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Complete newb with some questions

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Complete newb with some questions

Post by Svampen »

Hello all!

I just found oolite while googling for spacesim/space trading games. I've never played any of the Elite games.

Come to think of it the only spacesim i've ever played is Freelancer.. :roll:
Really enjoyed it though! :)

Anyway got some questions.

Which OXPs would you recommend for a complete newb such as myself?
I'm all in for better looks, new HUDs and stuff but also OXPs that make the learning curve less steep. If there is any.
I realize this has probably been asked a bunch of times but i would like an up to date answer.

I read that some play with a xbox360 controller.. Since i have a wired one i would like to do so myself.
I'm guessing i can't just plug and play so do i have to use an external app like Xpadder or is there a better way?

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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Disembodied »

Hi Svampen, welcome to the boards! 8 out of 10 cats say it's the friendliest place this side of Riedquat ...

OXP recommendations are tricky: much depends on how powerful your computer is, and especially on how you want your game to look, feel, and play. The first thing to make sure of, though, is that you're running the latest release version of the game:

As for OXPs: it's best to start off with a few and see what you like - see what makes your universe suit you better - and experiment. My personal recommendations for non-game-changing OXPs to start with would be

Random Ship Names - gives NPC ships unique names, visible when you scan them;
Background Set (you'll need Cabal Common Library too) - makes the whole game generally more beautiful)
and for sheer joy either Griff's core ships (if you've got a reasonably powerful system) or the Griff's No Shaders shipset if you are on an older or smaller computer.

Then there are OXPs which change the game mechanics - some more subtly than others:

Escort Formations makes only a small change to the mechanics, but it can be crucial; and it makes the game feel a lot more alive, I think.

UPS Courier adds some lower-level missions from time to time.

Things like New Cargoes makes trading a lot more interesting, and adds a big new dimension to the game - but there's potential for large profits and large losses, as well as making mistakes with permits and ending up with a criminal record by accident if you don't keep a close eye on what you're doing. It's a great addition to the game, I think, but maybe best left until you've got a bit of cash, and experience, built up.

As a beginner, you might find Thargoid's Neo-docklights OXP a useful aid to smooth docking.

As for making the general learning curve less steep, I can recommend the wise words of Mr Gimlet ... he does go on a bit, but there's some sound advice in there!
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Cody »

Welcome aboard - what Disembodied said, with emphasis on the Random Ship Names OXP.
When you come up against a ship named something like Sander's Obsidian Jungle of the Libertine or It Takes Two to Tango II, you just gotta smile!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Diziet Sma »

Disembodied's suggestions are good... other than some eye-candy, go easy on the OXPs until you get a feel for the basic game.

Re the controller, so far as I recall, it will work out of the box with Oolite, but Xpadder is a very nice bit of software, if you have it. I've mostly moved away from Windows these days, but I was very impressed with Xpadder.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Norby »

There are favorite OXP lists from a few players in the wiki, where you can check my recommended OXPs also, but you should use the "Starter kit" only and ignore the other parts of my list until you get some practice with the original game.

Many OXPs are difficult or complicated due to this game is existing long time ago and players gathered lots of experience, but you can build your way step by step from Lave to the OXP missions in the 8. galaxy. ;)
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by SARR »

hi, here some eye candies (you need a better computer for playing them properly):

famous planets + povray planets
additional planets + extra stations
distant sun

these oxp really enhance the feel of the game.....

then there are a lot of oxp which give some objects (container, stations, asteroids, ships.....) a better texture......mayby you want to try them too....if your computer can handle them....and of course there are a lot of ships (shipsets) for download....

and finally there are oxp which enrich the enviroment with stations, space bars, asteroid fields etc.....good for the feel of the game too.....

sorry I didn´t have the time to post links to the wiki....

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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Svampen »

Thanks ppl!

I am now slowly but surely turning a profit trading...
I've been avoiding combat so far though.. :p
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Stormrider »

I believe it is still a test version, but, the ship's library oxp has alot of good info that is accessible in-game more info on that here. The rock hermit locator is a handy tool to help find asteriod dwellers who have better deals on some commodities.
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Hans Olo »

Test version or not, ship's library is a great little OXP; basically an in-game manual. Personally I also quite like the Navy OXPs. To have an actual navy is pretty cool, as is having fleet vs fleet battles against the Thargoids.
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Cody »

I'd recommend adding Extracts from the Tre Clan Addresses on Interplanetary Life to your ship's library - a good read, is that!
I would advise stilts for the quagmires, and camels for the snowy hills
And any survivors, their debts I will certainly pay. There's always a way!
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Norby »

To read Extracts you should install Ships Library and Library Extracts.

For trading I propose [wiki]MarketObserver[/wiki] and [EliteWiki] Display reputation OXPs.
But you should not install extra stations for a while if you want original rules.
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by spud42 »

Hi, another recent noobie here although i did play Frontier a LOT back in the day but never played Elite.
any way this is a list of what i have installed and i am loving this game, so a BIG thank you to all involved in Oolite and the relevant OXP's......

Additional Planets
Cabal Common Library
Delightful Docking
Famous Planets
Griff Shipset Replace v1.34
Griff Shipset Resources v1.2.25
Griff Station Bundle
OXP config
Random ship names
Sensible Sun
System features Rings
System features Sunspots
Your Add Here

mostly if not all "eye candy" . . . .
what i mostly need is a guide to what extras to buy for my cobra MkIII..... i wasted 2000Cr on port and Starbord beam lasers.... i thought they pointed forward and gave me extra firepower but alas they fire port and starboard..and i cant use them if i either side view mucks up the controls . i thought i had a bug when i couldnt roll around to see a station only to realise after a bit of swearing that i was in port view not forward... noob....

i am getting better.. i can dock at full speed now and have spent a lot on shields, military lasers and extra power etc....and i am up 40,000 Cr..... what ship to buy next????? still lots of trading and exploring to go ..... getting sick of Isinor and Ensoreus with the odd side trip to spice it up....
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Diziet Sma »

spud42 wrote:
i am getting better.. i can dock at full speed now and have spent a lot on shields, military lasers and extra power etc....and i am up 40,000 Cr..... what ship to buy next????? still lots of trading and exploring to go ..... getting sick of Isinor and Ensoreus with the odd side trip to spice it up....
Time to start thinking about your career track.. there are lots of choices to make, and to some extent they will influence your ship preferences.

Do you want to continue as a Trader? Is ordinary trade, and milk runs in particular, getting boring? There are OXPs that can spice things up, or even change things radically, like New Cargoes. Perhaps specialising in certain cargoes is in order. Cody found the life of a contrabandista to be full of excitement and challenge, before moving on to the even more challenging role of Courier (a new career-track currently only in Trunk). At the other end of the scale, Ranthe has discovered that the life of an Anaconda Jockey can be both challenging and rewarding.

Is the Pirate life for you? You could make this as difficult or as "easy" as you like. Commander McLane is famed for his abilities as a highly skilled Clean Pirate.

Miner used to suck as a career, but various OXPs have improved things to the point it's a valid choice for a player now. Not the most exciting of trades, but some folks like it that way.

How about becoming a Pirate Hunter? It will hone your combat skills razor-sharp, and the honest folk plying the lanes will thank you. And there's no shortage of work!

Professional Escort is an interesting job. Install Escort Contracts and you will spend your life going to "interesting" places, meeting dangerous people, and killing them. It often ties in nicely as a sideline for the next career in the list, which is:

Bounty Hunter. Life as a contract killer is seldom boring, and frequently more exciting than is good for your heart rate. Random Hits is a simply brilliant bounty hunter's OXP.

Professional Assassin. Assassins Guild and Victim 11 OXPs are the way to go here. One step up from bounty hunting, or at least some say so..

The Cobra MkIII is a capable ship in all these roles, but plenty of people prefer to choose a ship more fine-tuned to their career choice. For my own primary career choice, bounty hunter, you can read about my preferred ship in this thread.
Most games have some sort of paddling-pool-and-water-wings beginning to ease you in: Oolite takes the rather more Darwinian approach of heaving you straight into the ocean, often with a brick or two in your pockets for luck. ~ Disembodied
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by Disembodied »

And to make combat more challenging, try Cim's Skilled NPCs OXP. But be prepared to bring your A-game to the fight! :twisted:
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Re: Complete newb with some questions

Post by spud42 »

sorry to OP to derail his thread

want to stay with trading but more as a means to fund exploration.
There doesent seem to be an inbetween ship in the vanilla game, ths cobra with cargo extension is 35t next step up seems to be 100t or bigger and slooowwww.....lo. need a ship that is around 60 to 70t. enough for more cargo and a couple of passenger cabins....

might just have to explore my own oxp for it...... unless its already been done?

any way i think its time for a few parcel deliveries that should get me exploring a bit......

i remember in Frontier i got a large map in the box... i had it laminated and hung on the wall....stuck a pin in every star i visited..
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