Swiftfire OXP

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Swiftfire OXP

Post by daveangel »

Please find the Swift-fire for your perusal.

"She's 60 meters and all Engine"
Capt. D Angel, Swift-fire "The Dawn of September" test pilot

The Swift-fire light frigate is designed to deliver dogfighting superiority against highly manoeuvrable adversaries. Utilising unique rotating engine nacelles to provide vectored thrust the craft matches or exceeds the turn rate and speed of smaller fighters to bring about an advantage in an engagement.

Several specialist construction and design techniques have been applied to the Swift-fire to cope with the extreme forces that high dexterity manoeuvres cause.

Firstly, because of the stresses on joins, normal fixings would disintegrate under load, the swift-fire was constructed with specialised nanobots that formed the hull and superstructure molecule by molecule so that there are no imperfections, faults or welds in the smooth structure. This construction, although incredibly strong does put a premium on repairs.

Secondly, to minimise the increased g-forces on the crew, despite gravity dampers, the living quarters, cockpit and other accessible areas are kept as close to centre of gravity as possible where the effects of centrifugal forces are minimised. This has a knock on effect, combined with the oversized engines of very cargo space is severely.

Engine nacelles are held in place and rotated with extremely strong electro magnetic couplers to maximise column response and force is delivered against a reinforced buttress over 1.2 meters thick behind the cockpit.

Any spare space has been given over to weaponry and defensive systems. Having a size advantage on its common adversaries (such as the Falcon de-lacy Asp II) this is utilised to house large energy banks. All tertiary onboard equipment is held within the outrigger wings.


OXP is in a playable beta state, still to do

Add AI ships
Adjust engine contrails to match nacelle rotation
Additional colour ships
Stats balancing - is this ship too uber?
Special Engine Functions

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Re: Swiftfire OXP

Post by Stormrider »

You've got some case-sensitivity issues, the linux/unix OS require dat file references and material list references in the shipdata.plist to match the case of named png files, so if the dat refers to swiftfire_nose.png linux will not load a texture named Swiftfire_nose.png and make the log complain about

Code: Select all

18:47:40.913 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "swiftfire_cockpit.png".
18:47:40.956 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "swiftfire_nose.png".
18:47:40.999 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "swiftfire_top.png".
18:47:41.048 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
18:47:41.093 [files.notFound]: ----- WARNING: Could not find texture file "default".
Your scripts folder should be named Scripts and if you are going to use shaders you will need to create a Shaders folder and put your vertex and fragment files in there. I suggest you take a look at Shipbuilder's awesome shader tutorial here

The textures that were applied look great and I really like the rotating engine concept, very cool ship. :D 8)
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Re: Swiftfire OXP

Post by ClymAngus »

Stormrider wrote:

The textures that were applied look great and I really like the rotating engine concept, very cool ship. :D 8)

Seconded! That, will be code I will be eyeballing!
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Re: Swiftfire OXP

Post by daveangel »

Thanks guys, i'll have a look.


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