(NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp

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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.25.oxp

Post by Norby »

Digital86 wrote:
It is possible to make to be accelerated and be slowed down smoothly?
Otherwise it is possible to break a neck :D
[EliteWiki] Q-Charger v1.25 provide smooth speed levels when throttle is between 95% and 100%.
Still accelerate in very short time (but not instantly) so you should use headboard. ;)
NumericHUD v3.18 show these intermediate speeds correctly.
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp

Post by QCS »


I finally found the Q-Charger OXP Thread. I need to "log" an issue/incompatibility with this otherwise great extension, and the Escort Contracts OXP.

Following a quote from: http://bb.aegidian.org/viewtopic.php?f= ... 80#p233545
Without the Q-Charger, the synching of the Jump engines works flawlessly. Now that I bought the Q-Charger, the "escort mother" always makes regular jumping movements and does not sync my Jump engines (so it "hops" like a rabbit out of the jump engine sync range and then "waits" at max speed until I close up, then it restarts "hopping" away again, rinse and repeat...). In the mean time, I can control my own speed and even trigger my jump engines on and off to try to keep within the jump engine sync range. Nothing fatal happens but this is at least a bit cumbersome.
Would be great if you, or the author of the Escort Contracts OXP, or both, would look into this :)

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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp

Post by Wildeblood »

QCS wrote:
Would be great if you, or the author of the Escort Contracts OXP, or both, would look into this :)
There might be a little problem there. :D

QCS, have you tried Thargoid's Military Fuel Injectors as an alternative to Q-Charger?
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Re: (NEW RELEASE) Q-Chargerv1.2.oxp

Post by QCS »

Wildeblood wrote:
QCS, have you tried Thargoid's Military Fuel Injectors as an alternative to Q-Charger?
Sure, those I already have a little longer than the Q-Charger. No problem there (because it is only manually triggered).

The Q-Charger has the positive effect that it simply "works" without key pressing actions. And at the moment, to not be annoyed, I have to switch off Q-Charger (via Equipment priming) while escorting and in case of combat-hungry traders I have to switch it back on and not forget it... No, the Military Fuel Injectors are not a real alternative... :x
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