Don't know if this has already been done, but here goes since I felt a need for it to work together with binary basic shippack I am doing. The scanline effect is more pronounced around the edges.
A lot of people still played Elite in the old days on television monitors, like me on my Commodore 64. I certainly would not like to go back to those days, but a little nostalgia is still welcome, so here goes. Please read the readme file since you will have to change some values in the file to adjust the oxp to your resolution which will be different than mine for sure.
If you already have a custom hud, you will need to copy over the code from this oxp to the hud.plist of the one you are using. Always make a backup before doing so in order to avoid unnecessary frustrations.
5 colors are available should you want a different effect: Red, Blue, Teal, Green and Amber which is default (first screenshot)
Nice nostalgic effect. (Although personally I appreciate the quality of my current screen over the small black and white TV set that I was using back then. Thus I won't use it.)
Could this be done for individual images?
For example, if a face or image were displayed on screen to display a target or coms message?
I know, that's not a feature of the game yet but maybe soon it could be. This might be a way of making a disembodied head (no offence 'Disembodied', if you're reading ...) look like a coms message and not just some strange oddity floating around in space... or to distinguish an image of a targeted ship from the ship itself...
It's still WIP, it was meant to work together with my "glowing ships" addon to the BBS shippack. It's meant to give a retro feel, and doesn't look bad IMHO, but hey, tastes differ right ?
Could this be done for individual images?
For example, if a face or image were displayed on screen to display a target or coms message?
I know, that's not a feature of the game yet but maybe soon it could be. This might be a way of making a disembodied head (no offence 'Disembodied', if you're reading ...) look like a coms message and not just some strange oddity floating around in space... or to distinguish an image of a targeted ship from the ship itself...
Did that make any sense?
Hm I guess you could use the effect in a part of the screen only, where the comms message should be displayed. Mind you this is a static effect. I was looking into making it kinda dynamic with a blurry effect moving from the top to the bottom of the screen or vice versa. But maybe that's a bit overkill. But guess it could be done with the effect as well since there are dynamic huds.
I'm a bit rusty in the javascript department, so maybe other people can answer that question with more certainty than I can. If you just want to add the effect to individual images, yes you can. just load the image below the effect and that should do it. GIMP could do that with layers: like so:
Hm I guess you could use the effect in a part of the screen only, where the comms message should be displayed. Mind you this is a static effect. I was looking into making it kinda dynamic with a blurry effect moving from the top to the bottom of the screen or vice versa. But maybe that's a bit overkill. But guess it could be done with the effect as well since there are dynamic huds.
I'm a bit rusty in the javascript department, so maybe other people can answer that question with more certainty than I can. If you just want to add the effect to individual images, yes you can. just load the image below the effect and that should do it. GIMP could do that with layers: like so:
Yep, that's what I was thinking of!
I don't think it would a major loss if it only existed as a static effect (maybe it would matter more if the image were animated but I'm running away with things a bit there ...)
Maybe one day we'll see it in game. Thanks for making that first step