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[Solved] Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

For discussion of ports to POSIX based systems, especially using GNUStep.

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[Solved] Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Krenn »

I've tried system-wide & home-directory installations, but I get the same error:

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Anyone know how to fix this?

Thanks in advance!
Last edited by Getafix on Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Cannot get version 1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Krenn »

Whenever I try to run, I get a message:
It seems that your operating system does not have a valid timezone name
configured and is using an abbreviation instead. By comparing timezone
file data it is has been possible to find the actual timezone used, but
doing that is a slow process.

You can avoid slowness of this time zone detecting approach
by setting the environment variable TZ='SystemV/CST6CDT'
Or You can override the timezone name by setting the 'Local Time Zone'
NSUserDefault via the 'defaults' command line utility, a Preferences
application, or some other utility.
eg "defaults write NSGlobalDomain 'Local Time Zone' 'SystemV/CST6CDT'"
Then the process hangs and does nothing. I've tried applying the defaults command suggested, but no go. Anyone know how to fix this?
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by another_commander »

I have combined the two posts that were waiting for approval into one topic and moved it to the area dedicated to Oolite for Linux discussions.

Hopefully a Linux guru will be with us soon to assist with the issue.
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by kanthoney »

The first one needs the SDL mixer package installed - on Debian/Ubuntu this is libsdl-mixer1.2. For the second one try running tzconfig as root. If that doesn't work, what's in the files /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime?
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Diziet Sma »

G'day Krenn, and welcome aboard!

Could you also tell us which distro & version of Linux you are running, please?
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Krenn »

kanthoney wrote:
The first one needs the SDL mixer package installed - on Debian/Ubuntu this is libsdl-mixer1.2. For the second one try running tzconfig as root. If that doesn't work, what's in the files /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime?
I was able to locate the missing files (there were a total of 4), and when I moved them to the /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu folder the error meesages went away. That's when I got the error in my second post. Running tz config as root didn't fix it. /etc/timezone says America/Rainy River. /etc/localtime is full of special characters I cannot interpret with gedit. Same thing happens with v1.76.1. When I download v1.75.3 from the Ubuntu software app, it runs fine but has no update function in it.

I'm running Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS.

Hello to Diziet Sma and thanks to you both!
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Diziet Sma »

Krenn wrote:
I was able to locate the missing files (there were a total of 4), and when I moved them to the /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu folder the error meesages went away.
Umm.. I really, really hope you meant to say "when I copied them".. if you did actually move them, please be sure to put a copy back where you found them in the original locations!
Krenn wrote:
Running tz config as root didn't fix it. /etc/timezone says America/Rainy River. /etc/localtime is full of special characters I cannot interpret with gedit. Same thing happens with v1.76.1. When I download v1.75.3 from the Ubuntu software app, it runs fine but has no update function in it.

I'm running Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS.
Ok.. at least you're not running something exotic then, like ArchLinux or Gentoo.. :D
(Oolite -especially with OXPs- on Arch is a whole 'nother ball of wax! :wink: )

The 'special characters' are because the /etc/localtime file is compiled into a special binary format.. so unfortunately it can't be edited with a standard text-editor.

Edit: try Kanthoney's fix below, first..

Let's try a trick I've 'borrowed' from my ArchLinux installation, and try an end-run around the problem.

We'll rename the existing /etc/localtime file to /etc/localtime.orig so that it can always be reverted to if necessary, then make a symbolic link (named localtime) to the master timezone file in /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Rainy_River

Enter or copy/paste the following lines, one at a time, into a terminal:

Code: Select all

cd /etc

sudo mv localtime localtime.orig

sudo ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/America/Rainy_River localtime
Try that, then re-run or re-install 1.77.1 (from the above, I'm not quite sure of which version you currently have installed), and let us know how you get on..
Last edited by Diziet Sma on Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by kanthoney »

Krenn wrote:
/etc/timezone says America/Rainy River
Try America/Rainy_River, with an underscore instead of a space.
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Diziet Sma »

Well spotted! I looked right at that, and missed it! :oops:
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Re: Cannot get v1.77.1 to run in Linux

Post by Krenn »

OK, I've been a bit busy so I haven't had time to work on this until tonight. I booted & started the game, and it appears to be working fine now. The last thing I did was run the process that Terminal said to use when I tried to run tzconfig, but I never rebooted after doing that. I gues that's what was needed...


Thanks again to you both for your help!

Oh, and when I said 'moved', I did mean 'copied' :D
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