Bugfix for Engine Supercharger (performance grade player ships were getting no benefits).

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Version 0.4
Expanded and simplified.
Two new categories for each of the three criteria:
1. Size (very small, small, medium, large and huge)
2. Tech (archaic, low, standard, high and cutting edge)
3. Grade (service, transit, civilian, military and performance)
- Each grade now has a piece of equipment that is unique to that grade (as large cargo bay was to service grade in previous versions).
- Removed multiple requirements for the same piece of equipment. Only one criteria now needs to be satisfied for any piece of equipment to be fitted.
- Non player ships can now be identified according to their ship grade e.g. Adder (service). Military grade vessels are likely to be tougher and performance grades are likely to be faster.

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Updated to v0.3
I hope the following tables will explain the effects concisely:

(Ships listed from low to high tech)
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Version 0.2 now available.
Changes include:
- Ships from other oxps are now also subject to this system.
- Some reclassifications of ships in anticipation of future additions.
- Adjusted extra cargo capacities for core ships.
- Credited Zireael for his cargo based equipment system.

Original blurb below...
Inspired partly by this, and motivated by this, I've written a very simple oxp to address my own take on equipment allocation amongst the game's ships.
This is a dependency based system rather than a cargo based one, and those dependencies rely largely upon new, possibly hidden pieces of equipment (currently visible in order to illustate workings).
Here's how it (hopefully) works...
Each of the ships in the game is classified according to three criteria, largely based on their In Service dates and descriptions in the Elite manual:
1. Size (small, medium or large)
2. Tech (low, standard or high)
3. Grade (service, civilian or military)
These three criteria are to be reflected in the ships standard equipment as non-breakable, non-visible items.
For example, I've classed the Asp II as a medium, standard, military ship. As such, amongst its standard equipment would be:
So, this ship would be able to fit any equipment available to small and medium, low to standard tech ships, whether it be of service, civilian or military grade (subject to any cargo requirements).
As this is essentially a list of restrictions built around debatable categorisations, it's likely to mean that some favoured combination is unavailable to some players (hey, this is oxp) but I have introduced 3 (well, 2 1/2) new pieces of equipment to add some flexibility.
I'll try to illustrate how they work with two different ships: the Cobra III and the Anaconda.
- Service Re-fit
Civilian Re-fit
Military Re-fit
The Cobra III has been classed as a large, high-tech, civilian ship. As such, it could equip all sorts of things, but not (gasp!) a military laser... But all is not lost. This ship is high enough tech to have a military refit and then be able to use military grade equipment such as the laser. The cost (besides some credits and a lot of time in the shipyard) is that it could no longer have the service re-fit (effectively a new name for the large cargo bay). So, if you want a military spec cobra III, then that's fine, but there's no longer room for that large cargo bay. Only one type of re-fit would be allowed.Full details of ship and equipment classifications are included in a readme file within the oxp.
The anaconda however, has been classed as a large, standard, service craft. It does have the option of a civilian re-fit, which would enable the use of things like beam lasers and ECM, and so is likely a good investment. Having the civilian re-fit does not however, enable a military re-fit at a later date. Medium tech service craft can only be modified by so much (Ranthe et.al. this might not be for you, unless you tweak it of course...) That doesn't mean that military anacondas couldn't exist, it just means that you couldn't turn the standard model into one c.f. moray and medical moray.
In terms of other oxp equipment, that should be largely unaffected by what is here, operating outside of, but not in conflict with, this oxp.
WARNING: some ships (oxp in particular), may find that several pieces of equipment are removed by this oxp in it's current incarnation.
So it's not quite finished but it should be illustrative of what I have in mind.
I'd be very interested to hear what people think of it.