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Dodec station with a bounty on it???

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Re: Dodec station with a bounty on it???

Post by QCS »

Ok, I just found out why I am Offender: I left the Dodec with 23TC Firearms in Hypercargo. :oops:

Nevertheless the message from the Duma was wrong.
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Re: Dodec station with a bounty on it???

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

another_commander wrote:
IMO, what we are seeing looks like just old OXPs messing with station / station defences AIs. My suggestion would be to try to confirm that these things do not occur in a non-OXPed setup first. IT is important to clarify whether the core game is responsible for what is happening or not.

I can certainly see the point there, the trouble is trying to figure out that it isn't happening any more when it is not that common, that time needed for six-sigma certainty is not small.

Taking a cue from ralph_hh I'll try and engineer an incident, say shoot at the station, hit 0, wait until the police turn up in quantities and get them to shoot at me when I have the station right behind me, try and avoid dying and hit 0 again. If they then target the station then there's a method of engineering it and at that point it should be easier to ditch the OXPs and see if it can be engineered again.

Slightly academic aside.

My current theory for the incidents I've seen goes something like this. A supercobra launches from a station. They have a silly habit of slowing down and shooting the station with the rear laser (I never saw this with 1.76/7). The police then, of course, try to attack it. They hit the station by accident. For some reason this causes a station/police fight to occur. So maybe the station recognises the police as attackers and the police realise that then label the station a criminal. Maybe the police see other police land hits and decide to join in.

I believe supercobra in 1.80 and 1.77 behaves differently but as it's the same OXP version any changes must then be due to core changes, or at least the way the game responds to what supercobra tells it to do. This is the "old oxps messing with station/station defence AIs" concept, yes?

Put another way, it's true that it does seem to be associated with supercobra but perhaps that does not prove it's an AI from supercobra or other OXP. While I do not pretend to understand how the AIs function and interact in the game, I assume there is a base set of AIs so not all police AIs come from supercobra and the OXP AIs will be generated as necessary anyway, ie, most police will be native. So it's a native AI that is responding to something else, not the something else causing the problem as such. In addition to this it's certainly more frequent in 1.80 than 1.77 (or whenever it was I last played a lot) that police attack a station.

Anyway, I'll have a go at engineering an incident.


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Re: Dodec station with a bounty on it???

Post by spara »

I doubt that anyone has enough interest/time to investigate what goes wrong with the custom AI of the SuperCobra oxp, but maybe someone might be interested in making an overhaul to it. There's new graphics in the current RandomHits by CaptSolo, if someone's interested.

Meanwhile, removing

Code: Select all

from shipdata.plist should cure AI problems. Custom messages and functionality (not sure how it's meant behave) will be lost though.
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Re: Dodec station with a bounty on it???

Post by richard.a.p.smith »

I did the test with no OXPs for a while and tried to force the issue; although I got the police to hit the stations many times they didn't identify them as enemies. One thing I also noticed that points at supercobra oxp was the station shouts "No!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or something like that on occasion when the police are shooting it (I think) which I think supercobras do from time to time when they're getting shot up. It doesn't really affect the game, just an occasional bit of amusement and weirdness.

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Re: Dodec station with a bounty on it???

Post by QCS »

I just had an awesome observation.

A single Duma. Look what it shouted while it heated up its lasers:

21:00:59.245 [LogEvents]: Player got message from Duma 25759 : Kiota Solar Station, you are in breach of Cooperative law. Leave the system or be destroyed.

I did not wait to see if the Duma achieved anything... :mrgreen:

What happened before was an Andromeda with two escorts trying to scoop fuel while being attacked by an offender. One escort got killed, then the Offender fled because of the Duma. Then the Offender turned around and hit the Andromeda again, and turned back again. Then the Andromeda got too hot (I suppose) because it exploded. The next I saw (I was distracted somehow to keep my escorts around me because of the heat danger) the Offender was nowhere around to be seen, and the Duma attacked the Station. I guess it will not help but I wanted to write down what I observed.
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