player.ship.hudHidden = true;
to hide it when you leave your ship, then player.ship.hudHidden = false;
to bring it back again when you re-board your ship.Moderators: winston, another_commander
player.ship.hudHidden = true;
to hide it when you leave your ship, then player.ship.hudHidden = false;
to bring it back again when you re-board your ship.It makes sense to me that, for instance, a Behemoth would be very different internally from affutures wrote:some of this stuff should not be present aboard rock hermits. There's also a bit of a problem with the planetary landing capability add-on - your OXP adds all of these facilities to surface bases, which seems a bit odd. The Galcop precinct at least should be missing.
Code: Select all
//LifeInTheFrontier.js, about line 13:
this.StationTypes = [
{ //main system station
conditions: "player.ship.dockedStation.isMainStation",
role: null, // so we ignore these tests
name: null,
configuration: "worldScripts.LITF_Navigation.$configureMainStation()"
{ //rock hermit
conditions: "true", // always true so the 'role' and 'name' tests are effective
role: null, // could test for "rockhermit-chaotic", "rockhermit-pirate" etc.
name:"Rock Hermit",
configuration: "worldScripts.LITF_Navigation.$configureRockHermit()"
//about line 240, in shipDockedWithStation:
for (var i=0; i<this.StationTypes.length; i++)
//first test any arbitrary conditions, e.g. 'isMainStation'or system ID
if (eval(this.StationTypes[i].conditions))
//next test primary role, if not specified assume true & move on
if (this.StationTypes[i].role == player.ship.dockedStation.primaryRole
|| !this.StationTypes[i].role)
//finally test name, if not specified assume true
if (this.StationTypes[i].name ==
|| !this.StationTypes[i].name)
// if all conditions are satisfied for this station type:
//moved here so it only shows up on supported stations
Code: Select all
//LITF_Navigation.js, about line 1346:
this.$configureRockHermit = function(){
//first back up the standard place data, 'cos we might want it back later
this.$backupLobbies = [this.lobby1, this.lobby2, this.lobby3, this.lobby4];
this.lobby1 = {
text: "You're in the Docks.\n\nThere are a few droids moving crates and containers off and on ships, but it's much less busy than a typical main station.\n\nFrom here:\n- You can go to your ship in the Hangar\n- You can enter the Cargo Area\n- You can take the Lift and go to the Main Concourse.\n\n$LOBBYSNIPPET$",
background: "litf_bg_docks.png",
c1: "Enter the Hangar",
a1: "randomAndGo:area1",
c2: "Enter the Cargo Area",
a2: "randomAndGo:area1_2",// change this to a rock-hermit-specific place?
c3: "Lift >> Main Concourse",
a3: "time:120|goNav:lobby2",
this.lobby2 = {
text: "You're in the Main Concourse lobby.\n\n$LOBBYSNIPPET$",
c1: "Enter the Concourse-A section",
a1: "randomAndGo:area2_1",//more rock-hermit-specific changes to these places?
c2: "Enter the Concourse-B section",
a2: "randomAndGo:area2_2",
c3: "Enter the Concourse-C section",
a3: "randomAndGo:area2_3",
c4: "Lift >> Docks",
a4: "time:120|goNav:lobby1",
this.$configureMainStation = function(){
//simply restore defaults, if changed
this.lobby1 = this.$backupLobbies[0];
this.lobby2 = this.$backupLobbies[1];
Some?mohawk wrote:I may make some suggestions
well hope everything is ok in RLUnfortunately the author of this OXP is away a while and not responding to my pm a week ago so I doubtful about an update
would love to see something like that. Wish I could make something that complicated myself but I have tried and failed many timesBut your ideas are good for an other ("Friends"?) OXP