Introduce Yourself.

General discussion for players of Oolite.

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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by UK_Eliter »

A belated welcome to Scouseair, Commander_X, Eleanor Azuranai, Knightmare and others I've missed! (I don't often pop into this subforum.)

Commanders, may your pressing <space> be rare. Or, er, something like that . . You get the idea. (Do we have any poets - edible or otherwise - handy?)
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Diziet Sma »

bacontube wrote:
Hello, again. Took a long hiatus after putting in a station or two for hyperradio. RL just got too busy. But, I'm back now. Brushing up again on how to play Oolite. Good to be back.
G'day mate.. welcome home! 8)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Obould »


I started playing oolite a little month ago and I really like the game.
After weeks of trading goods I installed a passenger berth in my cobra mk 3. The problem is that when I consult the passenger boards I always get to see that the passenger is looking for a more experienced carrier. How can I improve my reputation so that I can take passenger contracts? Even the very cheap ones are looking for a more experienced carrier so I don't get a chance to improve it seems. :(

Any tips/suggestions?

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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by cim »

Welcome to the forums.

Contracts start out slowly - you have to start with the people who are desperate enough to go with a complete unknown, and not be too picky about who you take. You may have to fly around a little bit before you find one, but they are out there: the board in my current system has 6 passengers, and 1 will go with someone with no rep at all.

Having at least a little bit of an Elite ranking helps, too: passengers are more inclined to believe that a Competent pilot will get them across half the chart without their ship being blown up under them than they are to believe that of a Harmless pilot: there's a second one on this board who'll probably go with an Above Average pilot without needing them to have a passenger rep too. (The Elite ranking isn't strictly necessary, though - almost all passengers would be happy with a Harmless pilot who had a perfect passenger delivery reputation)

So maybe you've just been unlucky so far.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by ammanneutron »

Hello all!

I'm newbie here and this is my first post. :idea:

I never heard about original Elite game, and i found Oolite 'accidentally'.

About two years ago i got addicted to playing Java J2ME game in my old SE K530 phone (he finally 'dead' just some weeks ago), and the most addicted one is Fishlabs: Galaxy on Fire (GoF) 2. (Can you believe that? Addicted to 4 MB Java code, bin, class and other stuffs that compressed to single .jar files and executed in 176x220 display! :shock:).

Well, finally I go back to reality (ended that high school habbit, become freshmen and try to study hard, and fail :lol: )
I bought new Asus notebook, not the best specs, but fair enough for running 3D design software as needed by my Technical Drawing course. Now that i succesfully passed that course, I never launch that 3D software again. And then, when my friend borrow my notebook he was surprised (" :shock: You didn't have any game in your laptop?!! Are you insane?! Your specs is better than mine and you only play that Solitaire, Spider, Freecell, bla bla bla...."). Yeah, I must say thanks. Since that day I start my 'Game Hunting Journey'. Lot of friends lend their game DVD's, their ISO's (so I become familiar with Daemon). Even I do searching in campuss FTP and luckily found some good game (thanks to senior who upload that). :( After a while I got bored with all action, adventure, fps. I need something that can be customized. I need strategy, turn-based, economy, simulator ... whatever that need a little bit thinking, planning, calculating etc etc.. And the most important is: I want it free! :wink: (I know the Galaxy on Fire series for computer-users exist but I'm not interested to buy it)

'Open-source Game Hunting' began. Google search result suggest me hundreds of open source game. My browser history filled with I install some game, play it a bit, not satisfied, uninstall it. I repeat it, looping. Still, I can't find open-source version of game like GoF. And then some brilliant idea appeared :idea: , I try new keywords in Google (last idea, I'm so frustrated :x ). Bingo!!! (I didn't know Eve, but all my keywords contained in that page). And that is.... 8) I found Oolite!!! (I'm so stupid :oops: , this page: ... ideo_games that I found long long time ago when i just started the hunting journey clearly mentioned Oolite as Space-sim game but I never click it :oops: )

(You know, I start thinking that you can find everything I mean 'everything' in the internet. Amazing 8) )

Okay that's my story.

And now I'm playing Oolite, read the wiki, read about OXP, read the forum and finally join the forum, download and start to read Oolite saga, watch the youtube video about oolite, googling oolite image bla bla bla ... its never end. This game is so cool :shock: so more cool than my K530 176x220 display :lol: (indeed)

By the way:
Help me in combat! :cry:
I did play in-game tutorial, read the manual instruction, FAQs, also some forum post that give combat advice, wiki tactics, etc etc.. but their are easier to read than to execute in game... so, how exactly to kill the pirate(s)? I jump, meet them, try to maneuver, try to shoot, missed, try to shoot, it hit but their hit mi more often, more faster, try to run, too late and the next thing in the screen "Game over, press space commander". I load my saved game try to flight to safest system, yeah it succes but is boring.. I need to fight :x but when the time come I died again :cry: .. I keep repeating the fight (I make it as practice, hope for my first kill) but died again... :oops: :( :cry:

Is there an mission OXP with good story and dynamic difficulty (its start in easy but increases later)?
The OXP that contain many quest to fulfill and ended with some great event. I like Oolite, but as you start it you can doing anything, and its make me confused, lost the grip, I think its good idea for new player like me to follow the story plot and after the story completed finally you can explore galaxy as you like. If you ever played GoF maybe you know what i mean. Please tell me about that kind of OXP.

Oh, and then:
maik wrote:
Welcome, Scouseair and Commander_X!

I wasn't even aware that gmail addresses are banned for registration, it wasn't the case when I registered some years ago. But I'm sure a board admin will chime in soon enough to clarify.
What that mean? I use Gmail domain for registration so what will happen? :?

After all, thanks.

:) first post (so what?)
:x frustrated but still hoping for first kill
P.S.: sorry for my bad English
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Cody »

ammanneutron wrote:
I use Gmail domain for registration so what will happen?
Welcome aboard. No problem with your email address - only certain variations were banned.
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by cim »

ammanneutron wrote:
Hello all!
Welcome to the forums!
ammanneutron wrote:
I did play in-game tutorial, read the manual instruction, FAQs, also some forum post that give combat advice, wiki tactics, etc etc.. but their are easier to read than to execute in game... so, how exactly to kill the pirate(s)?
Practice is a lot of it. The combat in 1.80 doesn't work as well as it should have, which we're working on fixing for the next release - until then, one tactic which requires a bit of patience but should help is to run away (quicker if you have fuel injectors) and hopefully most of them won't be able to follow you. 2:1 odds is generally survivable once you've upgraded your ship a bit; 4:1 or 5:1 can be difficult even with upgrades.

Ship upgrades are important - a fully upgraded ship can take on several times the number of enemies of a basic one.
ammanneutron wrote:
Is there an mission OXP with good story and dynamic difficulty (its start in easy but increases later)?
Not really - there are mission OXPs with good stories and well-designed set piece moment, but they tend to have relatively constant difficulty throughout; there are mission OXPs with varying difficulties but basically no story (because they offer a range of difficulties of assignment and you pick what you want). The only mission OXP I can think of that combines a story with a difficulty increase is the Assassins Guild, but because it was written seven years ago, it might not work particularly well with the current Oolite version (rather than starting off easy and getting harder, it's more likely to start off hard and get even tougher)

That said, the mission OXPs set in Galaxy 1 tend to be relatively easy compared with the rest, so what you could do is play through those (there's no overall story to them, so you might have to do some filling in the gaps yourself), and then once they're done, jump to Galaxy 2 and do the missions set there. There are enough mission OXPs in total that completing all of them can easily keep you busy long enough to reach Elite rank.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Redspear »

A belated welcome back to bacontube and hearty hellos to ammanneutron and Obould :)
ammanneutron wrote:
By the way:
Help me in combat! :cry:
This might sound crazy, but have you tried selling your starter ship for a cheaper model?
You'll have a worse ship (e.g Cobra Mk I) but enough money to equip it with much more useful combat equipment. This should give you a significant combat boost in the short term, and if you then fly to a safe, high-tech system like Zaonce you should find lots of equipment to choose from.

Good luck :)
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by fluxxx »

Didn't know where to put this so I will write it here. I had been playing the game for a few weeks here in Baja Sur Mexico when hurricane Odile smacked us in the head. Horrendous damage everywhere. No power or water for 2 weeks. After that no internet until just this afternoon. After the power came back on I retained some sanity by playing Oolite! A great help. So, thanks everyone for a great game!
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Smivs »

fluxxx wrote:
...hurricane Odile smacked us in the head. Horrendous damage everywhere. No power or water for 2 weeks. After that no internet until just this afternoon.
Sounds awful - glad you are OK.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by UK_Eliter »

fluxxx wrote:
After the power came back on I retained some sanity by playing Oolite!
Well, that's some comfort at least!

Mexico has some terrible hurricanes.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Nighthawk71 »

Hello all! I just recently signed up on the forum.

I've known about Elite (and Oolite) for several years now, but never really got to play an Elite game until September 22 of this year, when I downloaded the BeebEm emulator and BBC B floppy disc version of Elite, provided on the Elite: Dangerous store as part of Elite's 30th Anniversary. I currently (as of this post) have a commander on there who's Mostly Harmless with under 1000 credits so far. I have downloaded Oolite 1.80, but haven't came around to installing it yet.

I'm also a Beta player in Elite: Dangerous.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Norby »

Welcome here Nighthawk71!

You can check the wiki for useful tips about playing Oolite and feel free to ask anything. :)
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by UK_Eliter »

Nighthawk71 wrote:
Hello all! I just recently signed up on the forum.

I've known about Elite (and Oolite) for several years now, but never really got to play an Elite game until September 22 of this year, when I downloaded the BeebEm emulator and BBC B floppy disc version of Elite, provided on the Elite: Dangerous store as part of Elite's 30th Anniversary. I currently (as of this post) have a commander on there who's Mostly Harmless with under 1000 credits so far. I have downloaded Oolite 1.80, but haven't came around to installing it yet.

I'm also a Beta player in Elite: Dangerous.
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Re: Introduce Yourself.

Post by Diziet Sma »

G'day Nighthawk71, and welcome aboard! 8)
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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