This counts as "Clean?"

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This counts as "Clean?"

Post by ffutures »

Small accident this evening - I was docking with a rock hermit and my finger brushed the trigger button so I accidentally fired my laser into its dock. I then collided with a Cobra that was suddenly in the airlock and coming out, fortunately without damage since I was fairly slow. I noticed that all of the ships in view were showing as enemies as I finally entered the docking tunnel - to my surprise I then docked normally, and my status was shown as clean...

Considering I was once declared a fugitive for accidentally hitting a viper ONCE during a fight with Thargoids, this seems a little weird. Any thoughts?
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by Diziet Sma »

I believe the accidental friendly-fire code has had an overhaul in 1.80.. that might account for it.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by Smivs »

Also, Hermits are not GalCop stations, so you can expect a less Anal response to 'accidents', particularly if the Cobra had just dropped off a shipment of booze or narcs :wink:
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by another_commander »

Always do your docking approach with weapons offline. Life is much simpler then.
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by cim »

Diziet Sma wrote:
I believe the accidental friendly-fire code has had an overhaul in 1.80.. that might account for it.
It's a bit more sympathetic than before. You can even friendly-fire police ships a little bit without penalty in some situations. (You have to have a good enough record, clearly have been aiming at a legitimate target, and only give them a glancing blow)

The original situation ... it's unlikely that there was any ship around with Galcop authority to give you an offender status.
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by ffutures »

OK, thanks, that makes sense.
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Re: This counts as "Clean?"

Post by spud42 »

ffutures wrote:
OK, thanks, that makes sense.
standard reply.. " Its only illegal if you get caught. "... lol
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OR i could go with
Arthur Dent: I always said there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe.
or simply
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