Short range - Long range chart

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Short range - Long range chart

Post by onno256 »

Hey everybody,

Maybe my mind is getting myopic, but since a few days F6 doesn't switch between lang range and short range chart anymore...
I can plot routes just fine, but when i want to c
hange to the short range chart (for instance for finding a high techlevel for maintanance), the map gets a bit lighter, I get a slightly different interface (which I can't use) But no zooming in.

Anyone care to help out an old geezer?

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Re: Short range - Long range chart

Post by another_commander »

I think you may have zoomed out the chart. Use PgUp/PgDown to adjust the zoom to the desired level. Pressing F6 while in the chart will toggle search mode, which zooms out fully and expects text input for performing a system name search, when active.

On Windows and Linux you can also use the mousewheel for the zooming stuff.
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Re: Short range - Long range chart

Post by onno256 »

Ahh, that would explain a lot, sorry for being a bother, thanks mate!
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Re: Short range - Long range chart

Post by onno256 »

Worked like a charm, will now cower in shame and remove my genes from the gene-pool... ;)
Wheeling an' dealing while cruisin' the galaxies
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