Hi, big apology if we've upset any one because of what's on the website. I am C.L., responsible for the Elite Chronicles.
I have emailed all the contacts I could find online for previous authors. You should have an email with your username and password. If not, please email me:
[email protected]. Once you logged in, click my book on the top right corner, and you can change/delete anything you want. If you prefer not to post your work on the site, I would be happy to delete them as well.
The site is not officially launched, we've just started to invite people to test it out. All these bugs will be fixed over the next coupld of days. If you have any concern, please email me, I will try my best to help out.
Yes, unfortunately, my english isn't great, and I agree the plan probably isn't great to try to create the best Elite:Dangerous fiction. Initially I was just tryting to get money to put into E:D, as I really want the game to be made.
Rest assured, the book isn't going to be proofread or editted by me, it will be done by Editorial Stand, a professional company. As I am doing it mostly by myself at the moment, I apologise in advance that most stuff will be addressed over time. Thanks for pointing out these bugs, and all feedback are more than welcomed.