"The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoot"

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by SteveKing »

Hi Pdx,
Whilst you're here - hope the move works out and the reader list expands. I love the story - but then I like the Gor books as well - I'm a bit restricted downloading for my morning tea read from work so will be catching up at home. My gorgeous wife will just have to understand :wink:

I fully understand the reasons for the move. Thanks for keeping our heads up and...

Write on! :D
(not quite the author)
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

SteveKing wrote:
Hi Pdx,
Whilst you're here - hope the move works out and the reader list expands. I love the story - but then I like the Gor books as well - I'm a bit restricted downloading for my morning tea read from work so will be catching up at home. My gorgeous wife will just have to understand :wink:

I fully understand the reasons for the move. Thanks for keeping our heads up and...

Write on! :D
"Whilst you're here"? I'm not going anywhere. };] I still plan on hitting the forums here, several times each day. As far as I am concerned, the only change is the layout of my story, and the fact I can now use actual body part names! };] I'm also working on the D.T.T. Tomahawk MKII, when I take breaks from writing.

Thank you for sticking by me, and being patient as I made the change. I am looking forward to sharing more comments with you! }:]
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Chapter 42 posted.

Post by Paradox »

You can read the newest chapter here: http://captainmorganandspitfire.blogspo ... 4652d308ae

Once again, my thanks for your patience and understanding!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Neelix »

I can't believe you left it there! ;-) Once again I'm left wanting to be able to read on immediately. :-)

a couple of notes -
I think you mean Zaonce, not Zoance. (it's funny how some of the planet names can stick in your mind) :-)
At the end of the chapter,- you have made instead of mad.
"and they had were now extremely efficient. " the word had seems to be extraneous.

- Neelix
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

Oh look once again I arrive at the party after all the fists have been thrown and the chairs smashed. I'm not taking sides here and I'm way too late to try and hold you two knuckleheads apart. That said we still have a problem;
Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
There are young people that read this BB please tone it down.
This argument is flawed because we're all too concerned watching what might come through the catflap, to remember the bloody great big stable door behind us. I think your over estimating the importance of the boards when compared to the wiki. First time I hit oolite I spent a lot of time on the wiki...... Where all the fiction is and whatever else this maybe, it IS still oolite fiction. The kids are going to see it. Even if you plaster explicit over it, this is going to be (I guarantee) the first thing they are going to click on.

BUT artistically it has EVERY right to be there. It is Oolite fiction more Lady Chatterley's Lover, than Goldfinger but Oolite none the less.

Also Mr P, it might be inadvisable using extreme examples to illustrate your point around Yah-Ta-Hey, he's just going to see that as a slap in the face. Your going to get criticism here, some of it helpful, some of it not, some of it suggestion, some of it as ultimatum. I know your a good debater, when your not angry. Gotta roll with it man.

So, if everyone can step away from the moral high horses for a second. Shall we debate this thorny little issue like, I don't know, the mature adults we are? There's still something that needs a solution here.

PS: ep 41, transgalactic "dogging", really? All hail the Marquis de Sade of oolite! (Well somebody had to do it, you can trade in guns slaves and narcs. The stories were bound to get a little bit risky some where along the line)
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Neelix wrote:
I can't believe you left it there! ;-) Once again I'm left wanting to be able to read on immediately. :-)

a couple of notes -
I think you mean Zaonce, not Zoance. (it's funny how some of the planet names can stick in your mind) :-)
At the end of the chapter,- you have made instead of mad.
"and they had were now extremely efficient. " the word had seems to be extraneous.

- Neelix
I thank you Sir! Corrections have been made. I am indebted. };]

I was writing till 1:30 am because I too wanted to know what she has done exactly... And I still don't!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

ClymAngus wrote:
Oh look once again I arrive at the party after all the fists have been thrown and the chairs smashed. I'm not taking sides here and I'm way too late to try and hold you two knuckleheads apart. That said we still have a problem;
It wasn't quite that bad. };] I wasn't banned from the board this time. };] But seriously, Yah-Ta-Hey had a valid point, my writing was no longer appropriate for this board. However, it was the wording that he chose, which triggered my rather acerbic response, etc. But the dust is settled. No hard feelings. Everything is working out fine.
Yah-Ta-Hey wrote:
There are young people that read this BB please tone it down.
ClymAngus wrote:
This argument is flawed because we're all too concerned watching what might come through the catflap, to remember the bloody great big stable door behind us. I think your over estimating the importance of the boards when compared to the wiki. First time I hit oolite I spent a lot of time on the wiki...... Where all the fiction is and whatever else this maybe, it IS still oolite fiction. The kids are going to see it. Even if you plaster explicit over it, this is going to be (I guarantee) the first thing they are going to click on.
Two things here. First... Yes, kids are going to come running if you tell them not to. It becomes, not so much a red flag, as it does a neon arrow. Second... From a legal point of view, it must be "flagged". All it takes is one, single, upset parent, to really make the owners of the wiki miserable.

ClymAngus wrote:
BUT artistically it has EVERY right to be there. It is Oolite fiction more Lady Chatterley's Lover, than Goldfinger but Oolite none the less.
This is where, the debate will occur, as it ever has. The definition of art. Unfortunately, it is an not a battle that can be won by either side. I have fought that battle too many times throughout my life, and I am too tired to debate it again. I will leave that up to you. };]
ClymAngus wrote:
Also Mr P, it might be inadvisable using extreme examples to illustrate your point around Yah-Ta-Hey, he's just going to see that as a slap in the face. Your going to get criticism here, some of it helpful, some of it not, some of it suggestion, some of it as ultimatum. I know your a good debater, when your not angry. Gotta roll with it man.
}:] Step on my tail, and I bite. To receive pain is to give it. But I think that issue is now resolved. I do however, admit to having a just a smidge of a temper. :lol: :lol: :lol:
ClymAngus wrote:
So, if everyone can step away from the moral high horses for a second. Shall we debate this thorny little issue like, I don't know, the mature adults we are? There's still something that needs a solution here.
A far as I am concerned, the dust has settled and the trail is cold. I think I have addressed Yah-Ta-Hey's concerns, as well as enabled myself to write the story I wish to write. Win win.

Will this happen again? Yup. Are others, also pushing against the boundaries? Probably. I haven't had enough free time to really explore the work of the other writers, just a bit here and there. };] But yes, it will happen again. I leave that battle to the younger, or at least, more energetic warriors. };]
ClymAngus wrote:
PS: ep 41, transgalactic "dogging", really? All hail the Marquis de Sade of oolite! (Well somebody had to do it, you can trade in guns slaves and narcs. The stories were bound to get a little bit risky some where along the line)
LOFL! In the words of Foghorn Leghorn, "Now wait... I say wait just a doggone minute there son..." I wouldn't say dogging! Dogging is a thing done on purpose, usually involving multiple partners. This was purely accidental, and by the time they realized... well, it's too late to close the door, once the submarine has sunk to the bottom. Now, Spitfire is, a bit of a free spirited exhibitionist, true. But I do try to keep that spirit, one of playfulness, innocents, and the exuberance of youth. Nothing nearly so dark as Monsieur de Sade. (although we have found out, she does like having her bottom spanked... and there is the matter of the little gold rings... hmm... };])

Funny (or not so much) that the running of guns, slaves, and drugs, is quite acceptable, while good, clean, everyday, natural sex... is not. And I want to change the word "slaves" in my game, to "hookers"! };]

See, isn't this nice to be able to make a bunch of comments, and not clutter up the story chapters? };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Malacandra »

Paradox wrote:
the running of guns, slaves, and drugs, is quite acceptable,
That's what I told the Vipers, but nooo.... :evil:
"Sidewinder Precision Pro" and other Oolite fiction is now available for Amazon Kindle at a bargain price.

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Malacandra wrote:
Paradox wrote:
the running of guns, slaves, and drugs, is quite acceptable,
That's what I told the Vipers, but nooo.... :evil:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

It was a point made on purpose. One that Master P was kind enough to pick up on (I thank you for my petty indulgences). From the first day of elite way back in the dim and distant past. It has been possible (not condoned but possible) to run guns, drugs and slaves around the universe.

So in fact it would be easier to rationalise (within the story world of oolite) to say capture religious dissidents from a rodent world and sell them to a cat one where they are murdered for their meat or Drug smuggling to an already destitute world wracked by civil war? Or maybe delivering weapons to a despotic society to make absolutely sure that despite the small size of the ruling elite that they absolutely stay in control of their planet?

That's just scraping the surface of the stomach churning horrors that could be legitimately worked into this world. Take the worst horror you know from history, times it by ten add screaming babies and your starting to get the idea. So if the potential for this kind of story was written into (and written about) the fabric of elite and oolite, why do we shy away from this kind of story?

Because it's horrible to write that's why! and it's horrific to read! But someone could write one, or hundreds. So we're kind of used (on these forums) to the sad knowledge that the universe is a nasty place, but we can happily kick the horror to the edges if no one mentions it.

We've even sanitized space combat. When was the last time anyone put a pirate in a remlock? Na so much better if they just disappear in a "cloud of silvery dust" (like a naughty little pixie when hit by the first rays of sun. Good night children and have sweet dreams!)

Now, before anyone raises any picks or lights any torches here; I really don't mind if people sanitize their own stories. What I do object to is saying that any story should be sanitized. We need a multiplicity, anything but everything.

Elite was OUR grand theft auto. Our parents didn't understand it. So they left us to it. If it had been advertised like this:
"This is elite where any young child can ferry drugs/slaves or guns round the known universe. If they want to."
I doubt it would have been anywhere as near as successful.

It flew in under the radar, allowing us kids to taste a bit of responsibility, yeah you could make money with drugs or slaves but you'd have to fight like a bastard to stay alive. Action, reaction. Act and consequence. Accept the darkness at the heart of the game you are playing.

Lock off the sexy stories if legality decrees it. But I wouldn't go condemning them just because they are sexy. Considering what anyone COULD legitimately write about. We're getting off lightly.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Malacandra »

The part about Elite allowing kids to run drugs, guns and slaves reminds me of the controversy that surrounded Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980s, when certain Christians (not the mainstream, as far as I could tell) were desperate to find a brush to tar it with, and someone claimed that "D&D teaches kids how to use herbs to cure VD". Somewhere at the back of the Dungeon Master's Guide, buried amid pages of other trivia such as a "random prostitute encounter table" (Gygax had way too much time on his hands) there was indeed a list of the reputed properties of about eighty different herbs, but it would be gross misrepresentation to claim that the game was all about that, or even that most DMs, never mind players, ever even consulted those pages.

Anyway, the Adventures of Captain Gary Stu and Miss Fanservice were still pulling the readers in last time I checked the number of posts and times read on this thread, so why be a killjoy? This pair are certainly having more fun than I've had since the 1980s (and indeed forever, in the interests of strict accuracy). :lol:

I've tended to slant more towards the "crapsack universe" school of thought, not least in alluding to the horrific things Commander Hammond had to do to T'kella, albeit with her informed consent, to hoodwink the Gulag Overseer into believing that it was possible to suffer a fate worse than a Soviet Astromine. So why not present the other side of the coin - a character who is never in serious danger, lucks out of the one bad thing in his life into a fantastically good spaceship and from then on is never in serious danger while making a steady profit and banging the brains out of a young-but-totally-legal-honest-officer horny girl? It's a large universe, and such things could happen. :mrgreen:
"Sidewinder Precision Pro" and other Oolite fiction is now available for Amazon Kindle at a bargain price.

Sidewinder Precision Pro ||Claymore Mine ||The Russian Creed ||One Jump Ahead

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by ClymAngus »

Anything but everything, Malacandra. Is the universal joy of a multiplicity.

It's a good thing that no one has taken this particular story telling medium as an adequate vehicle for allegory. Else we'd really start seeing some hackles raised. It would make the sex thing seem like singing in the rain.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Ranthe »

ClymAngus wrote:
We've even sanitized space combat. When was the last time anyone put a pirate in a remlock? Na so much better if they just disappear in a "cloud of silvery dust" (like a naughty little pixie when hit by the first rays of sun. Good night children and have sweet dreams!)
Not to mention the types of injuries that could be received as a result of space combat, for example crew members being blown in half or "aerosoled" when hit by a hypervelocity metal fragment that punched through the hull of their ship. (I came across that particular concept in the comic series Albedo Anthropomorphics several years ago - I can certainly recommend reading the series if you can do so.)
ClymAngus wrote:
Lock off the sexy stories if legality decrees it. But I wouldn't go condemning them just because they are sexy. Considering what anyone COULD legitimately write about. We're getting off lightly.
<nods> Especially in terms of how Rule 34 can be applied to Oolite, given how I've seen it applied in other fandoms...
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Chapter 43 – Another One Bites the Dust.

Posted for your reading pleasure!
Last edited by Paradox on Mon Aug 18, 2014 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Malacandra wrote:
The part about Elite allowing kids to run drugs, guns and slaves reminds me of the controversy that surrounded Dungeons and Dragons in the 1980s, when certain Christians (not the mainstream, as far as I could tell)
Oh, trust me... Being raised in a baptist enviornment, D&D was Satans playground. Spells were cast, and demons were summoned... Just like playing my Blondie and The Knack albums backward would summon them... And my parents weren't even considered all that conservative really....

I of course, would sneak out to play D&D every chance I had! };]
Malacandra wrote:
Anyway, the Adventures of Captain Gary Stu and Miss Fanservice were still pulling the readers in last time I checked the number of posts and times read on this thread, so why be a killjoy? This pair are certainly having more fun than I've had since the 1980s (and indeed forever, in the interests of strict accuracy).
LINKS! I must know who "Captain Gary Stu and Miss Fanservice" are!

And yes, they are having more fun than I as well. Although I could tell some tales... };]
Malacandra wrote:
a character who is never in serious danger, lucks out of the one bad thing in his life into a fantastically good spaceship and from then on is never in serious danger while making a steady profit and banging the brains out of a young-but-totally-legal-honest-officer horny girl? It's a large universe, and such things could happen
Umm... Don't bet your last micro-cred on that Malacandra... I have a list of possible chapter ideas... more than one would make life a little more interesting for our two over-sexed lovebirds... To quote Forest Gump "...and that's all I want to say about that." };]
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