Well, there's not much else I can tell you. I don't really need to know specifics, only if it's possible or not. This type of scenario really doesn't have much bearing on my story, it's just how the characters meet up. Oh, here's some more questions: Do Thargoids go after escape capsules? If you used an escape capsule in deep space, would it ever reach a station safely? I mean, like after a misjump when you're in the middle of nowhere. I'm a really simple minded person, so I would prefer more simple answers. I will give you a simple plot (there's a lot of simple):
1. Character #1 is in a fight, decides to jump to the next system in order to escape. In order to avoid fire, character changes pitch instead of yaw, resulting in a misjump
2. In a nearby system, another character jumps to escape pirates. Really inexperienced dude, changes yaw, pitch and roll, and misjumps predictably.
3. Both happen at the same time, and they relatively jump at the same time (maybe a second or so apart. Don't want a ship sandwich).
4. It is perhaps possible that they wind up near each other, perhaps 50 km or so where they could find each other.
I don't really want to get any more detailed, as it will give spoilers. Just wanted to know if this could happen.

"My goal this weekend is to move... just enough so that people don't think I'm dead." -Anonymous