Moderators: winston, another_commander
Looks good!
I have been trying to catch up a little as I missed some posts when the thread took off again.
Is that old gold you're using, Gimi? A thought: if you're gonna use a planet/sun/starburst, it may look better against black.
Nope, it's just an orangy yellow that comes up as standard in PowerPointCody wrote:Is that old gold you're using, Gimi? A thought: if you're gonna use a planet/sun/starburst, it may look better against black.
The Omega sign would be the sign for the HIMSN Intelligence Service me thinks.cim wrote:Regarding the logo, the Constrictor in many of the shipsets (including those shipped with Oolite) has an Ω symbol on it. What that might represent and why it's on the paintwork... something that may or may not be answered in this OXP, I suppose.
This idea intrigues me - which planet textures are you thinking of using? What type of planet - rocky or gas-giant?Pleb wrote:There's also the random chance of encountering rogue planets as well (I added a few entries into the planetinfo.plist file so they would spawn in different positions).
I was thinking last night about how the player would have 'first contact' with HIMSN (well strictly third contact) when they install this OXP. My ideas were not so much shipyard but battle aftermath . This could be at the witchpoint beacon of any given system, or after a scripted misjump in IS space, whichever is deemed more appropriate. The player would jump and unexpectedly emerge in the middle of a debris field with perhaps half an Asp (or similar) directly ahead and close enough to require the player to take mild evasive action to avoid it. The scanner would be filled wih 'white flags' and as the player looks around it becomes clear that this is ship debris. There would be at least one badly damaged Capital ship (the carrier?) present, a Hospital Ship and a SAR ship nearby which hails the player.Gimi wrote:At some point I would like to include a ship yard in HIMSN. The first indication the player would get that this class of ship exists would be a half finished hull in "dry dock" at that ship yard.
Gimi wrote:@Keeper, Smivs & Storm (if you are around)
So this is something I hope could be implemented in phase two of development (sans mission which would be stage three and under the direction of Cody)
<grins> Cheers, amigo! That could be a poison chalice!Gimi wrote:... sans mission which would be stage three and under the direction of Cody
<nods>Smivs wrote:In white it is quite imposing, but doesn't look remotely threatening, and I thought it would make a great Medical Ship! Also, there is some doubt that it really is suitable as a cruiser due to its size, but a Liner converted into a hospital ship makes a lot of sense. Yes, OK that would mean we also need a new cruiser as well, but...
For the moment they're just using the built in generated planets - they tend to look greyish white and green! But I'd like to use some rocky/gaseous planet textures if possible - was waiting to see if anyone thought they were a good idea or not first!Cody wrote:This idea intrigues me - which planet textures are you thinking of using? What type of planet - rocky or gas-giant?
Certainly a dramatic intro, Smivs - sounds like a plan that can be developed. I'll reserve my idea for a subsequent contact.Smivs wrote:I was thinking last night about how the player would have 'first contact' with HIMSN (well strictly third contact) when they install this OXP. My ideas were not so much shipyard but battle aftermath . This could be at the witchpoint beacon of any given system, or after a scripted misjump in IS space, whichever is deemed more appropriate. The player would jump and unexpectedly emerge in the middle of a debris field with perhaps half an Asp (or similar) directly ahead and close enough to require the player to take mild evasive action to avoid it. The scanner would be filled wih 'white flags' and as the player looks around it becomes clear that this is ship debris. There would be at least one badly damaged Capital ship (the carrier?) present, a Hospital Ship and a SAR ship nearby which hails the player. "You're a little late Commander...the battle is over and we got our Asses whipped! Make for the Main Station, and please look out for Escape Capsules!" At the main station, a more detailed mission screen could then start the player's involvement with the Navy.
I got a bunch of these after venturing into IG space:Pleb wrote:I've integrated the Galactic Misjump OXP into the HIMSN OXZ
Code: Select all
17:26:24.855 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Oolite Trader AI 1.79): TypeError: this.__ltcache.oolite_nearestStation is null
I'll fix the bug, but you probably want to be making sure that you override the interstellar space populator - and especially repopulator - functions when setting up intergalactic space or things might get a little strange.Cody wrote:I got a bunch of these after venturing into IG space:Pleb wrote:I've integrated the Galactic Misjump OXP into the HIMSN OXZCode: Select all
17:26:24.855 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Oolite Trader AI 1.79): TypeError: this.__ltcache.oolite_nearestStation is null
What OXPs are you running? I don't recognise theCody wrote:I got a bunch of these after venturing into IG space:Code: Select all
17:26:24.855 [script.javaScript.exception.unexpectedType]: ***** JavaScript exception (Oolite Trader AI 1.79): TypeError: this.__ltcache.oolite_nearestStation is null