inhabitants hehehe… and perhaps a small soundfile with their language
39) I find the wireframe playmode a bit difficult to see, perhaps the linethickness could be a optionally enlarged ( 1,2,4 times thickness settings ). Harder to see than the original elite
40) ringracers, some systems have a racetrack from station to witchpoint and back, you can place your legal bet and WATCH the race (multiple npc racers ) and win some credits/fuel/cargo
41) can a station have a laser defence points?
for the moment 'only' plasma turrets
42) getting shot by your own hired escorts and drunk escorts blowing themselves up on the station or playership
and i want this to happen less not more

43) laserperiod “10101000” 3x fire then a rest ( timing depending on rate ) to keep npc from heating up to much
a script which periodically remove and put back the weapon
44) where is the spacetrader.oxp? Instant jumping inside each station, skipping the flying but not without consequences
gates.oxp comes close but i seem to have read somewhere that it is possible to jump right into a station when the station
has something enabled, must be enabled for all stations in all galaxies...
see commands ... 29#p242034
45) npc attack ai without fleeing, attacks and tries mostly to keep the front of his ship pointed at you, relentless
editable via AI scripts
46) rear view mirror flatscreen or multiview translucent miniscreens on the front view (1)
47) a ship with 'wings' like republic shuttle ( starwars ) folds his wings and can now enter the regular docks (, and after launching spreading the wings)
subentitie positions can be moved during play. example butterfly.oxp
which means the moving parts need to be separated
48) what is the max number of ships/entities in a system
2048 entities but that is including backdrop, laser effects and explosions
49) is there an opening.oxp so instead of the cobra model, the system loads a random model from the pool of 'showable' items (cargo/asteroids/ships it is nice to be surprised)
this or random
50) is there a option to test new ships( npc) against other ships (npc) with the player as a nontargetable observer. Example to test a new trader against pirates in deep space.
so the cloak keeps me from getting shot at...