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[RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.15

Discussion and information relevant to creating special missions, new ships, skins etc.

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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Norby »

Duggan wrote:
Thank you for version 1.0 , I am enjoying the improvements :)
Thank you for the feedback, this give me support to continue the work. :)

I am curious to know your settings, either in-flight or in telescope.js if you changed something.
I made the defaults based on my preferences, but I do not know what think others so I will thankful for more reply from Telescope users.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Duggan »

I am enjoying this OXP , Perhaps even more so as I was an original play tester of it, however the very broad circle that encompasses the target (presumably to emulate looking down a Telescope) is obscuring my view of other close by targets.

With this in mind, I write to ask if there is either a way to thin down this broad circle to say a simple green/ red line circle around the target or alternatively take it out of the OXP altogether?

Many thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Duggan »

Please ignore my last post :) I deleted the telescope ring DAT and seem to have solved my Big Ring issue.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Norby »

The missing .dat file is not the best way due to cause error messages into your Latest.log and sniper ring need the same .dat so you removed both functions.

You can turn off the ring either by set this.$TelescopeRing = false; in telescope.js or prime Telescope (Shift-N), press mode (b) 8 times to choose "Visual target" settings and press activate (n) 4 times to set Visual target: no ring.
But maybe enough if you reduce the size of the ring in the 9. mode named "Visual target size" and/or change the position in shiplib.js if misaligned with the view_position_forward parameter of your ship.

All in-flight settings documented in the wiki and saved into missionVariables so you must set these once only.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Duggan »

Thank you Norby,

I have done as you advised and get the following ;
[script.javaScript.exception.semiBeforeStmnt]: ***** JavaScript exception (telescope.js.anon-script): SyntaxError: missing ; before statement
20:44:03.151 [script.javaScript.exception.semiBeforeStmnt]: ../AddOns/Telescope_1.0.oxp/Scripts/telescope.js, line 2001: }à=´¼Þ
20:44:03.152 [script.javaScript.load.failed]: ***** Error loading JavaScript script ../AddOns/Telescope_1.0.oxp/Scripts/telescope.js -- compilation failed
20:44:03.152 [script.load.notFound]: ***** ERROR: Could not find script file telescope.js.
This is having no adverse effect on my game though, I just thought to let you know as the OXP Author :)
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.0

Post by Norby »

Duggan wrote:
20:44:03.151 [script.javaScript.exception.semiBeforeStmnt]: ../AddOns/Telescope_1.0.oxp/Scripts/telescope.js, line 2001: }à=´¼Þ
I think you used an unsafe editor like notepad which put extra characters in addition to the end of the .js file. The last 2001. line should contain a single } only and no more. You can remove the rest with notepad++ or wordpad or usually anything else than notepad.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.1

Post by Norby »

New v1.1 contain some improvements but mainly maded to reduce further the cheat level and aim more general usage.

- Telescope see targets in scanner range only (except beacons) - no cheat but get targeting with all other features. You must buy a separated Extender equipment if you want the 2-4x ranges to confirm your will.

- Gravity Scanner is very bulky from now: can fit into an Anaconda or larger (OXP) ships only to prevent general usage but help avoid pirates to the slow traders.

This will not remove anything from your ship what you bought before and you always can change the rules in your local Ooniverse, for example you can enable gravity scanner from 200t for Pythons. General rules should be acceptable by the strict players also due to less strict players will always found solutions to polish the rules and maybe some suggestions triggered by these changes will be added in the future.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by Norby »

New in v1.2:
* Gravity Scanner can fit into ships with at least 130t mass but restricted to use near stations only.
* Small Dish introduced with +1/3 range only, Large Dish need at least an Anaconda.
* Ship lightball minimal distance raised to 10km, cargo lightballs unchanged (1km).
* Lightball size of smallest ships (under 30t mass) reduced to tiny.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by Zireael »

Norby, could we get the ship list to be displayed as a comms log so that one can look back on it later instead of having it disappear? Alternately this could be displayed as a neat green infobox which I believe is called a MFD...
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by Norby »

Technically, yes. Replace "consoleMessage" to "commsMessage" in 1226.line in telescope.js. But this will spam your comms log sometimes so I do not want to put it into the release.

You always can check the list if you prime Telescope and press "b" two times until show "Step forward in the target list" then press "n" as many times as you want to display ship names. See other primable functions in the wiki.

MFD is a good idea, this feature simply was not exists when this part developed. Not so urgent until not in the stable release of Oolite so will be implemented someday in the future only.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by dertien »

Hi Norby, Love your mod !!!

quickly 2 questions:

I am working on a custom hud,

I would like to know if its possible to get the image of the ships that get shown in the ring on the top of the screen in front of the hud. Meaning that you see the ship hovering "over the hud" If I load up a hud now, the hud blocks the view to that ship, so I would like very much to know how that is done, or what parameter I have to change.

Secondly, I see that only the "stock" ships show up, not the ones that got replaced by packs, like Griffs, or mine for example, how could I do that?

Let me make you a quick screenie to show you what I mean !


You see that little cobra in the left bottom screen (just above the clock) ? The hud now is semi transparent, it should of course not stay like that and be fully opaque, but then the ship is hidden by the hud. I have been playing in the library with the values so that they show up smaller than normal. That is quite okay and works great.

Thanks for this great mod !!!
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by Norby »

dertien wrote:
Hi Norby, Love your mod !!!
Thank you. :)
dertien wrote:
the hud blocks the view to that ship
Make a hole on your HUD using more images around or a .png with transparent part (there are some in my [wiki]Detectors[/wiki] what I made with GIMP).

Then set your ship's view_position_* variables from shipdata.plist into shiplib.js and adjust until you see the ship model centered in the hole. Then set the VSize and VZoomSize variables in telescope.js to fill the hole.

Check on 4:3 (normal) and 16:9 (wide) screens also. I set my windowed mode to 4:3 and my fullscreen is 16:9 and tested with repeated F12 presses. There are a compensation in the code which surely need to be adjusted further due to can not handle positions out of the top center region.

In Oolite v1.79 view_position handled automatically which is bad for you due to skip the whole shiplib.js in the 266. line of telescope.js. You can comment it out and I can make a change in telescope to detect your HUD or you can include the relevant functions from my code into your HUD (in the last case the hole on your HUD will not be empty if Telescope OXP is not installed).
dertien wrote:
only the "stock" ships show up, not the ones that got replaced by packs, like Griffs, or mine for example, how could I do that?
Check the wiki: ships without shaders are easy: copy shipdata.plist to effectdata.plist or insert into if exists in your ship OXP.

However there are many ploblems with shaders, check my discussion with cim here.

I made what I can with Griff Prototype Boa in effectdata.plist of telescope which is a "better than nothing" workaround, but need a big work to do these changes through all griff ships three times: once with addition, second with replacement shipset and third with ship models in Oolite 1.79.

Then with all other shipsets, then with other 161 ship OXPs in [wiki]OXP_List[/wiki], then every time when a new ship is made. So you will not be bored for a long time if you start to do it.

Maybe you can finish earlier if you learn Object Oriented C and help to make the needed changes in the core. ;)
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.2

Post by dertien »

Norby wrote:
Make a hole on your HUD using more images around or a .png with transparent part.
Then set your ship's view_position_* variables from shipdata.plist into shiplib.js and adjust until you see the ship model centered in the hole. Then set the VSize and VZoomSize variables in telescope.js to fill the hole.

Ok, I'll try that and see how it looks :)

I assume you mean these variables in the telescope.js file?

this.$TelescopeVSize = 1; //size of the visual target with online weapons (between 0 and 10, default: 4)
this.$TelescopeVZoomSize = 1 //zoomed size of the visual target with offline weapons (between 0 and 10, default: 6)
Norby wrote:
Check on 4:3 (normal) and 16:9 (wide) screens also. I set my windowed mode to 4:3 and my fullscreen is 16:9 and tested with repeated F12 presses. There are a compensation in the code which surely need to be adjusted further due to can not handle positions out of the top center region.

Yes, I have tested with 2 different player ships already, works well the ship in the "targeting computer" doesn't seem to shift at all, even on different resolutions. More playtesting though to confirm that.
Norby wrote:
In Oolite v1.79 view_position handled automatically which is bad for you due to skip the whole shiplib.js in the 266. line of telescope.js. You can comment it out and I can make a change in telescope to detect your HUD or you can include the relevant functions from my code into your HUD (in the last case the hole on your HUD will not be empty if Telescope OXP is not installed).

Yes, I saw that line when I was cycling through your well commented code :) no worries there, thanks. I can load a specific image in the hud to overlay that part of the targeting computer when Telescope is not installed.
Norby wrote:
ships without shaders are easy:
That is exactly what I had in mind, just better looking models, but no shaders. Thanks for the info.
Norby wrote:
copy shipdata.plist to effectdata.plist or insert into if exists in your ship OXP.
That was exactly what I was looking for. Now I can load some different ships.
Norby wrote:
Then with all other shipsets, then with other 161 ship OXPs in [wiki]OXP_List[/wiki], then every time when a new ship is made. So you will not be bored for a long time if you start to do it.
I was only thinking about doing the stock ones in BBS core and BBS. I will put an effectdata.plist in there as an option for the players who would like that and are using my remakes.
(even a wireframe version of those ships would be very easy to do -they will not be loaded into the game as NPC's or playerships - no roles and no shipyard entries)
All the others will show up as they are.
Norby wrote:
Maybe you can finish earlier if you learn Object Oriented C and help to make the needed changes in the core. ;)
Hahahaha, yeah, as soon as my grandmum has decided she will take flying lessons, I am willing to take that challenge.

Thank you for all the useful info, will put that to good use.
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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.3

Post by Norby »

New in v1.3:
* Masslock borders: coloured circles around ships and planets.
* Planets are included into the target list.
* In Oolite 1.79 show visual target models of new ship graphics.
* Thinner ring around visual target, smaller sniper ring.

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Re: [RELEASE] Telescope OXP v1.4

Post by Norby »

[EliteWiki] Telescope v1.4 is compatible with [wiki]Planetary_Compass_OXP[/wiki], planets are lockable with "r" key and masslock borders got some polishments.
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