"The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoot"

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Bangbangduck wrote:
Less is more. A small vignette every now and again just to add a tiny dash of 'colour'.

Should the writing slow down a Q-Bomb will be dropped :wink:

:lol: Like the small sketches at the bottom of the page in a book... But accomplishing that with 3D renderings... ponder... ponder...
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Chapter 10

Post by Paradox »

"Wow..." Said Terra.

"Wow..." I echoed.

"'ello darlin'!" Said Old Tom.

It was indeed a spaceship. But it was unlike anything I had ever seen. No giant, flying, squashed pyramid here. This was the perfect combination of organic curves and hard edges. Low, smooth, and sleek, like a giant, predatory shark. It looked dangerous and sexy all at the same time. Of course, the huge mural of the naked girl with a large snake on the side helped!

"What is the snake doing to that girl?" Asked Terra

"I think you got it all wrong missus." Grinned Old Tom. "Come around here..." He shuffled toward the back of the ship.

There, we came to the huge loading bay doors. In large letters, across the lower door, it read "Snake Charmer".

"You see missus, the question ain't what the snake is doing to the girl. You should be asking what that there girl is doing to the poor snake! Hehehehe! Isn't that right lassie!" Cackled Old Tom as he patted the ship affectionately.

"But what is it? I mean who made it? I've never seen..." I said.

"That there ship was made by the D.T.T Shipbuilders. Don't see many of them out here in the backwaters so to speak, but I hears they is getting more popular now in the tech worlds." Old Tom gave the ships hull another pat. "They's a real modern company, not like them musty old Cobras and such. Just look at how she's built. Her engines is all on the outside, so's you got less heat and dirt, and more room for cargo and passengers on the inside. And she uses them new Lensed Laser systems so's there's no laser gun barrels sticking out all over 'er. They say her 'lectronic is all miniaturized too. Why they even say she can haul as much cargo as a Cobra Mark Three as well as havin' room for four passenger berths!"

Old Tom was grinning at Terra.

Terra smiled back at him, and then looked at me.

I was gazing at the ship...

I was in love.

"What's going on back here?" Came a voice behind us.

Terra and I both jumped and turned around, like school children caught playing hooky.

Major Montgomery and Mr. Creedy were coming toward us at a clip.

"Why is this ship uncovered?" Demanded the Major.

I turned to point at Old Tom, but he had disappeared as quietly as a ghost.

"Well, because this here ship is the one that I am choosing!" I said.

"I'm sorry, but this ship is not available." The Major blustered.

Terra stepped forward and looked at Mr. Creedy.

Mr. Creedy quickly ducked behind Major Montgomery.

"Are you saying, that this ship is not for sale?" She asked, turning her gaze to the Major.

"Well umm... no... but..." replied the Major.

"And did not you, Mr. Creedy, tell Commander Black just a short while ago, that he could choose ANY ship currently on the sales floor?" She asked.

"Well, yes... But I umm..." Was Mr. Creedy's muffled reply.

"Then Mr. Black has chosen THIS ship gentlemen, and, as it is currently on the sales floor. He has every right to do so. Especially since all the others were deliberately removed just a few hours ago..."

Both men had the decency to look embarrassed.

"Oh very well..." Major Montgomery finally sputtered. "No one would buy it anyways, it is not a "proper" ship... It's just too... different! Not to mention that... that... vulgar painting!"

"The key and papers gentlemen?" Prompted Terra.

With a defeated sigh, Major Montgomery held out his P.D.D.(Portable Data Device). Terra told me to press my thumb to the screen, as she pulled a similar device from her handbag. She then touched her device to the Majors, and a copy of the paperwork was transferred to her device as well.

"Now the key gentlemen..." She again prompted.

"There is no "key" for that ship. There is a panel next to the loading bay. Activate it with your PDD, You will then, give it a dna sample, which will act as the key from that point on." Said the grumpy Major. With no further comments, the Major stalked away, with Mr. Creedy scurrying closely after.

"Well done there missus! Well done!" Cackled Old Tom. He seemed to materialize from thin air as he stepped from the shadows of the Snake Charmer. "I'm gonna miss this lassie when she goes, but she worn't meant to be sitting here under no tarp now, was she." He looked fondly up to the mural, and gave it a wink.

"You takes good care of 'er now sonny, and she'll takes good care of you!" Old Tom gave my arm a squeeze, then slowly shuffled off into the shadows beneath the hulking ships.

"Shall we see what it looks like on the inside?" Terra asked?
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Zireael »

Haha ha ha, the plot backfired on the Major!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Bangbangduck »

Nice one :D

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Chapter 11

Post by Paradox »

"Oh you bet!" I replied, and we made our way to the rear of the ship, and next to the loading bay doors we found the panel Major Mongomery had referred to. Terra placed her PDD against it, the panel glowed with green light.

"Commander Black, please place your palm flat against the green panel." Said a decidedly female voice from the panels speaker.

"Who is that?" I asked in surprise.

"I am the artificial intelligence algorithm that was programmed for this ship." Replied the voice.

"Oh..." I said, looking at Terra.

Terra merely raised her brow as I placed my hand against the panel.

"Thank you Commander Black. Your DNA has been recorded. Do you wish to authorize anyone else at this time?" Asked the voice.

"Authorize anyone else?" I asked, puzzled.

"Affirmative Commander Black. Do you wish to give anyone else access to this ship at this time?" The voice explained patiently.

"Umm.. yes, I want Terra to have access." I said.

"Terra, please place your hand against the panel, and state your full name and position aboard this ship." Said the voice.

"Terra Slavovich, and umm... I am merely a guest." Terra stated.

"No Terra, you can be the umm.. co-commander or..." I started to argue.

"No Morgan. Not right now. We will talk about it later. For now, lets just go look at your ship."

"Terra Slavovich, your DNA has been recorded." Stated the voice. "Commander Black, do you wish to authorize anyone else at this time?" Asked the voice again.

"Umm no, not right now..." I said.

"Very well Commander Black." The speaker went silent.

"Now what do we do now?" I asked Terra.

Terra shrugged, then pressed her hand against the pad. "Umm... Ship? May we come aboard?"

"Guest Terra Slavovich, Authorization confirmed. Opening lower cargo bay door now. Please stand clear." An alarm siren sounded as the massive lower half of the cargo bay door began to lower.

Within seconds, there was a deep clang as it touched the floor, and the siren went silent.

Terra and I walked up the sloped inner surface of the door into the cargo bay. We found ourselves in a huge metal cave. Suddenly, lights began coming on to fill the whole bay. Pipes and conduits of all sizes ran along the walls and roof of the ship in a dizzying maze. The central space however, was competely open.

"I wonder how much stuff it can haul?" I said, my voice echoing in the open space.

"I am designed to carry 25 cargo tons Commander Black." Said the voice from some hidden speaker. "In addition, I have been equipped with four passenger berths as well as captain cabin and accommodations for four crew members.

"Oh umm.. thanks... ship." I said.

Looking up, I saw that there was another huge loading door in the top of the bay.

We made our way forward toward a set of metal stairs that lead up to a platform and a door. There was a large dark tunnel at the front of the bay which continued forward.

"I wonder where that goes" I said, trying to see into the dark passage.

"That leads to the forward scoop Commander Black." Explained the voice.

"Ah, that would explain how I scoop things up in space, but then what happens?" I asked.

There was another low warning siren, then a large crane-like arm detached from the ceiling. The end of the arm had three "fingers", two on one side, and one on the other. They flexed open and closed, showing their ability to grasp things.

"The cargo bay is fully automated Commander Morgan." Stated the voice.


We went up the stairs. The door at the top, opened into a much more human sized hallway. There was another door at the opposite end, as well as two doors to each side. Each door was numbered one through four.

"These must be the passenger cabins." Said Terra.

We opened the first door on the right that we came to.

Terra gave a low appreciative whistle. "Now that's what I call classy!"

The "cabin" looked more like a suite in a ritzy hotel! Dark red wood paneling, gold accents, and a deep plush carpet. The furniture was expensive looking, and featured a lot of red velvet with black and gold satin trim.

The other cabins were much the same.

"But what if my passenger isn't human?" I had met a few other races before, and knew that not all of them would be comfortable with these obviously human oriented accommodations.

"Each cabin can be automatically reconfigured to accommodate a variety of other life forms. " The ship assured me. "Would you like a demonstration?"

Umm... no ship, not right now thanks." I replied.

The door at the far end opened into a large common area. There was a large table that seated 8, as well as assorted couches, chairs, game tables, vidscreens and a few small bookshelves. Another door was located in the center of the far wall.

Through this door was another short hallway. Near the far end, was a door to each side, as well as a door at the end of the hallway.

Terra opened the door on the right.

"Crews quarters." She said.

Four comfortable bunks, combined with a smaller version of the common area we saw before.

I opened the door to the left.

The captains quarters were every bit as plush as the passenger cabins, it also held a chart and navagation area.

"Very nice!" Exclaimed Terra approvingly.

"Ya..." Was my in depth, analytic, reply.

After a thorough exploration of the Captains quarters, I opened the last door.

We both simply stared.

No Cobra cockpit was this... A huge room, with large windows wrapping all the way around. Consoles for various functions lined the walls beneath the windows. In the center of the room, facing forward, was a large crescent shaped, couch. It was divided into five sections, each with it's own arm rests full of controls, buttons, and knobs.

Terra clapped her hands, giggling and jumping up and down. She managed to pull my eyes away from the bridge, as the jumping part was doing marvelous things to the front of that low-cut jumpsuit!

Terra looked at me, her grin turning into a satisfied smirk. "Glad to see you haven't lost you completely!"

"Not when you start jiggling those... Like that..." I said, advancing on her with both hands twitching.

After a quick grope, and a not so quick kiss, Terra said breathlessly. "Later Morgan, later!" She re-adjusted her top to cover as much as it could, then continued. "First things first! It's time to get this ship out where she belongs!"

"But where do I sit to fly this thing?" I said.

"The Commander will usually occupy the central seat of the command couch." Said the voice.

I jumped a bit as I had forgotten all about the voice. What with all the groping, jiggling, and kissing going on.

I gingerly lowered myself into the center section of the couch. Terra plopped into the next seat, kicked off her heels, and tucked bother her legs under her.

As I settled into the comfy cushions, a standard looking keyboard slid from the armrest to my right. At least that was somewhat familiar. A green pad on the armrest itself lit up.

"Ah... I need to put my hand on the pad, right?"

"Affirmative Commander Black." Replied the ship.

I placed my hand on the pad. Immediately, a low muted rumble began deep in the ship. A sounds almost felt rather than heard.

"Shall I request clearance to launch from the station Commander Black?" Asked the voice.

"Oh, sure ship, thank you." I said. This was going to take some getting used to!

A button on my left armrest depressed itself. "Lave Station, this is DTTSCPP98. Commander Morgan Black is requesting permission to launch."

"Roger that, one minute please Commander Black." Said a new voice over the speaker.

After a few minutes, The speaker announced. "DTTSCPP98, Commander Black, you have a 5 minute window, and are cleared to launch.

I looked at Terra.

"Activate your grav-plates." She said, pointing at a sliding button on the pad labeled Grave Plates.

I slowly began to slid the button forward, and heard the now familiar hum of the grav-plates kick in. My skin tingled.

"Fasten your belt Morgan" Said Terra as she fastened hers.

Once belted in, I pushed the button forward a little further. The ship rose from the floor of the station like a feather on a gentle breeze.

I grinned.

"And now I give it some gas." I thought to myself... Out loud.

A tap here and there got me pointed toward the docking bay exit, and a few more got us underway.

As the exit loomed ever larger outside the windows, I began to feel a little apprehension. After all, the last time I tried this, I pretty much died...

Closer and closer grew the gaping rectangle until...

We were through.

I immediately turned the ship to port a bit, to get it out of the docking lane. Something that Terra made me practice over and over in between... Well never mind that right now... Then I reversed the grav-plates, and felt the familiar pull of gravity again. I increased speed to maximum for a minute until I had some distance between my ship and the station. Once we were well clear, I turned the ship so I could look upon Lave in front of us.

I had done it.

"My pa is down there... Someplace." I said.

Terra unbuckled her belt, and slid the keyboard back into its' slot from in front of me. Then, sliding her arms around my neck, she snuggled into my lap. Putting her head on my shoulder, she said quietly. "Yes Morgan, yes he is."

We sat that way for bit, then I said. "I sure wish I could tell him about all this."

"I'll tell him for you Morgan. I will tell him about everything." She said.

"But you're gonna come with me... aren't you? You going to..." Terra put a finger to my lips to quiet me.

"No Morgan, I'm not. I have a life and a career down there Morgan, and I have to go back."

"But..."I tried. She kissed me long and hard.

When we finally broke free, and she had gotten her breath back, she said "Tomorrow, you are going to take me back to the station. Then, I will take a shuttle back to Lave, find your father, and tell him how proud he should be of his son. And you, are going to head out there." She motioned her head toward the space we could see beyond the windows.

"And, you are going to BE CAREFUL!" She said, and emphasized by pounding on my chest... hard. "And make your father and I both proud!

I was feelin' a little choked up at this point. But Terra soon took my mind off of it. I guess you could say, we christened the ship that night. We started by christening the command couch, then the bed in the Captains quarters. Then the hallway, and then the cargo bay. After a while, we even switched off the grav-plates and ... Well, you get the idea...

If I had known then, what I know now... If I could have foreseen the things I was about to see and experience, I might have gone right back down to that planet with Terra and lived a different life...

Then again... maybe I wouldn't.

You see, what happened next was...
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Sorry gang, may be more bonehead mistakes than normal in that last one... In a hurry to get it posted before I have to run off to work. Hope you enjoy though!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by mossfoot »

I like how you got your new ship, may she serve you well :D
Pilot: Mossfoot - Ship ID: Viaticus Rex (Cobra MKII)
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Bangbangduck »

LOL an intermission. You tease you! :lol:

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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Zireael wrote:
Haha ha ha, the plot backfired on the Major!
Or did it...? Dum Dum Dum! };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Bangbangduck wrote:
Nice one :D

I thank you! <bows> };]
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

mossfoot wrote:
I like how you got your new ship, may she serve you well :D
Thank you Mossfoot. After all, it only took 11 CHAPTERS! to get his butt on it! };]

Now I get to actually start playing a little again to find out what happens next!
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Bangbangduck wrote:
LOL an intermission. You tease you! :lol:

:lol: };] Maybe for a bit... I need to model some ship interiors, and that's going to be a major PITA. But I might get another chapter out before I do that... Unfortunately, my next day off is going to be busy as well. There just ain't enough hours in the day!
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Chapter 12

Post by Paradox »

The next morning... Err... The next day, I took Terra back to the station. My throat was tight and both our eyes a bit welly when she finally walked away, but she was right. She had things to do.

And so did I.

Besides, I was gonna come back before too long... Wasn't I?

I wandered back to the bridge, and plopped into my spot on the command couch. I watched a few ships come and go through the dock, wondering what to do next.

"I wonder what I should do next?"

"Were you addressing me Commander Black?" Came the voice of the ship.

"Wha...! Oh hello, ship, I keep forgetting about you! Hey! You and me do need to have us a little pow wow, come to think about it!"

"A "pow wow" Commander Black?" She was silent for a moment. "Understood, "pow wow" A meeting, gathering, or discussion, to talk. What do you wish to "pow wow" about Commander Black?"

"Okay, first off, this whole Commander Black thing."

"I do not understand Commander Bl...""

"Nope, I don't like it, not one bit. Commander this, and Commander that... It just sounds all highfalutin to me, and pa always told me not to go around puttin' on airs."

"Would you prefer the designation "Captain Black"? Asked the ship.

"Well, I do like Captain a lot better than Commander, but can't you just call me Morgan like the rest of my friends do?"

"Ship protocol dictates, that crew should always address the Commander or Captain by their title."

"It does hunh? Well, how about we compromise. Can you call me Captain Morgan when there's other crew or people aboard, and maybe just Captain when it just you and I?"

There was a moments pause, as though the ship were considering it.

"Affirmative Captain." The ship said, sounding almost satisfied. "I have also changed your registration ID to reflect the change."

"Hunh what?"

I have changed your pilots licence and ships registration to read "Captain Morgan", rather than Commander Black.

"Oh, okay. Thank you ship... Dagnabit! Now what do I call you? What is your name?

"I can be accessed by addressing "computer" or "ship" if you prefer Captain."

"No no no... Don't you have an actual name?"

There was a pause.

"I am listed on the ships manifest as 1. ARtificial Intelligence Algorithm - Acronym ARIA"

"Aria... Now that there is right pretty! It's a type of music ain't it?"

"Correct Captain. 1. An air or melody. 2. An elaborate melody sung solo with accompaniment, as in an opera or oratorio."

"Ya, that's what I said. It's a kind of pretty music. I like that, what about you?"

"I do not understand Captain...?"

"Do you like the name Aria?"

There was another pause.

"I... Yes Captain, that would be acceptable."

"Well now, that's just fine! And you know what Aria? Since we're gonna be out in space, flyin' from star to star, we could call the ship Aria To The Stars! What do you think of that?"

"That would also be acceptable Captain." Said Aria, actually sounding a bit pleased. "I have updated all records to reflect the changes Captain."

"Okay Aria, thank you! I sure am glad we got all that straightened out."

"Now, I can concentrate on trying to figure out what exactly to do next."

"May I offer some suggestions Captain?"

"Why, you bet Aria! I need all the help I can get!"

A large Vidscreen lowered from the ceiling of the bridge. The screen showed a list of items that the station was selling and buying and how much of it they currently had.

"Hunh! I didn't know that was there! As a matter of fact, there is still a lot I don't know about you Aria. But we will get to all that later. Go ahead and tell me what you are thinking."

"Captain, Lave is a rich agricultural world, your best investment here would be in furs, and perhaps textiles. Zaonce is an average industrial planet, and while not ideal, offers the nearest planet where you might make a profit on your investment."

"Umm.. okay, so your saying buy furs or some textiles, and then sell them at that Zaonce place."

"Affirmative Captain."

"Well okay Aria... Umm, what about passengers or somethin'?"

"I have checked the Passenger, Parcel, and Cargo contracts Captain, but there is nothing currently available here."

"Oh, Well I guess we go with the furs and that other stuff. What do I do Aria?"

"I am ordering the cargo now Captain. One moment."

I watched the vidscreen and saw one ton of furs appear on my side of the list, then three tons of textiles appeared as well.

"Cargo has been purchased Captain. It will be delivered and loaded in just a few minutes."

"Okay Aria, thanks!" I got up and walked through the halls, back to the cargo bay.

Just as I arrived, the warning siren sounded, and the huge cargo bay doors swung open. Four cargo-drones arrived, each carrying a largo cargo container. Warning lights began to flash, and a new siren sounded, as the massive loading arms unfolded from the ceiling, and took the cargo pods from the drones. They then arranged the pods in the bay, and retracted. The cargo bay doors were already closing as well.

Wow, that was fast. The four large cargo containers didn't look like much compared with all the empty space in the cargo hold. But I figured that would change soon enough. I retraced my steps back to the bridge.

I sat in my spot, and took a deep breath. I looked at the vidscreen and saw a new display. A star chart. There was Lave in the center, and to the right and down a bit, was Zaonce with a red x on it.

This was it! "Aria, is everything ready to go?"

"Affirmative Captain, cargo is securely stowed, and the jump to Zoance has been plotted. Would you like me to contact the station and request permission to launch?"

"Umm.. No Aria, I think I will do it this time..."

I pushed the comm. button and said. "Lave station, this here is Captain Morgan and Aria, aboard the D.T.T. Snake Charmer: Aria To The Stars, requesting permission to launch."

"Roger that Captain Morgan. You are cleared to launch, You have a 5 minute window. Good luck and safe trip Captain."

"Thank you Lave station, see you soon... I hope."

I placed my palm on the glowing green pad, and felt the vibration of the engines start up. I fastened my seat-belt, and then activated the grav-plates. My stomach squirmed a bit, but I was getting used to it. I grinned at the now familiar tingle. I pushed up on the controls and felt the ship rise.

"Now a little bit of gas..."

We were off.

After clearing the docking bay, I immediately turned to port, to get out of the docking lane, and set the engines to full speed ahead!

"So far so good!" I reversed the grav-plates, and unhooked my seat-belt. "Okay Aria, here we go!"

I hit the button to engage the witchspace drive, and Aria began the countdown.

Suddenly, space seemed to turn inside out.

Just when I felt like I might throw up, everything returned to normal.

Except for that flashing red light...

"Captain. There is a problem. I am registering a fuel leak from the main line."

I saw a yellow bar on the vidscreen marked fuel, rapidly disappearing.

"Is that bad Aria? Can we fix it?"

"No Captain, we can not. However, they should be able to repair it at the station."

"Oh.. well ok, let's get to the station then."

I pointed the nose of the ship toward the greenish purple planet ahead of me. Since there were no other ships around, I hit the button for the torus drive that Terra had shown me.

We were really moving now! After a bit, I saw something to the starboard. A group of objects that were showing up as white blips on the scanner. I turned off the torus drive, and slowed to about half speed.

"What are those Aria?" I asked apprehensively.

"Asteroids Captain."

"Whats up with that big one?" I asked.

"That appears to be a rock hermit Captain. If so, it might be a good idea to dock there, and check his prices."

"Oh okay..." I pointed the nose of the ship toward the asteroids docking bay, the targeting computer identified it as Eccleborne's Solace. Strange name for a rock!

I managed to dock without any drama, and once the engines were shutdown, Aria brought up the current prices on the screen.

"They are offering better prices for the textiles here, than you would get at the station Captain. However, You should keep the furs for now."

"Okay Aria, lets sell the textiles."

Profit, 3.6 credits.. I now had 30.8 credits total, and 1 ton of furs. After the textiles were unloaded, Aria suggested we buy a kilogram of gold, as it looked like the station might pay better for that too. Once we were loaded, I launched back into space.

I could see the Zaonce station already, so I pointed my nose at it and punched the torus drive.

"I am sorry, but we are mass locked Captain." Aria informed me.

"Hunh? oh, another ship nearby..?" Then I saw it on the scanner, a yellow blip moving slowly through the white ones.

I was worried about that other ship, so I pushed the engines up to max, and headed for the station. If he was a pirate, I was in trouble. I watched the yellow blip closely, but thankfully, he went on his merry way. Once he was off my screen, I hit the torus drive, and zoomed toward the station.

We reached the "safe" area around the station, and I let out the breath that I had been holding the entire time.

It was a busy place.

We waited for a huge Python, and then a small transport, to make their way into the dock. Then another ship launched.

"Hey look at that Aria! It says it's a D.T.T Kraken! "Olympic or Superior"... The same company that made you! Kind of an odd name though, but that shore is a pretty ship. Although, I think you're prettier!"

"I... Thank you Captain."

We were finally cleared to dock, and I managed it without any major scrapes.
Last edited by Paradox on Sun Jul 20, 2014 5:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Bangbangduck »

Woohoo! So it begins!

'Captian Morgan'. A bit of a rum cove I bet :lol:

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Location: Aboard the D.T.T Snake Charmer: My Xanadu

Re: "The Adventures of Captain Morgan" Or "Damn That Mossfoo

Post by Paradox »

Bangbangduck wrote:
Woohoo! So it begins!
Yes, 12 chapters to finally get to this point, and now that I am here, I am a bit disappointed with the result. That last chapter cleaned up most all the loose threads. But I found that my "Tales from the Lanes" type stories aren't going to be very good... I was writing it, and even I was bored by that last half. It looks like I do better with people interaction. (which is odd, as I am the opposite in RL.) So, I need to re-think my approach, and perhaps keep following in Master Mossfoots err... footsteps so to speak, and start hanging out in the space stations. Then use my "space travels" as more of a transition effect? We'll see...
Bangbangduck wrote:
'Captain Morgan'. A bit of a rum cove I bet :lol:

Indeed ( I had to googlefu that phrase!};])! Though actually, Morgan Black is a name I have often used for everything from DnD characters back in the 80s, to my pirate persona in The Society for Creative Anachronism, long ago.

Thanks for reading BBD!
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