Wham. Press Space Commander
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Moderators: winston, another_commander
Gimme a joystick any day.. whoever put the fire button next to the throttle on the keyboard should be made to spacewalk without a suit.Zireael wrote:Thefirstsecond thing she did was ... on approach to Zaonce Iso... shoot at the station - her fingers slipped -
1. Learn to lock down your weapons when not needed.Diziet Sma wrote:Gimme a joystick any day.. whoever put the fire button next to the throttle on the keyboard should be made to spacewalk without a suit.Zireael wrote:Thefirstsecond thing she did was ... on approach to Zaonce Iso... shoot at the station - her fingers slipped -
how true......here is one from me:Diziet Sma wrote:<chuckles>
Aye.. that's one I'm sure we can all relate to..
A [wiki]SafetyCatch[/wiki] is handy to prevent this.iperich wrote:my accidentaly fired quirium bomb exploded
I really wish I'd read this thread before installing that OXP... just made the same discovery, annoyingly at the end of a VERY profitable flight that took in two wormholes so there was no way I could repeat it.StarTrader wrote:Hey, this is a great thread.![]()
Couldnt sleep the other night so read these stories instead, thought I'd add my tale of woe.
I'd taken on my first Galactic Navy mission from the OXP of the same name, and after several attempts, eventually destroyed the pirate base and eliminated all the pirates, with a couple of comrades remaining alive after the battle. I'd racked up an impressive number of kills not to mention bounties. However I'd used up all my fuel so was on the long slog back to the planet for a refuel.
a couple of Km front of me, hanging there in space was a jellyfish. Strange place I thought for a jelly fish to be. Then I remembered some OXP I'd installed called 'space jelly' or somesuch.. I wonder what happens if I shoot it, I thought....
I doubt the Galactic Navy mourned my loss!